
A sad demise to a potentially promising relationship

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    Dear Trying to settle:

    You are welcome, and thank you for expressing your appreciation.

    She did say more than once that my reaction to her herpes was unexpected and she hadn’t experienced that before and had been with people who were fine about it“-

    – what she said more than once is not congruent with what you observed, in-person, when she was about to tell you about it: “she did reveal in-person… I could sense anxiety and tension within her as she was about to say what it was” (Oct 12). If it is true that the men she’s been with were fine about it (that no one was not fine with it) , and that she had no expectation that you may not be fine with it, then what was the anxiety and tension within her before she told you about it?

    She may have said what she said to make you feel guilty about your reaction, telling you, paraphrased: you are the only one who is not fine with it, something is wrong with you!

    I guess I have to forgive myself and accept the fact that I was not one of those guys“- and she succeeded in making you feel guilty, needing forgiveness.

    * I am re-reding your original post looking for clues on her feelings/ motivation: at first she told you that it’s okay with her if the STD info changes things for you: “she did say herself for me to take my time to process it and if that changes things, then it’s ok“. Next she said that she “wanted me not to be anxious and worry about this“, Next, you “notice her being very cold and distant with her texts“- cold and distant means angry, angry at you. She presented herself as okay with you having difficulties with the STD info, not wanting you to worry about it.. but she was not okay with your difficulties. She felt angry at you.

    Her anger (cold and distant) continued consistently in spite of your change of feelings and your efforts: “She continued to be distant and cold with me consistently, despite the fact that I made a huge effort to show her that I do want to commit to her and make things work“.

    I noticed our phone calls, she was almost annoyed, fault finding over trivial issues“- (1) she suppressed her anger/ pushed it down, and expressed only a bit of it: an almost-annoyance. (2) She didn’t express her anger directly. She expressed it indirectly by fault finding over trivial issues.

    We barely talked about the herpes but instead she brought up the compatibility issues, how we aren’t similar on certain things etc. kind of vague… It’s not as if I said I’m not going to church anymore or I don’t read my bible etc.“- she was vague because her real issue was your initial reaction to the STD info, and not spiritual or religious incompatibility. She held a heavy-duty, lasting  grudge for how you first reacted.

    At one point I just asked her straight out do you want to continue, just be honest“- she was not honest ad not direct with you about her anger. I suspect her anger had to do with a childhood abandonment issue being triggered when following emotional closeness, you emotionally withdrew from her (following the STD info).

    And now, back to your recent post: “She would always tell me how in control I was and that me being direct made her feel safe and secure, she saw me as a man, a leader and I think I did indeed lead well throughout. There were a few times when she got emotional one week and she said how she admired my calmness. That changed with the herpes revelation“-

    – I am guessing that she had an un-calm, volatile (not in control) parent who made her feel unsafe and insecure. Just like you had an image of her that was shattered, she had an image of you being the opposite of what she grew up with, someone perfectly calm, someone who’d always make her feel safe and secure. An unrealistic expectation, an image that cannot last for long because no one is perfectly, always-calm. And so, her unrealistic image of you was shattered.

    Maybe my reaction to it was too emotional for her and as a result she lost respect which in turn, eventually made her lose attraction as well“- you fell off the pedestal on which she placed you. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

    this is rather unfair, because all I was doing was to prove to her how much I did care and wanted to make this relationship work, despite the STD and anything else… but yeah, I only got resistance where she was defensive and trying to find fault.  She was saying one thing, and then I tried my best to do exactly that“- yes, it is unfair for a woman to place a man up on a pedestal and then angrily, punish him for not being exactly what she needs him to be during a challenging time. It was just a matter of time before she kicked you off her unrealistic-expectations pedestal.




    Hi @anita, thanks.

    Yes that’s right I hadn’t thought about it and analysed the way you did yourself here but it’s true there is some contradiction in terms of how she revealed it to me on the day and in-person. I could tell she was nervous about it and wasn’t sure if she should tell me.  I suppose it’s still a big deal disclosing information like that to a potential serious partner.

    Putting myself in her shoes and I would feel the same but I would expect any type of reaction from the person hearing this information, everything from running away and rejecting her to being fully accepting and empathetic, as you demonstrated in your good and bad person examples earlier.

    I see you’re equating the distance and coldness to anger and yes I sensed it was an outright anger but certainly she just seemed almost slightly annoyed with me during the last two weeks.  And that brings me to something else actually which has been on my mind today.

    After she disconnected I don’t know if I came across a little too needy and almost slightly desperate because I wanted things to work. But I was doing all this because my actions earlier apparently didn’t prove how I felt for her. So I tried to escalate these last two weeks with the chocolates, checking in with her a bit more etc

    I think I may have succeeded at first but then on Friday itself I tried pushing her to make a decision on US when she had no intention to even talk about us and just wanted to hang out! Perhaps I should have just hung out and acted like I wasn’t bothered but came across as a bit desperate as I was hugging her and holding her arm (she didn’t resist)… Perhaps I had a chance still even on the Friday to make this work. I asked her like three times I think what do you want to do, do you want to call it a day? Each time she said I don’t know. I think that may have turned her off which is why when I asked right at the end, she finally said I don’t think it’s right to continue, I’m sorry. I don’t know… Tell me if I’m overthinking here but either way I shouldn’t be beating myself up over the what ifs. I suppose if she really wanted things to work she would have still given me a chance even at the end.


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