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- This topic has 17 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 3 months ago by
November 21, 2018 at 5:40 pm #240133
ParticipantHello everyone,
I’m new here. I found an article written by tiny Buddha that led me here. This is the first time I’m writing on a forum so please be nice :-). So here’s my Issue. I met a guy online recently. When I say recently I mean 13 days ago! We immediately connected and exchanged numbers. Started with texting all day and that night talked on the phone the entire night!!! Over 12 hours!! Both of us were in disbelief in the morning, we laughed because we are both in our 30s and I’ve never been on the phone with someone that long. I felt like I’d known him for years and we were so comfortable with each other. My birthday was in a few days so he asked if he can take me out for my birthday that way we can meet. I was busy with my family the day of but we planned to meet the day after my birthday. We still continued to text/talk on the phone. One day before my birthday he barely texted me and didn’t call me, didn’t say goodnight, so I let it be. Maybe he’s busy he’s tired. The day of my birthday he texted me saying sorry I fell asleep last night and didn’t wish me a happy birthday. Barely texted me all day. As much as it shouldn’t matter because I recently met him online it effected my mood tremendously. So that night I decided to call him and asked what’s the matter why havnt you called or texted? His reply was he felt like he was “bothering me”. I asked him why would he feel that way when I havnt said anything. I assured him that’s not the case and that I like talking to him. I then reminded him that today’s my birthday. He goes oh I thought it was tomorrow, which I guess he got confused because we were meeting tomorrow. I told him I felt upset but it’s ok. So we made plans to meet the following day and like idiots talked all night on the phone again lol. We were meeting the next day so I’m not sure why we couldn’t wait haha.
We meet, things went well! He was super tired so he left earlier than we planned because he got much less sleep than I did and he also travelled to me. We also made plans to spend thanksgiving together. He invited me to stay over his place, since I was off work for a few days and I would be out of town for the weekend and he wouldn’t get to see me. Things were good and it seemed like we would be together or without even saying it we were together. I’m not sure but things were moving super fast but it just felt right. We talked about so many things. About what we want in the future. What we want from our career. What we want from our partner. Lots of things that couples don’t talk about till they get serious. I did let him know that I’m not looking to waste my time and I’m looking for something serious not casual dating and I do want to get married someday and have kids with the right person. He was on the same page. In fact he had invited me over to his place so we can spend even more time together.
Since we met things were good, we FaceTimed, texted and talked everyday. Sunday we decided we would go to my best friends house for thanksgiving dinner since she knew about him and he knew about her and I spoke about her and her daughter all the time. It would just be her, her husband and her daughter and us, nothing big. I asked only if he wants to and we talked about it and he agreed. He said he would pick me up on Tuesday night instead of Wednesday so I wouldn’t have to drive to make up for my birthday!
Fast forward to Monday this, I was rushing to finish all my work and things I had to do to prepare to spend time with him. I bought him a nice expensive bottle of red wine he likes because I was taught you never go to someone’s house for the first time empty handed. I had to get my nails done. I had to pack for his house and for my weekend trip out of town. I had to shop for things for my friends thanksgiving. I was scrambling to get things done all day Monday so I can be prepared for Tuesday after work for him to pick me up. We were talking all day Monday but at night he tells me he will need to work all day Wednesday. He can’t be off anymore. I asked him when did you find this out? He tells me earlier this morning. I asked why didn’t you just text me and let me know? He had no answer. He said it so non-chalantly. Then he says he will be working till 7-8pm. For the 13-14 days I’ve known him he’s never worked that late. Now a day before the holiday on a day you’re scheduled off, all of a sudden you have to work? I told him I need a minute and that I’ll call him back. I was so angry and didn’t want to have an outburst. I have anger issues I struggle with. I say things in the moment and regret them later. I’m trying to change myself because I don’t want it to cost me good people or good relationships because I have a good heart and I ruin things.
