
Carl Jung

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  • #83588

    thanks moongal


    Dear Jack:

    Everyone is sometimes correct, or right- even a broken clock is correct twice within a 24 hour period. AND everyone is sometimes wrong, incorrect, not seeing the truth- including Mr. Carl Jung. Of course, Carl Jung was way, way more educated and intelligent than I am but it is reality that no one is correct all the time. After all Jung himself figured Freud was wrong about some major points. But here is the thing, with all humility, I am the authority of what is right, correct on topics I am skilled at examining, not Jung, not anyone. Not anymore. This is the benefit of being in the process of healing long enough (there has to be a benefit, it is not all fun after all)- I no longer look up to ANYONE to tell me how things are. I see with my own eyes and evaluate with my own brain (beginner’s mind). Sometimes I am wrong and I will re-examine. But then everyone is sometimes wrong.



    I hesitate to voice strong opinions because I am afraid of being wrong. I tend to put famous people such as Jung on pedestals and believe a lot of what they say without thorough questioning. I admire your stance on this. Your self-esteem is higher than mine. That is clear.


    Dear Jack:

    A share: I keep fearing being attacked: as I was anticipating your response to my latest comment, I was afraid, as I often am, afraid you will criticize me negatively for having voiced what is real to me. I often fear people attacking me, here and everywhere else. I hear that voice in my head anticipating an attack.

    Not too long ago as I walked (the loop I take daily) I was often afraid, when I heard a car driving behind me, that the driver will run over me, on purpose. Because I was attacked as a child, over and over again, I still fear it.

    Similar to the voices you hear, that superego I mentioned before, the toxic internal critic, taking after those who attacked us in one way or another.

    No one is on a pedestal for me anymore, what a relief.


    I guess some conflict on here is unavoidable. But I have no reason to be at odds with you. You don’t deserve that as I notice how helpful you are to everyone .
    Peace and goodwill to anita and all here on tiny Buddha!


    Thank you Jack: these internal voices expecting conflict, negative criticism., an attack (be it in the written word format or physically in my daily life)- these voices are there, you know your own voices. I felt better after I shared with you the above, and so I hope it is or will be for you and anyone else: shining light into the darkness, so to speak; bringing into the light things hidden.



    Let’s make it clear I don’t suffer from schizophrenia by the way.


    re movie a dangerous method

    mmm OK I guess. I can’t get past Keira Knightley saying “sickoanalysis” for “psychoanalysis”.
    Maybe that word is closer to the truth.
    I always wanted to be a sickologist!


    Carl Jung I haven’t given up on you yet. Critics called your ideas “spiritualism”. But they didn’t get it because they lacked your imagination.

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