- This topic has 26 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 3 months ago by
March 5, 2016 at 12:23 pm #98101
ParticipantHey Folks!
I haven’t really been doing as much reading as I should but I was wondering if anybody had some awesome book recommendations? Just anything inspiring and uplifting and positive really, it doesn’t matter if it’s fiction or nonfiction (could you recommend any authors similar to Eckhard Tolle? He is my current favourite author) Or any fantasy novels which really force you to use your imagination (anything similar to Philip Pullmans ‘His Dark Materials’)
What have you read lately that was really awesome? 😀
March 6, 2016 at 8:55 am #98148Anonymous
GuestDear Joe:
I get all my reading needs met these days right here on tiny buddha. When people write here, it is often not edited, not polished, and so it is quite authentic, refreshing and trustworthy. For these reasons, the editing elsewhere, the polishing, the aiming of writing to a particular audience, agendas writers have… these things discourage me from reading polished writings.
I do have a book recommendation for you though, and it is in line with my liking of unpolished writing, I hope it would be unpolished… My recommendation is The Year of Joe. It is a book not written yet, by a member of this forum, Joe. You can get only one chapter at a time though, and I am for one looking forward to read it.
Here, perhaps?
March 6, 2016 at 10:54 am #98151Joe
I think you’re right about meeting your reading needs on this site, and I like what you said about the posts being authentic. I also love reading paper books – smelling the pages, turning the pages and touching the paper (I sound like an absolute nerd!)
As for this book you speak of – ‘The Year Of Joe’, I’m currently at the passive part of the story where nothing of major importance is happening in the life of the main protagonist. Joe is still waking up reasonably early (even on a Sunday), he is still filling most of his time with crazy illustrations made with marker pens and paint, listening to Kate Bush songs a lot and walks down to the library every Saturday where he assists members of the public with computer-related problems and placing returned books back on the shelf. Every night before he sleeps, however, Joe stares at the ceiling and imagines the vast world outside the confines of his small bedroom. He ponders on previous mistakes he has made and how he can avoid repeating them in future. He dreams of wanderlust and adventure in many faraway places he has never been to, and thinks about what needs to be done in order to make those dreams a reality. He also thinks back to where he was 10 years before and sometimes this causes him to worry; it’s gone by pretty darn quickly and he worries that if time just keeps passing him by and he doesn’t start to put more effort into what he wants, he might never get to do the things he wants to in life.
March 6, 2016 at 11:12 am #98152Anonymous
GuestDear Joe:
I like your writing and can imagine it in a paper book and the smell of the pages.
These are my thoughts as I read from The Year of Joe:
As Joe stare at the ceiling imagining the vast world outside the confines of his small bedroom, the imagining he is doing all happens in the (how many?) centimeters in between his ears. All the imagining and wondering happens in those few centimeters. And as Joe is doing that, every person in the whole wide, endless world is living in those few centimeters as well. Everything that happens, happens in that short distance, the distance in between one’s ears.
No matter how far you travel, to what continent and even if you leave the Earth and end up on the moon. Or in Mars, all that will ever happen will be in between those ears.
As to what Joe wants in life: what are those things?
March 6, 2016 at 11:38 am #98155Joe
Joe has many things he wants from life – in the meantime, has many ideas for weird and wacky paintings and illustrations which currently lie in a sketchbook amongst other mad scribblings and doodles which have been scrawled with coloured biros. He is hoping to score some illustration gigs soon and to sell some of his handmade crafts so that he can save up some cash in order to make his dreams a reality. He would also like a part-time temporary job so that he can earn more money to work towards this.
As for long-term goals, Joe still would love to travel – the only viable way he can think of achieving this would be to once again teach English – however, he has decided he would rather teach adults and university students and have the freedom to do as he pleased every day after work, living either by himself or others of similar age at a private accommodation. There are many places he would love to see. Joe also wants to carry on with his crafting and illustration work, and would love to take this with him on his travels as well.
Joe has also forgotten that he once told himself he would love to write more and he would love to update and maintain an online blog to share his musings with the world. Writing things which aren’t just stream-of-consciousness writings and cut-up sentences.
Joe probably has more things he wants but has forgotten about, but he will state them when he remembers what they are.
March 6, 2016 at 12:38 pm #98184Anonymous
GuestDear Joe:
Funny how you write about Joe in the third person, it is entertaining to read about you third person. What kind of writing, not just “stream of consciousness writings and cut-up sentences”- something more planned, structured… short stories, personal stories of your travels? Before the physical travels, you can write of course about the mental travels.
You are an artist, creative, paintings and illustrations, handmade crafts. Travel where, I wonder… beyond Europe: Asia…the U.S.? Africa? Where?
Joe probably does have more things he wants but has forgotten about… to love and be loved, perhaps? Unexpected, unplanned and therefore impossible to pre-tell adventures. Oh, Joe is indeed an interesting person. I would very much be interested in reading his stream of consciousness and other writings! I would also want to see your illustrations, paintings… the topics of your art work.
March 6, 2016 at 1:20 pm #98190Joe
Joe agrees that it is very fun to write about oneself in the third person, maybe he should do this more often! As for things Joe wants to write about, he would like to write fictional short stories and semi-autobiographical stories based around some of the people he has known and things he has done. I will be sure to write many things about the mental travels I take every time I daydream.