I calmed down and realized that I shouldn’t be so upset. I also realized that this relationship is moving way too fast. Things like this shouldn’t upset me this much this soon. So I called him back and he was sleeping it’s only 10pm. So I told him to go back to sleep. But I lost it completely and texted him that I’m not sure if this will work because I can’t talk to him when I need to and that I don’t like going to sleep with things on my mind. He’s done this before where he goes to sleep or doesn’t call and then says he doesn’t want to bug me. So I called him back and asked him if he can talk to me for 10 mins and we spoke I told him that I think we should slow things down and that I don’t think I should come over yet. I told him I’d like to see him a few more time before I stay over. He was upset and said that it’s not his fault he has to work. I said I understand and I’m not angry but you should have let me know as soon as you found out, just a text and we can talk in detail after. He said I’m being dramatic. I said But I would just like to slow things down. We said good night and hung up.
The next morning I felt awful and replayed everything. I texted him saying he was wrong about certain things and I was upset so I might have over reacted and I would still like to keep our plans. He said ok we will talk later. The rest of the day we texted normally.
He called me later that day which was yesterday and we talked normally. We laughed. We were speaking about something and he was like it’s like this and I was like no it’s like this and then he got a little loud with me. He said something that was very offensive. He’s always showing off about money. Which it doesn’t bother me much, it’s just how he is I cane to know by speaking to him. But he said he will believe someone who has a 6 million dollar mansion over me, just because they have the 6 million dollar mansion. I got quiet because it was very offensive. He said are going to talk. I didn’t say anything for literally 5 seconds and he hung up the phone. I thought it got cut off. So I called back and I said did it get cut off or did you hang up. He said I hung up you weren’t talking. I said “wtf? You are such a child” and he hung up on me again. I called back and he didn’t answer. I called again and he answered. He said he’s not going to get lectured by me and get yelled at. I said no one is lecturing you. Why would you hang up when you know I’m on the line? That’s not right, it’s rude. He’s like I’m sorry for hanging up. Then he’s like this won’t work. He said this is not working. He said we aren’t comparable. He said it’s too many problems already. You make me feel bad about things when I talk to you. I said what do I make you feel bad about? You hung up on me for no reason and you changed our plans. I’m just reacting to what your actions are. I did overreact yesterday and I apologized and you’re overreacting now. I told him to think about what he’s saying because if he leaves it’s done. I won’t go back and forth. He calmed down and he said it is moving too fast. He said it seems like we have been dating for years that I’m so invested. Then he got quiet and we both talked it out and he apologized and I apologized. He said he doesn’t feel comfortable coming to my friends thanksgiving. I said ok don’t if you don’t want to. It’s your choice. He then said he doesn’t think we should meet this week LOL. I was like why? You want a phone relationship? I said that’s the problem we talk on the phone for hours and don’t spend time in person. We need to spend time in person to get to know each other. He said he doesn’t want to. Then he goes on again and says he can’t do this. He said he’s not ready. He said it’s not you he’s not ready for this. He also said I remind him of his ex, she used to manipulate him. Wtf?!?!?! How did I manipulate this guy? He also tells me that he decided all this in the last 20 mins because before this he was very happy I changed my mind and that I was going to come stay with him. We left off with saying things are done. I checked my Instagram he deleted and blocked me. Was that necessary? That too immediately after 5 mins? What happened? I’m so confused. Did I do something wrong? What changed in a matter of 30 mins? Do you think he will contact me? Should I contact him? I’m so lost!!!!!
November 21, 2018 at 9:29 pm #240141NeedMeSomeBuddha
ParticipantI can’t help but blame myself, wondering if I ruined this. Should I not have reacted like that and simply agreed when he changed plans? I feel so miserable right now. Im not even sure if it’s him I miss or the fact that I don’t want to be alone anymore. I feel like I sabatoge every single relationship I’m in or anyone I speak to. I’m not sure what to do to change this or if this was even my fault.
November 22, 2018 at 4:27 am #240157Tristan
ParticipantHi there,
I am also new here looking for advice, I feel I won’t be able to offer the best. Reading through your posts though I did notice some similarities I can relate with so I will note them.
