
Boyfriend forcefully married by his family, still loves me and want us together.

HomeForumsShare Your TruthBoyfriend forcefully married by his family, still loves me and want us together.

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    I have been dealing with very sad times since past 2 months. My bf was dealing with a very hard situation, his family was very conservative and due to some reason they wanted him to be married. My bf asked me to get married to him next day in order to stop him marriage to some other girl.As it was very big decision i could not accept it at that time.Somehow he had to marry a girl whom he did not like. Now he doesn’t stay with her wife, he wants us to be together again. We really love each other so much but the situation is so worse now that we don’t know whats next?
    Each day I try fixing myself but some how I end up thinking about him and feel all alone. He tries to keep me happy but at the back of my mind so many question keep me entangled all the day making me sad.I suffer from panic attacks every another day thinking about situation. I do not share with him as he is already into so many problems. I do not understand what is right or wrong. I feel all alone even though everyone is there. I can’t think of staying away from him neither he. I feel sad and depressed all the time even if i am at work. I am not able to focus in any other thing. Please help and suggest!


    Dear Nidzo:

    Shame, the two of you being victims of the social practice of arranged marriages. You were not sure you wanted to be married with him when he asked you. And now, do you have an idea? Would you have said yes if you could go back in time?

    If yes is the answer and his wife is not pregnant (!) – this is a no brainer to me, he should end that marriage. Regardless of your answer, he should end that marriage. If he has to move away where he doesn’t have to suffer the consequences, then he should move away. Move away with you or without you.

    Did you discuss with him the possibility of him ending the arranged marriage? What is his position?

    Do you like him enough to make a life with him yourself, if he gets out of the arranged marriage?

    Once you see reality better, examine, investigate different possibility and see it clearly, your distress will lower as you will know what to do.



    Dear Anita:

    Thanks for your suggestion.

    My answer is “yes” if he comes back. And even he is trying to get out the marriage not for me but for himself.He says now it doesn’t affect whether I am there or not but he needs to get out of this marriage. He had already told his so called wife prior to his marriage that he likes somebody else and doesn’t want the marry her and won’t accept her at any point of time, even told her parents so that somehow the marriage breaks from their end.But nothing affected them and they were ready to marry even the girl said she was ready to compromise. I don’t understand how can a girl accept someone who doesn’t like her???Anyways, he does not stay with her even , he is always away from his home. Right now , he is not in position to divorce because he needs to be financially strong. So he has asked me to be emotionally strong and he is going abroad so that he can be in a position to take some step later when he will be financially strong as his family of course won’t support his decision.Lets see what happens in future , really unsure how things are going to fall in place.:(


    Hi Nidzo,

    Cultural pressure is unbelievably strong. This is why the parents force confirmation and arranged marriages at such a young age. You are at your weakest as a youth.

    OK… NOW that he’s married, NOW you’d go back in time and marry him? No offence, but it’s easier for you to say that than for him to actually go through the divorce process. And “to be financially strong” could take years. And guess what? Something that could take years becomes “Some Day” in one’s mind. And during that time, his wife could become pregnant. And yes, by him.

    I’m telling you NOT to see him while he’s married and NOT to put your life on hold.

    One day, years later, he may indeed be free. And one day, years later, he could be a married man with kids (and has a nice home, job, and, yes, wife).

    I’m sorry I’m such a Debbie-Downer, but please live a full life without him UNLESS and UNTIL he sets himself free.



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Inky.

    Dear Nidzo:

    I wish this was NOT the situation for you, for him, for his wife, but it is. Each person has some personal responsibility in creating this situation, and there is the social responsibility of the practice of arranged marriages. Each person will have to suffer the consequences of the personal choices made as well as the consequences of the social practice of arranged marriages.

    I was hoping that if his wife is not pregnant and if he is so miserable, that he will exit this situation as soon as possible, an escape not as good as not getting into the situation to begin with, but better than a life of misery. But in your response you are saying that he is invested in staying in the marriage until a later time, a time not defined, such as a week, a month from now. Becoming financially strong can take- forever: one may never feel financially strong enough. And you didn’t mention any plan he has to not get his wife pregnant. The future of innocent children is always on my mind.

    Under these circumstances, him being invested in the marriage- if not by being in love, then by choosing to maintain the marriage for whatever reason- I would say, severe ties. Put your time and energy elsewhere and when YOU marry, make as good a choice as you can make.

    If you do choose to do this, then you will need an “emotional plan”- how to deal with your emotions of attachment to him, and your own hope that someday things may “fall in place.”

    Your best bet is to place things where they belong and not to passively wait for things to… fall in place. Take charge.



    This is not a reply to this post, but actually I am in a similar situation. The only difference is that my boyfriend is engaged and not married as of now. He is not at all happy with this marriage. He wants to be with me but his mother due to an health issue is forcing him into this marriage.We are trying to convince her, but it isn’t work8ng out. Can you please suggest what can we do to stop this marriage.


    * Dear latika:

    “What can we do to stop this marriage?” You asked.

    Say NO and refuse to go along with it; cancel the engagement that was already done and he can say NO again and again and NOT get married.

    If he does so, say NO, what will happen? What will the consequences be?



    Today my mother spoke to his mother but she bluntly said no saying that what will people say if they break the engagement. It will be a huge insult in society. She is not ready to understand that this will ruin 3 lives.
    Should I tell my boyfriend’s fiancee and her family about us. Will this help?


    Dear latika:

    You are in a tough situation and what you do now is very important for your future and your boyfriend’s future. As well as to the next generation.

    It is not right and not just that his mother will dictate who her son will marry. It is not right or just for her to create so much pain so that she will feel good. How can she feel good when she is hurting her own son?

