
Change coming, friends going

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    As my third year of college fast approaches, I am preparing to say goodbye to graduating friends (or rather people I thought I could connect well with and despite much effort, didn’t) I cannot help but be saddened. Happy that I experienced many adventures and different stages of my college career along with them, but sad to have our story end here. Even though I barely got to know them and I have not influenced their life greatly, they have influenced me and I now realize it is because of them that I progressed little by little thanks to these inspiring attitude and kindness.

    I hate that I am attached to the wish that our friendship could have been deeper and lasted longer. I wish I didn’t feel empty with the thought of them out of my life. It is ironic, that I am always in this battle to not become attached to people and the desire to have close friends but regardless I still grieve when they leave my life, with the extra sting of regret of not being able to connect.

    And yet, I have the opportunity to grow as an individual. Rather than be discouraged and residing inside my head, alone once more, I need to be more open than before. I will be meeting new motivated people and I know I must heal quickly from my loss so I may build new relationships.

    I hope one day, that my old friends cross paths with me once more, that this is simply a “see you soon” rather than a final farewell. It is important regardless that I keep a positive attitude and know that this is a beginning, not an end.


    Dear Laure:

    I would like to reply to your threads tomorrow (currently experiencing a keyboard dysfunction).

    take care:


    Dear Laure:

    I believe I understand your sadness. We humans are born with the need to connect. As hard and as long as you try to undo this natural, inherent need, you won’t succeed, if I may predict the future. Simply because it is impossible.

    You can connect. You were born not only with the need to connect but with the ability to connect. That need was frustrated in childhood, for many years and you lost the how, but your ability is still there, I have no doubt. There is a way to heal from this loneliness. It is not a life sentence, not a fate, not a genetic abnormality.

    You have it in you to connect, and not only online, as you have done here already.


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