Like you, I also struggle with a quick tongue when emotional and have often said things I come to regret almost immediately. I also question far too much (What happened?, Did I do something wrong?, those kind of questions) and have been told by more than one ex that I am dramatic. I feel this boils down to low self-esteem and/or not really knowing who I am.
My ex partner displayed similar behavior to this guy, the difference being we were together for 18 months. We would text and call everyday, she was there, then suddenly she was not. She started to not answer or return my calls or texts and would have excuses every time. We would make plans and she would let me down every time (I was busy, I was asleep, too tired) without even so much as a text. I would say similar things like “Why would you not even text to let me know you can’t make our plans? It takes not even a minute…” She would hang up. Any excuse to, it seemed.
I decided to let go I am changing and don’t need behavior like that setting me back. It hurts and I am lost but that is why I am here to talk about things I am not so good at talking about in person. I told her when we met that I didn’t think I was ready and she pursued it anyway, I was too fearful of being alone to resist. Don’t make that same mistake. Get right with being alone somehow that is what I’m trying to figure out.
November 23, 2018 at 8:26 am #244865Anonymous
GuestDear NeedMeSomeBuddha:
You wrote: “I have anger issues I struggle with. I say things in the moment and regret them later. I’m trying to change myself because I don’t want it to cost me good people or good relationships”- excellent insight, excellent resolution, I hope you continue.
Unfortunately what you described here is not one of those “good people or good relationships” situation, and so, I don’t think you ruined anything good. What happened was a beginning, a middle and an ending of a relationship all mixed up in a pressure cooker and exploding.
Reads that he lied to you (so he is not “good people”). If he really had to work, he should have notified you ASAP (so h e is .. not “good people”), he is rude and childish, which wouldn’t have allowed for “a good relationship”-
and so you didn’t ruin anything good, you were at the most one of two people bringing about an ending of a bad relationship quickly enough so to limit the damage a longer bad relationship would have brought about.
November 23, 2018 at 10:27 am #246265NeedMeSomeBuddha
ParticipantHi Tristan,
Thank you for your reply. I’ve been single for over 2 years. I dated here and there but nothing serious. Every single relationship has ended horribly. Every time I ask the same questions. I think I agree, some things come from my insecurities and low self esteem. However people perceive me to be a very confident person because of how I present my self. I’m very out going and a leader, even at work. I feel like I shut off and assume the other person took an action because they don’t like something about me and I do or say something to sabatoge the relationship unconsciously before I get hurt. That’s the only reason I’m questioning if I should even contact him because I feel like I pushed him away.
November 23, 2018 at 10:55 am #246647NeedMeSomeBuddha
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for your reply. I do plan to better myself and work on my issues. God knows it’s a struggle.
I know you can only go based on what I’ve told you, but I’ve also left out little details or else I would have written a novel. When he was telling me it won’t work he mentioned that every time his phone buzzed I asked him who it was or if it’s a girl, I assume that bothered him since brought it up. But I thought it was a joke between us! Because his phone buzzed at 3am once and I asked who is texting you this late, I felt it’s a valid question because at that point we’d talked about how we wanted a serious relationship and how we both weren’t speaking to anyone else moreover he has informed me that he deleted his dating app that we met on because he found me. He said he was just plugging in his charger. So it sort of became a joke, so we would every so often ask each other that when we heard the phone beeped as a joke or atleast I thought was a joke. To be honest the only reason I’m questioning contacting him is because he accepted one of my insecurities that he didn’t even know I have. I’ve gained some weight since my last break up. He’s a very fit guy and I didn’t think he would like me but after we met he told me he found me very attractive and he wants me to stay the way I am and don’t worry about losing weight and all or stress about it. It was so refreshing to hear that when all the men I’ve recently talked to have told me things like “you would look hotter if you lost a few pounds” (yes a jerk actually said that to me). I’ve been insecure about my weight since I was in high school. I lost a lot of weight, so gaining some back has been devastating for me. I liked that he didn’t seem to care and told me I’m beautiful. We also have similar life views and life styles. What we want in the future, the end goals, how we would eventually want to raise a