
Anxious thoughts

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  • #204781
    Danielle Louise

    I don’t know how to begin to write this but for the past year or maybe more, I seem to replay in my head everything I have done/said to or in front of other people. Usually it’s things I have done in the day, usually at work and I go over every tiny detail of my day in my head and panic about everything I did/said which could be perceived as rude or weird or annoying. Sometimes it is over things which I recognise as things which are good to reflect on, e.g being direct with a colleague in Work, panicking I have been too direct with them and thinking what I can do differently next time is healthy. What I do is obsess and cringe at the thought of myself being so direct and all of a sudden I am not just worrying but I am certain that the colleague whom I was direct with hates me and I will almost definitely be fired from my job and then I make up overcompensating ideas in my head such as I will be so nice to everyone in the office tomorrow and be very calm and kind, I will Work so hard and not slack at all tomorrow and everything might be alright. I come to the fired from my job outcome a lot. Another one is my relationship. There is nothing to imply that anything is wrong between us but sometimes I feel as though he doesn’t really like me that much anymore or I will snap over something small then feel guilty so again I overcompensate, deep clean the whole apartment, organise his games and dvds or buy him a small gift because then he will say he loves me and everything might be ok. Sometimes I think back to things I did years ago, although I think that is pretty normal to cringe about past mistakes but it makes me so upset and angry with myself thinking I was so stupid as to say/do any of those things which are nothing awful, just things such as being overconfident and showing off and ending up looking silly. I am learning to get better with the relationship one as deep inside I know although I would be devestated, I am more than capable of living without him and I am ok by myself. The job one riddles me with anxiety. Other than this, I am a fairly happy person. When I am around others I am chatty and bubbly and averagely confident with people I know. I wouldn’t describe my mood as low. Why am I so full of doubt? Anyone? ?


    Dear Danielle Louise:

    Reads to me that as a young child, you were confident, as children are, not self conscious. But your natural expression of your confidence, and your natural assertion, your natural anger were treated as bad things, by a parent, perhaps. You were accused of being showy for being confident, maybe; accused of being wrong or bad when angry, rude when assertive. You were accused of these things and rejected for these things.

    So you are now afraid to appear confident, to assert yourself, to express any anger whatsoever. Afraid of rejection, which in your work life means being fired.

    Trying to overcompensate means something like: from now on I will be good, never angry, always nice, always kind, perfectly non reject-able.

    What do you  think?



    The best thing I could say is, you dont know how other people feel. You may think that they dont like what you said, or what you have done. But meanwhile they are probably not thinking that at all. Aside from that, no body is perfect. Even if you did something strange, everyone does. If they voice that you offended them, simply apologize. Don’t think for other people, let them think for themselves.

    Another key thing to remember is, people can sense the vibes you are giving off. If you are thinking there is something wrong with what you have done, they may sense that. What I am trying to say is, your thoughts can actually come true. Be the person you want to be. If you want to be happy and care free, just act that way. 🙂

    You should read this book: https://www.amazon.ca/Subtle-Art-Not-Giving-Counterintuitive/dp/0062641549/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1525179239&sr=8-1&keywords=subtle+art+of+not+giving+a+f


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