    She can feel good because what she cares about is: “what will people say”- other people, not her son, is her focus. She cares about … the neighbors, extended family relatives, not her own son.

    Can your boyfriend possibly understand this? Because if he can understand this, then he will know he doesn’t need to obey a woman who cares about strangers way more than she cares about him. Maybe, if he truly understands this, he will have the courage to say NO.

    It is scary to go against social customs, expectations… but again, what are the consequences for him if he says no? People (mostly strangers) will disapprove?

    How about him breaking the engagement and then, you and him moving out of your locations to where you are not known? This way the two of you will escape the … disapproval of strangers.

    Regarding your question: “Should I tell my boyfriend’s fiancee and her family about us. Will this help?”

    I don’t think so because if your boyfriend does not have the courage to stand by you and not by his selfish mother, then if you tell the fiancée and her family about the two of you, they may call you a liar and the worst of all: your boyfriend may not correct them and out of fear, side with them. And then you will be considered .. the crazy one.

    It is about you and your boyfriend: do the two of you together have the courage and strength, Together, to say that NO, stand by it, move away if needed and start elsewhere?


    Nina Sakura

    Dear Kk,

    When deciding what to do next, consider what you would like life to be like after 3 years, 5 years and what could it be based on the current situation. The facts are (as per my understanding):

    1) He wont leave his wife right now.
    2) His financial position isn’t strong.
    3) He doesn’t have any relationship with his wife.

    According to you, 1 will change when 2 does – what about 3 ?

    And what about you? Will you keep waiting for a married man to become financially stable and then leave his wife for you?

    I know that from an emotional point of view, you can’t imagine a life without him but there is more to life than him and holding on to this is crushing your spirit.

    What would you advice another friend in this situation?



    Hi Anita

    Thanks for help. But the situation is such that his mother is not ready to listen. She said she will leave the house and go. My boyfriend’s dad expired few years ago. That’s the reason he can not leave her alone. I can see my boyfriend’s life becoming hell. I really love him and I can’t let thus happen to him.

    The reason I asked that should I tell his fiancee is that they are under impression that my boyfriend is really happy with all this.

    If I tell them that he is doing all this forcefully and is not happy may b I could help him out. His life is getting ruined in front of my eyes which I can not see. Or suggest me some alternative so that his fiance back steps as my boyfriend’s mother is never going to agree.


    Dear latika:

    Your distress and despair is very clear and understandable. You – and your boyfriend- are indeed in trouble.

    What I suggested, restated is to let his mother leave the house or whatever she threatens to do. It is not right for her to demand her son marries whom he doesn’t want to marry. This is why I suggested for you and your boyfriend to move away together, far away, so the two of you are not exposed to the mother and public opinion.

    If the suggestion above is too radical, something you and your boyfriend cannot imagine doing, then your suggestion is risky but maybe it will work. Maybe it will work. Your desire to help your boyfriend and prevent the coming misery is admirable.

    I sure hope that the fiancé and her parents are reasonable and good people who think past social conventions. If they think that once an engagement took place and there is no way to reverse it, then all your explanations to them will not help. They may be as rigid as your boyfriend’s mother.

    If they are flexible enough, IF- they may listen to you, terminate the engagement and withdraw. Your boyfriend’s mother on the other hand, she is a problem. Even if you convince these people to reverse the engagement (and that will be a great accomplishment on your part), she, your boyfriend’s mother, might hurry up and pick someone new for her son to marry.

    This is why I wish you and your boyfriend will move far away from this and make a life for yourselves, together.



    Thanks for all the help Anita. I am so glad that at least I can talk to some one about my situations. I spoke to my boyfriend, he is thinking over all this. His mother is not against me and him getting married. The only botheration toh her is that his engagement is already done and now she doesn’t want to say no to those people.
    In such a case if my boyfriend’s fiancee and her family get to know about us and take a step back that can help.

    May be this is risky but I don’t mind being considered a crazy one rather than not trying. I don’t want to regret later that I should have done one effort to help him out.

    Can you help me out on how I should approach about telling g truth to that girls family? I can’t meet them because they are really far. So any suggestions over this.


    Dear Anna:

    You are a courageous woman and your boyfriend will be very fortunate to have you as his wife! My goodness, you are a fighter and I am impressed.

    So your boyfriend’s mother is okay with you and her son getting married and her only problem is to say No to these people..? Can you hold her one hand and your boyfriend, her son hold her other hand as she says that very important NO, on the phone (since they live far)? Can you all come up with some good story so to make your boyfriend’s mother less fearful (as the two of you hold her hands) to say that crucial NO?

    That would be best because she is okay with you being the wife and she has the power with the fiancée’s parents.

    You don’t know the fiancé’s parents, do you? And they live a distance away so you are planning to talk to them on the phone? Too many unknowns here… better apply my first suggestion on this post, less unknowns.

    Let’s say there is no other way (better be!) and you are about to talk to her parents on the phone- they don’t know you, do they?

    Well, I have to wait for an answer: do the fiancée’s parents know you and are you thinking of talking to them on the phone (or skype or will you travel to meet them in person)?

    And what about my first suggestion here?



    Hi Anita,
    Talking toh his mother is not an issue but she already said now she will not meet me as everything is finalised somewhere else. It was very difficult for me but I even involved my mother into this matter so that she can help us convince my boyfriends mother. She is not listening to anyone of us. I am feeling as if my boyfriend is leaving all hopes. But I am still hopeful that I can save him from all this. Still I will try to follow your first suggestion.

    Answer to your another question is that yes I will speak to them over phone. That’s the only thing I can do. May be if they get to know that the guy has an affair and loves some one else and this wedding is just a compromise. They might not want their daughter to go through all this and take some step.

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