family. We had a lot of good things going. Chemistry was there, I’m very much attracted to him as well, and as you already know we can talk for hours and not run out of things to say. I just feel if I reacted differently when he told me let’s move plans from Tuesday to Wednesday it would be different. I unconsciously assume that he didn’t like me and is trying to cut ties and I put up a wall and don’t want to get hurt, that’s why I told him let’s take things slow. Which he said why? And was confused that I decided not to come over and called me dramatic. But it was me just trying not to get hurt again. He had mentioned the day before, wow that’s a lot of days we are spending together, you will get bored of me. So maybe that scared him? I also feel like I shouldn’t have invited him to my friends thanksgiving, although I left the choice to him I think he liked me and felt pressured into saying yes. When he was “breaking up” with me (at least that’s what it felt like) he said it’s too much pressure and I feel like we’ve been dating for years. I think everything on top of our like phone arguement just made him snap and question everything. Although I do agree that he could have taken a moment to think about stuff and not made a hasty decision but that would be the pot calling the kettle black. Deleting me off Instagram was childish, especially if it’s not your real account, he just posts pictures of things none of himself but why block me? I know it seems as if I’m defending him, perhaps I am, but I can’t figure out if I want to contact him because he truly hit a cord in my heart or because I’m lonely. I’ve thought about him nonstop the past two days and I’ve been thinking about emailing him. I feel a little misunderstood because I was “dramatic” to him I want to explain my side of what caused me to act that way. I won’t except anything but just to be understood better. In your opinion do you think that’s a good idea or what are your thought after you read this?
November 23, 2018 at 12:53 pm #248267Tristan
ParticipantHi NeedMeSomeBuddha,
I honestly don’t know if contacting him would be a good idea but I can tell you something that helped me immensely when my ex went ghost on me just as recent as a few weeks ago. I stopped trying to contact her and took a few days to let my mind level out, then I wrote down on paper some things I felt I had to say. Over the course of a couple more days, (with a clearer mind) I refined those statements and questions into a letter. I ended up posting the letter some days later, (we live close by) I have no idea if she has even read it but the whole process of doing it, and those days it was sat around finished before I posted it, I found I had a much easier time dealing with the uncertainty as what I wanted to say was all ‘out’.
November 23, 2018 at 1:51 pm #248277Anonymous
GuestDear NeedMeSomeBuddha:
I understand the attraction about the guy liking the way you look at a time when you are frustrated about having gained a few pounds, I do understand how wonderful it felt. I also understand that you are attracted to him and had such a great time talking with him for hours, having so much in common. And I understand you having been lonely for awhile (I know how that feels!) and therefore how wonderful it felt to have such intense communication.
But Monday morning he didn’t tell you that he will be working Wednesday and therefore he couldn’t get together with you Tuesday, this is a biggie, so is him hanging up on you repeatedly!
I think that you had hope, intense, sweet hope for a relationship with him and it hurt to have that hope shattered, so you examine everything you did and said finding mistakes (there always are), then wanting to believe that if you fixed those mistakes, if only you let him know that you know what you did wrong.. maybe he will give you another chance and you will have that relationship you hoped for.
But he did wrong by you, either lying to you Monday evening or neglecting to tell you Monday morning something very important, being significantly irresponsible. And hanging up on you.. repeatedly. There is no excuse for him hanging up on you once!
I don’t think you should contact him. I think you should aim at a relationship because you are lonely and you need to love-and-be-loved (doesn’t everyone). You can have a good relationship, it takes planning, skills, work. It shouldn’t be left to randomness or magic, it can be done, and if you want, I believe that I can help you in that aim, starting with preparing perhaps a Relationship Resume, nothing too complicated, but potentially very helpful.
I will be back to the computer in a bout fourteen hours from now.
November 23, 2018 at 6:56 pm #248297NeedMeSomeBuddha
ParticipantHi Anita,
I feel What you described is exactly what I was hoping for; a relationship that him and I spoke about. I find myself justifying his actions because I made a certain mistake almost as if he wouldn’t do the things he did if I didn’t act the way I did. But that’s not true. Having read what you wrote made me realize, the right man would not do all those things. He would want to know what was wrong and try to talk/work things out.
