
An indefinite break

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  • This topic has 16 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #91904

    I can’t edit now for some reason but to clarify: “I’m not attached to that happening, but I am also open to that happening.” “That” is referring to him coming back when we are both in better places. I’m still pretty attached but hoping over time it lessens.


    Dear B:

    Good to see you back here! A meeting at a coffee shop, you, him and a puppy. “Shoulds” “Maybes” and a kiss.

    Sounds like you are doing good work with your therapist… who helps you see more and more beyond the Black and White thinking of your mother, see colors and even humor, and you can relax as not everything is taken by another as a personal affront.

    How are you feeling as you are reading this? Please do post anytime…

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