
Anxiety,Fear and scare

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    Dear Blankckv:

    Sounds like obsessions, part of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Yes, do see a psychiatrist. Many, many people suffer from this disorder, being scared of thoughts (when awake or thoughts/ images in dreams). Thoughts and images, what you think and what you see with your mind’s eye, what you imagine, these are not dangerous.

    They only feel dangerous, but they are not. What you think- whatever it is- and what you imagine, what you see in your mind- none of it is dangerous but you get scared as if it is dangerous.

    This is the problem. Everyone thinks and imagines things but if you are suffer from OCD you get SCARED of your thoughts and images/ imaginings. Google OCD and see for yourself. See a psychiatrist.



    hello Anita I’m back I tried to that OCD go away sometime I not think But when I see Buddha image or buddha book my mind is automatic thought of bad intrusive sometime I I think in sexual but i didn’t mean to do it that sexual way is like that example I’ll sit downWhen u said everything I thought is will not go to hell when I said to Buddha f word.I stop think saying in mind that now I hate it when I thought I really don’t want it.Is this kind of thought to Buddha will go to hell Anita


    Dear Blankckv:

    Welcome back.

    A connection has been made in your brain between the image of Buddha, sexual thoughts and thoughts of going to hell.

    This thinking-connection between these three things is not dangerous to you because it is not a reality-connection. This connection only exists inside your brain, not outside of your brain.

    Try to remember this when the connection happens in your brain. Say to yourself: this is not dangerous, it only feels dangerous. In reality, it is not dangerous. Try to relax into this thinking, don’t fight it, don’t panic.

    Insert reality- thinking into it and relax.



    * didn’t submit correctly…


    So it will not be dangerous I’m really scared about that I don’t know why I being like before I didn’t not like I’m not saying any negative words in mind or outside mouth of buddha is it becouse i scared if i think like that what will be happen  keep thinking like that so becoz of that?Its just like a tape recording repeat reapeat sometime I feel like I’m again Buddha but I’m not that kind of person

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Blankckv.

    Dear Blankckv:

    I understand that you are scared. You feel fear. But in regard to these thoughts that repeat “like a tape recording”, you are not in real danger. There is no real danger to you in regard to these thoughts. Think them then, if you must, let them be. They are not dangerous.



    I’ll try this page is really help me out.First time I got this kind of thought I don’t know what I should do.Sometime I want to die becoz of this thought.This thoughts are giving me depression


    Dear Blankckv:

    Insert new, true thoughts when you think the old, untrue thoughts. Insert: this feeling is not dangerous. This depression is not dangerous. I am okay. I am safe enough. These new thoughts will help you feel better.



    So everything I think it will not be dangerous even thought of sexual?This negative thought of Buddha. I’m thinking to wear num for 3 4daus I want this thought go away I want to be normal person again.Against Buddha is not normal even thought I didn’t mean go think about those kind of thought I wish Buddha understand I fear is when I think this intrusive thought I might go to hell thats the fear I scare


    Dear Blankckv:

    You asked in your first line above if everything you think will not be dangerous to you, even though the thought is of a sexual nature. My answer: correct: what you think, whatever it is, will not be a danger to you. Your thoughts are not dangerous.

    And no one reads your mind. No one can tell what you think, only you can. What you think is your private business.


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