I have a lot of added pressure by my parents and my Indian culture. I’m 33 yrs. old, by my age most women are married and done having kids in my culture. Everyone in my family, all my younger female cousins are married, I’m the only one that’s single. I know I shouldn’t compare, but that’s what my entire family does. So when I meet a man and it goes well then all of a sudden doesn’t, I take it twice as hard. I try and not let it get to me but it’s difficult. My parents try not to pressure me as they are modern but sometimes they seem so disappointed.
I do want a relationship, and as you said I want to love and be loved. I would absolutely love your help. Thank you for offering. When you have time would love to find out more about the relationship resume.
November 24, 2018 at 4:48 am #248309Anonymous
GuestDear NeedMeSomeBuddha:
I understand the extra pressure, the cultural/ familial pressure. I was born into such a culture myself where women were to marry young, otherwise be considered failures. So as a young woman I got married just for that purpose. I remember saying to myself: I did it, I am now not single. I got divorced soon enough but felt that the latter label was better than never-been-married.
I was wrong. Wrong thinking, wrong acting.
I am glad your parents don’t pressure you, but I suppose you can see their disappointment, in their faces, their voices.. or things they say? I wonder if there were conversations between you and your parents on the matter? I ask because if you are living with them, and aim at dating/ meeting men for the purpose of marriage, they should be involved somehow, because they will meet the candidates themselves soon enough, so let me know.
The Relationship Resume (I made up this term), if you want to pursue it, let us start with the objective of the relationship you seek, make it at least one sentence, at most a third page long paragraph or so.
November 24, 2018 at 3:26 pm #248377NeedMeSomeBuddha
ParticipantHi Anita,
I’m glad you understand what it’s like to be from such a culture and what this pressure entails. Wish you and I or anyone for that matter didn’t have to go through such cultural pressures. The only thing you can do is learn from your past experiences, which it seems like you did, it’s a tough thing to go throug I’m sure. One thing that I’ve always told myself is that I will never give in to such pressures and settle for someone just because I’m “old” by society standards. I still want to feel in love, appreciated, protected and most important of all, happy.
My parents and I have conversations all the time. By parents I mean my mother and I, as fathers in my culture don’t really speak to their daughters about their personal life as much, at least not in my house. I do live with them, as it’s culturally appropriate till I get married. I don’t have any restrictions, I come and go as I please. They know I date, they don’t meet everyone I date. Believe it or not, I’ve never introduced any man to my parents. I’ve told them about a few serious relationships I’ve had, my moms spoken to one or two of them on the phone/FaceTime but haven’t met anyone in person. My parents also try to introduce me to men, as we call them “rishtas”. Where a family member or friend referred a guy and his family seeking a match for their son or daughter, an arranged marriage if you would. However, in my case we would get to go out and see if we are comparable and take our time to decide, but it would definitely move at a much faster pace than an average relationship. But the problem with these rishtas is the men my parents show me are no where near my type. I am not the least bit attracted to them. It’s not like I am vain or didn’t give it a shot. For example with this one guy I who I was not attracted to at all but decided to get to know because everything else was there that I wanted. We went out many times but nothing sparked for me. I tried. My parents often make me feel guilty when I turn someone down. My mom sometimes has used harsh words against me such as “ you’re no super model” and “you should take what you can get”. I’m not sure if she means those things or says it out of frustration. She also constantly tells me to lose weight and maybe I’ll find a better guy. Maybe that’s where my insecurity about my weight comes from. In Indian culture thin women are the definition of beauty. My mother has always been thin her entire life and sometimes she hardly eats so she doesn’t gain weight. I don’t want to do that to myself. I love food and enjoy going out. I try and eat healthy at times and exercise but don’t make it my priority. If it was affecting my health I would, I’m a healthy person per my doctor. Yes, I could lose weight and be skinny, but I’ve tried to do that my entire life and I’m just tired of it. I don’t want to try anymore. I want to just live my life now as I am, and it I lose it in my routine then so be it.
