
Board Meeting of Inner Selves

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    * Sann, feel free to let loose an inner self or two of your own. Don’t let your inner critic tell you that you have to produce some fancy inner self, any old inner self will do.


    Thank you Anita.
    I might 🙂
    I started writing them yesterday, and was very surprised that i had 30 already. This morning i was in a little course and got my notebook out to write down 2 more. I have the feeling there are quite some more coming. Wow! That’s a lot!
    The good thing is: i am much more richer than i thought, ha ha!
    But, i didn’t know, it was so complicated in there. Nice to get to know myself 🙂

    It will be interesting to visualise it, to put the ones together who are family or good friends, or the opponents, and the ones that always stay away from each other… That would be very complicated though..


    I need my own secretary. Alphabetized Inner Selves and board meeting participants:
    Animal Anita
    Annoyed/ Angry Ann
    Argue-back Becky
    Calorie-counting Caroline
    Fat Fat Fran
    Fix-it Fiorina
    Good Morning Gertrude
    I-ate-too-much Tammy
    Intellectual Irene
    Might-as-well-not-feel-anything Meagan
    Monster Mary
    OCD Olivia
    Running-around Renee
    Scared Susan

    WARNING: this is not for the faint of heart. I mean it. It is not going to be pretty.

    * I typed and typed and it made me sick so I erased and will come back to this much much later




    The second post of today, starting with “This is getting corny.” is Marvin talking

    This blew me away because I pride myself on my self-awareness.. 🙂
    To think that from moment to moment I am not aware of who is thinking, who is talking.
    I mean Tiny Buddha and mindfulness/meditation etcetera, teach us to be aware of what we are thinking but not who
    At the risk of becoming even more crazy ( 🙂 ), should we be aware of which of our inner selves is talking during meditation? mindfulness?


    I need my own secretary. Alphabetized Inner Selves and board meeting participants:

    That OCD part of you just cracks me up.. (please don’t take offence)


    I started writing them yesterday, and was very surprised that i had 30 already

    Hey Sann, glad you are in on this too. makes me think that Anita and I are not just totally off the planet. 🙂
    But 30 members wow..that’s a lot of writing. It makes me curious about you too. that you must be a complex and interesting person on the whole.
    For me, I want to make this introversion work for me. I want it, to make me more integrated so I can function better in the extroverted “real” world.


    * Dear Sann: I didn’t see your post until just now. I am also looking forward to read your many inner selves.

    Fat Fat Fran gave me her all earlier today, full front attack this afternoon for being fat.
    I ate too much Tammy wouldn’t shut up (telling me the only sentence she ever tells me).
    Calorie counting Caroline kept counting calories (roughly estimating but counting)
    OCD Olivia was keeping everyone busy non stop
    Scared Susan was well…scared to death.
    Might as well feel nothing Magean was failing miserably.
    Argue back Becky had nothing, and neither did Intellectual Irene.
    Good Morning Gertrude was gone hours ago (it was early afternoon that all this took place).
    Fix it Fiorina was nowhere to be found and Angry Ann was very angry about Fiorina not being there when I NEED HER!

    It was in that mess that Running around Renee took action and carried me, in the heavy rain, for a brisk walk in the rain, a 7 mile (11.3 km) walk and that is in addition to the 3.5 mile walk of the morning, a total of 10.5 miles (16.9 km) today.

    By the way, Monster Mary was watching everything with an evil smile on her face.

    I am back, had a big dinner and guess what:
    Tammy is telling me I ate too much
    Caroline just re-counted calories
    Fat Fat Fran is telling me as I type this that I am (you guessed it)- fat

    So nobody is impressed by my almost 17 km today, and I mean NOBODY is impressed.
    Run around Renee is telling me now to do crunches so to burn the calories I still need to burn/

    What is the lesson in all this, the reader wants to know? Intellectual Irene, are you there?

    Intellectual Irene: YOU ARE FAT.

    Oh, I forgot about you, The world is ending Wanda…

    Wanda: now that Irene is calling you fat, YOUR world is ending.



    Monster Mary: one more thing, the reason we are on your back again is because…. Tammy? Wait, wait, everyone, together:



    17 km?? You’re an athlete!


    Dear Jack:

    These are the thoughts of Good Morning Gertrude this Sunday morning:

    This Inner Selves Therapy is what this thread is about, started with the thread of how many of you are there? Both by Jack from Tiny Buddha, October 2015

    I am writing this because this is an amazing tool of online therapy. I hate the idea that someone will steal it from you. I am not aware of such therapy being done. May be elements in it practiced but not like this. So for whatever my declaration here is worth, if anything at all, it is Jack the Australian, a Tiny Buddha Forum member who came up with this. Brilliant.

    At first I thought it was entertaining. Then I thought it was threatening, not for the faint of heart, and still think so- engage with at your own risk and not while operating heavy machinery.

    I am heavy still on beating myself up. This is why I started the thread yesterday on the topic. I will go there now.

    And by the way, there are

    I-said something wrong Wilma: she catches herself when she said anything at all, and whips herself for saying something she shouldn’t have, or in the wrong way, tone, whatever, or thinks she should have said something she didn’t say, and she follows by qualifying what she said so to appease the one that beats her up for it (me)

    I-did something wrong Wilma: she does the same thing about doing anything or not doing anything.