Joe wants to travel to many places – for the past year or so he has been thinking a lot about travelling through Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia, America and particularly would love to visit Iceland or Norway to witness the Aurora Borealis. There are many places in the British Isles he still hasn’t seen, especially Glastonbury, Stonehenge, rural Ireland and Scotland.
Currently Joe is at ease with being single and free of a relationship as this means he is free to do anything he wants, but Joe would love to learn to love and be loved at some point in the future – he wants to try and conquer himself first.
As for the kind of paintings and illustrations Joe creates – he describes himself as a ‘Joe of all trades’ and enjoys working in many mediums, namely inks, markers, watercolours, gouache, acrylics and digital media. His work is some crazy mashup of all the things that have inspired or influenced him – fantasy, creepy gothic art, surrealism, manga and pop art. He has a sample of some of his work on his Flick – https://www.flickr.com/photos/136271080@N04/
March 6, 2016 at 1:54 pm #98199Anonymous
GuestDear Joe:
Please tell Joe his art is beautiful to look at- what a celebration for my eyes that was! The colors, the faces, figures. And it is the same expression almost in all. No smiles (maybe one crooked smile), and of course it makes me wonder.
Beautiful shapes and colors!
Regarding the fictional short stories and semi-autobiographical stories you would like to write, I wonder if there will be stories about that crude, bullying type humor you wrote about, that is so common in your family… and how it can be hurtful to the unprepared and untrained victim…?
Joe the artist; Joe the writer, Joe of all trades… so much to Joe!
March 6, 2016 at 2:13 pm #98203Joe
You have made Joe smile non-stop for the past few minutes. If you don’t mind Joe asking, what do you wonder when you see his drawings? Why do you think Joe draws his weird characters without smiles?
Maybe Joe would consider writing stories basing the antagonists on some of his obnoxious relatives but for now he wants to write stories about travel and escape.
Thanks 😀
March 6, 2016 at 2:22 pm #98206Anonymous
GuestDear Joe:
I am glad I made Joe smile. What do I wonder when I see his drawings? I looked at them again and the word WAITING came to my mind again and again. As if all these figures are waiting. They are not smiling and not crying, as if they didn’t decide yet which way to go, which way to flow- the light or the dark. As if they are frozen in limbo, neither here nor there. This is the feeling I got…
March 6, 2016 at 2:35 pm #98207Joe
Waiting…I guess that’s a word that resonates within me (I feel as though I should speak in 1st person for this now haha) – I think Eckhard Tolle once said that it’s not uncommon for people to wait for their lives to begin, or something to that effect.
I guess I have been doing a lot of waiting…Waiting for what? Waiting for when things will go my way again? Waiting for the things I hope will bring me happiness and fulfilment? Waiting for my escape? Waiting to leave? Waiting to escape the past and move forward with my life? Do I carry on wallowing in this sandpit of my own making or do I find some way to engineer an escape?
I’ve met many people who have described me as ‘neither here nor there’
And I must say, I really enjoy our posts together – I am always fascinated with your ideas Anita 😀
March 6, 2016 at 2:42 pm #98209Anonymous
GuestDear Joe:
Nice to be talking to you directly. Was fine talking about you too.
This is making me think of me waiting as well. After all, did I not see myself in your drawings? What if we are all waiting… or most, maybe the silent majority is waiting.
Will go on a walk now, grey outside- reminds me here of London weather (WA, USA) grey a lot of the time, which I like! Anyway, walk time and I have a feeling I will be thinking about this very last post and your art on my walk and will write to you later, evening or so my time.
Thank you for engaging me in your thoughts today- I am fascinated with your ideas as well, mostly the ideas you are yet to come up with about waiting!
March 6, 2016 at 6:30 pm #98216Anonymous
GuestDear Joe:
I am back from my walk (and following dinner). At the beginning of my walk I asked myself: waiting for what? What am I waiting for? What is Joe waiting for? What are people waiting for? I answered myself in the first five minutes of the walk (when away from the website I have to do the asking… and the answering! Double the work…)
My answer: we are waiting for a time when we are no longer afraid; a time when we are forever free of fear.
What do you think, Joe?
March 7, 2016 at 9:14 am #98293Joe
I was pondering this question also. The word ‘waiting’ for me turned into the phrase ‘chasing rainbows’. I’ve realised that I’ve been doing that for the past few years, going after that elusive something with the promise of the proverbial pot of gold at the end. I haven’t found the pot of gold yet. Nowhere near. At least, when I thought I had found something great that would bring me happiness, it turned out to be short-lived. There’s always something more that I think I need in my life.
What is the pot of gold? Is this the promise of a better place? An escape from my boring existence? That thing which will finally give me happiness and satisfaction? That which will suddenly make me see and understand everything in my life? Love? More cake?
I think you are right about the fact that we are seeking and waiting for when we are free from fear. I think we are onto something here!
March 7, 2016 at 9:24 am #98297Anonymous
GuestDear Joe:
Chasing rainbows: something colorful, something that looks good up there, out there but something we can never reach, never touch- is this what chasing rainbows mean to you? Something beautiful, fascinating (and you do like colors, it is in your art) something out there, out of reach?
You did use the word “elusive”- as in something difficult to define or something difficult to catch… or both?
You used another term, i believe, for “rainbows” and that is “pot of gold”- correct? And you listed a few possible definitions. Make me think “elusive” is both: hard to define… and no wonder, if it is hard to define, it is maybe even… impossible to catch.
This is exciting really, the idea that we are indeed onto something here… Let’s keep going at it, then..