I think one of the biggest issues I have with dating is that I get so involved with the person fast. They also reciprocate the feelings, but when they pull back even a little bit, I start overthinking and over analyzing and I start to ruin everything. I also just have tunnel vision about getting married, probably because that’s all my parents and family think/talk about. I also think it’s because that’s what I want deep down as well but I want it with the right person, not just for the sake of getting married.
The Relationship Resume is a great name! Everyone should have one. My objective of a relationship is to feel loved. For so long I’ve had a void in my heart, I’ve felt like no one is my person, no one is truly there for me, no one truly has loved me and no one has understood who I am as a person. I want someone that won’t play games, is mature and ready to settle down, eventually get married and wants kids. I always do so much more than others do for me in a relationship. I want to have someone to do the simple things with like go to the movies, dinner, stay in and watch tv, lay in bed and cuddle. I want a partner to travel the world with because I love to travel. I want someone who is financially secure or at least has potential. I want someone who will accept me as the person I am and be loyal, caring, family oriented and honest. I want someone who has a bright personality and doesn’t anger easily, someone who will ask me what’s wrong when I’m upset.
November 25, 2018 at 5:17 am #248409Anonymous
GuestDear NeedMeSomeBuddha:
Thank you for your empathy (first paragraph)!
Regarding body weight. Culture (Indian, Western, every current culture perhaps) and specifically your mother sees thinness as attractive, a plus, and being overweight as unattractive, a minus. She herself restricts her eating so to remain thin and in frustration she told you, referring to your weight (and maybe age): “you’re no super model”, and “you should take what you can get”.
I think that for as long as your weight is healthy, for as long as you are not at a higher risk for diabetes 2, for as long as your joints are not under too much pressure and so forth, you shouldn’t bother losing weight. Don’t give in to that pressure, your mother’s or the cultural pressure.
In the Relationship Resume (let’s refer it as RR), from which you may decide to transfer items to a profile in a dating site, I suggest to write something about your weight, indicating you are somewhat overweight, maybe submit a photo where you look overweight, and write something about your feelings on the matter.
That way it will not be a source of anxiety (what will he think when he meets me…) and you definitely don’t want a man who will marry you and then give you a hard time about losing weight, so it needs to be a non issue from the beginning, starting with that profile.
Regarding what your mother said in the context of rejecting rishtas, my input: physical looks is just one item in a person’s desirability or lack of as a partner in life. Let’s say a man is thin and fit and you are not thin, this is just one item. There are so many others items, such as employment/ the ability to produce income (very important if planning to have children), patience or lack of, dealing with anger (passive aggressive, or aggressive is a real problem, unlike being somewhat overweight!), kindness or lack of (how important is this?!!).
An overweight woman should not marry an unkind, aggressive man who will mistreat her children because she is overweight and therefore “should take what (she) can get”, for crying out loud!
Another topic: Pace Yourself. Because you “get so involved with the person fast” (“a lot can happen in 13 days”) and that didn’t work well for you, you can set some timing rules for your next relationship, determine to date for a certain amount of time before any physical touch. Determine a certain amount of time where you meet and talk and nothing else, just get to know each other, a series of mutual interviews, like job interviews only not as formal, of course, and more thorough on certain issues. Then later, after time, meet the man in the context of other people, see how he interacts with his friends, your friends, his family, yours and so on. Learn about him in a social context.
There is more that you wrote in your recent post that I didn’t attend to yet, more to our communication here regarding the RR, so it will take some back and forth, if you are willing, I am.
I have a question so to understand better, as it may be very relevant to the preparation of the RR and the dating policy to follow it: you wrote, “People perceive me to be a very confident person because of how I present my self. I’m very out going and a leader, even at work”- can you elaborate on how you present yourself and how you lead in the context of past relationships?