    Good morning
    You mean I can finally become rich and famous?
    I don’t have to return to those dreadful workplaces anymore? 🙂

    I ‘d love to think I was being original but Realistic Rodney tells me to think again.Those suffering schizophrenia and hearing voices, do something similar in their workshops/therapy sessions, to my knowledge.
    They identify voices and get to do communication/interaction between them. Surely someone has transferred that to an online exercise by now.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.

    engage with at your own risk and not while operating heavy machinery.

    good one 🙂


    Dear Jack:

    No, I don’t think there is such a thing as Inner Selves Therapy except maybe for psychotic people. Gertrude, for example, I had to work hard, and it was you who brought the whole thing to my attention. Otherwise I would have never known about Gertrude, for crying out loud. She did not announce herself to me. I had to dig her out. Maybe psychotherapists are afraid to dig out inner selves in fear of encouraging psychosis- I am just wildly guessing here. In any case, another exercise with Inner Selves would be to give each his or her face and body and voice and clothes and … maybe accents and well, I am being carried away.

    Here is how Inner Selves Therapy, Jack’s creation, worked for me today:

    I did not eat too much. I did not. I can’t believe it, but I did not.

    Tammy did not tell me that I ate too much. You have no idea, Jack, and otherwise, dear reader, what a relief that is. Day after day … to get a break. Not to hear Tammy for one day, what a break of fresh air.

    Caroline kind of counted calories only twice, not again and again and again. OCD Olivia was quiet.

    And it gets better, Running around Renee did not … make me take a walk. I did my regular morning walk but nothing afterwards. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe I did not take a second walk. Renee said nothing to me. Nothing. What a break!

    And….. it gets even better than better: Fat Fat Fran- I did not hear her. I think she may have whispered something to me once, I am not sure, but no attack.

    No Tammy, no Renee and no Fran for today. Tiny bit Caroline, nothing excessive and quiet Olivia. And Gertrude stayed with me a bit longer perhaps, I am not sure.

    This is a testimonial.

    And again, I can’t tell you what a relief it is to not hear TAMMY. I heard her every day since … heavy duty for sure since 2011. I had no idea how tired I was of hearing the same sentence every day, multiple times a day.

    So, jack, thank you. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



    Dear Realistic Rodney:

    Welcome. I have been so engrossed with well… me, I forgot about Jack. Welcome to his party.

    Dear Jack:

    I too wanted to be rich and famous. I thought somehow I will be. Well, I am thinking I am not going to be. IST (Inner Selves Therapy) is your invention, I think. You do write so well, skillfully and with talent, I think. And yet, you are not likely to be rich and famous. Kim Kardashian and George W Bush are famous though and they have NOTHING and I mean NOTHING on you as far as intelligence, skill or talent. Realistic Rodney knows it. So it is what it is.

    Did I mention Tammy didn;t tell me the one sentence, the only one sentence she ever tells me for years. Did I mention I didn’t hear her today? It occurred to me this evening and now it is dark and I am thinking> really, really I do not think I will hear her today after all, it is dark.

    How are you Jack?



    So glad that this therapy is working for you and hope it is not just temporary.
    I can’t believe your enthusiasm, natural nurturing ability and insight, did not translate into successful teaching. maybe you just needed to be teaching the right subject, like psychotherapy for instance.
    I need to reply to your other thread and answer your challenging questions.
    I’m fine by the way . I notice your group of troublemakers (inner selves bullies)are more difficult than mine and it is a credit to you, how you tolerate them.


    Chairman: We have a guest speaker tonight. I’m going to ask Adam to introduce him. Adam?
    Adam the Adult: It is indeed a pleasure, Mr. Chairman for me to introduce someone whose track record speaks for itself. He’s not an athlete but his zest for life is contagious. I know you will enjoy and benefit from his enthusiasm. Mr. Chairman, I present Max the Motivator!
    Max the Motivator: Thank you Adam for that splendid introduction. Adam has told me about you all and I am looking for ward to meeting you over the course of several workshops that Adam has planned. This will be either privately or in groups, whatever is suitable for you.
    Marvin: I don’t need motivating. And neither do they.
    Max the Motivator: Ah Marvin. I’ve heard a lot about you. The rest of us are going to ignore you tonight I’m afraid. Now if you choose to become loud and obnoxious, I will have to ask you to leave immediately. OK?
    Marvin: Whatever. Who cares anyway…
    Max: Now, the first thing I think we need to address is physical fitness. Not pointing any fingers, but Abe, you need to realise that, overeating is not doing you any favours nor anyone else here tonight. You need to get fit sir. that means self-discipline. Doesn’t have to be over the top but it has to be consistent. get up early, exercise before you eat. Reduce that waistline sir. And your weight! Here’s a 10kg dumb bell I’ve brought with me. See how heavy it is to lift? Now imagine carrying 10 kg less around. How light you would feel. You might even take up jogging again. it’s never too late Abe. you’re not old. 57 is the new 47. You got plenty of life left. Lose 10 kg, 10 years younger. Simple as that.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by jock.
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