November 26, 2018 at 5:47 pm #248697NeedMeSomeBuddha
ParticipantHi Anita,
When I read you suggesting I upalod an a photo where I look overweight and also mention it in my dating profile, I thought to myself, yea I would never do that. However the more I thought about it the more it resonated with me. Because often times it has been a source of my anxiety. My only issue with that is I want to date only within my culture because that’s what I prefer and on these sites are people from our community that my family knows. I don’t want my personal insecurities on display for everyone I also don’t want everyone to judge me based on that. I’m also afraid it won’t attract the type of men I’m attracted to. If a dating profile ever has an option, I do alway pic an appropriate option such as curvy or a few extra pounds. Although your suggestion is something I ’m considering.
I am willing to communicate back and forth with you to tend to the few other things. I feel like it helps to speak to someone that you don’t know in “real” life that won’t judge you.
As for the questions you had, people perceive me as confident because I voice my opinion. I’m not shy in a group setting. My friends often describe me as funny, life of the party and not afraid. I also take care of myself in many other ways. My nails are always manicured. I have a very good fashion sense, when I go out I’m dressed well. My hair and makeup is done which is a hobby of mine (I’m not one of those people that get done up every day). Some days I wear no makeup to work. When I do get dolled up, I always receive compliments. At work, I take initiative, I’m strong minded and focused. I’ve been promoted many times. I’m very well liked at work and process strong leadership qualities. I currently switched roles from a management position to a different area because I wanted to try something different. It’s still the same company, I’ve been in my new role at work for under two months and my boss is thrilled with me.
I feel like I carry over my leadership into my relationships. I like to plan and prepare. That’s part of the reason I might have over reacted when this guy changed plans on me and didn’t give me the courtesy of telling me as soon as he found out. I also sometimes feel like I want things I want. I feel like it’s hard for me to give up control of things. I’m very detail oriented. At work, in my personal life. I dissect, over analyze, break stuff down, sometimes it works to my advantage (professionally) sometimes it doesn’t (personally). I think this comes from my parents, they never get anything done. Honestly my moms lazy! My dad just works and that’s all he’s ever worried about, so I feel like if anything will ever get done it has to be by me. So in order for me to do things and get them done, I need to know things. If other people are involved then o need to know what they are doing. So I can plan what I’m doing. I like to know those things. Some people just say yea we will figure it out. I’m the type to figure it out and have a plan so I can just do and if there’s an issue then I will figure it out. The reason why I freaked out when I I couldn’t talk to the guy and talk things through. I hope I answered the questions you had. Let know if you have any others.
November 27, 2018 at 6:09 am #252095Anonymous
GuestDear NeedMeSomeBuddha:
I am ready to put one issue to rest: your mother is not a resource, not a plus regarding your dating/ marriage aspirations. Better not involve her at all, not seek her advice or input, nothing, just present her with the facts, that is, present her with the man you chose, once you did make a choice.
Regarding the dating site being a place where people you know visit, I didn’t know that before, now I know. I still thing that either a photo or some reference to your weight on the site is a good idea, a few words, nothing elaborated, not including feelings on the matter, and these few words will be part of a bigger paragraph with other items in is, so the weight doesn’t stand up as An Issue.
Regarding your success at the work place, the fact that you are employed for one and that you are doing well, this will attract a lot of men, a big plus in the dating world, an attraction, so I would put that in the profile, of course, not in a bragging way, but a factual, truthful, yet impressive way.
The rules of operation in the workplace are not the same, or can’t be the same as in a relationship. There are men who are passive and maybe prefer it that way, for such a man, a dominant woman will be an attractive thing, question is, will a passive man be attractive in your eyes?
Assuming not (and correct me if I am wrong), then the rules of operation within a relationship need to be different from those in the workplace. A man needs not be micromanaged or managed at all. It should be a team work, an equal partnership, a relaxed equal partnership, a win-win partnership. I would state that in the profile but not in a way that is likely to turn off a man, especially a man of traditional values.
If you think it may be of value (up to you, really), you can share with me about prior relationships, or a prior relationship that lasted more than 13 days, how did that go, what were the problems in the interactions between you and the man?
November 27, 2018 at 9:42 pm #261531NeedMeSomeBuddha
ParticipantHi Anita,
I’ve been to therapy in the past, the therapist has suggested I move out of my parents house, it would make things easier for me. My mother and I have a love hate relationship. I agree she isn’t the best person to go to for advice because she has no dating experience and is still somewhat culturally backwards.
I also will try to incorporate some recent photos and rewrite my dating profile discription to include something about the weight issue and being successful at with my career.
A passive man will most likely will not be attractive to me. Part of the reason is my father, he is so nonchalant and doesn’t care about anything except for his work. He doesn’t care what the house looks like, what we do all day, where we are, there’s no planning, there’s no activities. I do not want a father like that for my kids or a life partner for myself. I prefer someone who is balanced. Someone who is focused when they are at work but also gives their family time. Someone who plans dates, someone who is romantic. Someone that creates some excitement in my life and doesn’t settle into a boring routine for the next 50 years. It’s bad enough we do a routine Monday thru Friday, I’m not looking for a party animal, just someone fun. Someone that takes initiative. Although I’m a leader at work, a part of me doesn’t want to be that in a relationship. I want the man to take charge. Make plans, give me options. Ask me to go do stuff. Take the lead. I want to feel taken care of, mentally and emotionally.
My relationships have been a train wreck and then some. My first relationship was when I was 15 yrs old. I met him online in a chatroom, he was 7 years older than I was. He was the first guy I ever talked to. My first kiss, my first boy friend. It lasted a really long time, off and on for 6-7 years. He was a pathelogocal liar, cheated on me, treated me like garbage. I felt that I had to be with him no matter how he treated me, when he wouldn’t answer my phone, I would keep calling him till he answered or turned off his phone. He cancelled plans all the time, I would beg him to see me. Every time I tell him I can’t do this anyone he would make things better and then slowly go back to treating me like garbage. Used me if he needed me for something. Kept everything a secret from me, his friends, his family, never knew anything. He kept it all a secret from his friends as well Till one enough was enough I felt mentally tortured by him and I decided to change my number and I cut off all ties with him. Our relationship was never “normal” we never did couple things. When I was 15 he was 22 so we mostly hung out at home or in the car or saw a movie. Never met each others family or friends till I got older and wanted to do more of those couple activities he just became secretive. He also could never hold a job and was too narcissistic. Always worried about what he looked like and spent 3 hours in the gym each day. I grew up and finished school and started working and realized there’s more out there.
After him I didn’t date for a long time till I met someone when I was 27, it was a long distance relationship. It became serious, we were together for 1.5 yr, I found out he cheated or atleast was talking to other women. I found messages on his iPad. He begged me to take him back and I did but he thought I was going to cheat on him, he became so possessive. He also lied to me about small things, he liked to me about his job as well.
Most seeious relationships I’ve been in have ended horribly, I seem to pick men that cheat on women, after the long distance relationship the guy I dated for 6-7 months had a GF of 6 years and was dating me, I had no idea. He manipulated me or any red flag questions I had he met my friends was involved with them introduced me to his cousins, took me to his work. He was a sociopath. He had two phones, one for me and one for his other gf. When he was with her, he would give his phone to his friend to text me or snap chat me, so I would think he’s at his friends place. He spent an entire night with me and woke up to go to his engagement party the next morning. Told me his dads in the hospital, he won’t have service. When I asked to come with him he said he doesn’t want to introduce me to his mom at a time like this. When I found out everything, I told the other Woman. She didn’t care, it’s something he’s done before to her. They both, threatened my life, I had to file a police report since he knew where I live.
After that I took a long break from dating and men. Since then I’ve spoken to people and dated here and there with breaks in between. I haven’t had luck. Seems like things go really well and then come crashing down in a moment. It’s disheartening. I’m tired, exhausted and almost ready to give up. I don’t want to keep doing the same thing over and over, get to know someone, things go good then they go bad, meet someone new and repeat. What I’ve told you is only 10% of the things that have happened, Ive been through a lot of heartache. I’m not sure how I still believe in love, but I do. I part of me is still hopeful that there is someone out there that will one day I will be with and be happy with.