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  • This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Mark.
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  • #191237

    Where do I start?!

    I was with a guy for 9 years but for the last 2 we have felt that we are more best friends than lovers and decided to call it a day, I still care about him a great deal, I know he feels the same about me and actually I still live with him but we are in the process of trying to sell.

    In September I asked (on Facebook) for help with my bike and I got a reply from a guy (45 I am 35) I didn’t really know (I met him once on a club ride 2 years ago and he added me but we hadn’t spoke again till now). He travelled 40 miles to help me. I answered the door and honestly didn’t think much but very grateful for his help and he stayed for about 2 hours or more and my bike was working and looked really clean. He mentioned wanting to get back into the cycling and after he left I thought I could offer to go out with him as the club rides quite fast and I knew this guy would be slow as hadn’t been out quite a while so good for me and him. He was delighted and next again week we went on a ride. I still didn’t fancy him but the more rides we went on and the more we spoke on FB and then email, then text and then the hours long phone calls, the more I thought I was falling for him and he felt the same.

    I was still living with my ex and suggested we wait until we had sold and I was living alone until we embarked on a relationship but preferably he didn’t want to wait. I wanted to make it a bit more casual but he said he wanted a life long partner. I really liked him and I suppose, stupidly, I was scared he would leave if I didn’t agree and so went ahead with dating. I have never experienced such intense feelings from another person. He told me with each day we spent together he was falling for me more and more. He would run his fingers through my hair, touch my face and look into my eyes so intently. I not only heard the words but felt them. Also he had 3 kids, one ex wife (15 years together, divorced about 8 years ago, 2 kids 15 and 16) and another ex (split approx 4 years ago, 1 kid 6) and was spending all the time he had with me. At this point he had a lot of time to give as he had been made redundant. He would travel 40 miles to come see me for 45 min lunches almost every day and then go home and come back to get me and then take me out and take me home and then travel back to his (some days he must have been doing 200 miles driving because I don’t drive and he would come see me at lunch, go back to his, come back to get me, take me to his and then back to mine and he couldn’t stay as living with ex so then back to his). He would do this several times a week. He would send a text every morning and a phone call every night. I noticed he used the same term of endearment with his daughters as he did me “darling”. I would watch Don’t Tell The Bride and he would look at me and ask if I would marry one day and I said if I met the right guy probably and he said even though he had done it before he would again too for the right woman.

    He spent a lot of money in taking me to NYC for Christmas and it was magical however I was ill and on my return I found out I was pregnant (I was on the pill but for whatever reason it hadn’t worked). We discussed it and he said he would be there for me either way but his preference was to terminate as he had so many issues with his current children. We had only been dating for 2 months and so I agreed and he was with me through the whole process.

    He bought me a toothbrush which he said meant our relationship was moving to the next stage and that I was the one, his soul mate, the best sex, the most compatible and that I understood him and loved him.

    He spent £1000 on motorbike gear for me to go out on the bike with him which we did and it was great, camping, sunsets, events, hiking, cycling and making memories (seaplane journey, tandem bungee jump).

    I had never dated anyone with children so found it hard to adjust and when he would cancel on me I would feel upset and when it happened a few times I began to feel anxious about our arrangements. There were wee arguments and I was not as understanding as I could have been. He then got a job and had to spend time away and then when he returned he would have to spend time with the kids to make up for being away which meant I would sometimes not see him in over a week.

    After 2 months he told me about a tricky situation with the kids which I can’t go into here but it involved one kid from marriage and the other kid and now they can’t be in the same room and social work are involved. He also started going back to counselling and was on tablets for depression, he came off them to feel emotion with me but I told him to go back on them. He told me he also had anxiety.

    I told him once, I can’t do this anymore, I can’t live my life not sure if he would or would not turn up or have to leave something early for him to attend to things. Also he seemed to have every app imaginable on his phone, snap chat, what’s app, FB, Twitter you name it and he met his ex on Match, guessing not still on it but was single 10 months before me so maybe he was I don’t know.

    The night before the split we stayed up till 2 in the morning despite work the next day where he had to do 40 miles to mine and then another 60 to get to his work, we ate ice cream, spoke about us and our future again, he even said about us living together and I said a bit soon and he disagreed and then I said ok who am I kidding I’d move in with him now too. We made love, went to sleep and the next day we had a big fight on the phone (about porn, it made me feel sad that I wasn’t pleasing him) and then he sent a text saying “I don’t normally do this but this is goodbye, I am really struggling to cope and I don’t have the strength for everything that is going on in my life and a relationship”

    I sent him a lovely message thinking it was the anxiety and depression, I poured my heart out and all I got was “Thank you please take care of yourself” that was 2 weeks ago and as I hadn’t heard I then sent a angry message (on Sunday) which he has seen and not replied too (I blocked him on FB but he has my email address). I really thought he loved me and more than I did him but obviously not and I am heartbroken, I miss him so much.


    Wow.. what a punch in the gut Louise.

    What red flags from your story that shows up for me are:

    1. You are still with another guy when you started dating, i.e. no clean break in living separately

    2. This other guy has had two failed marriages with kids with each wife

    3.  He came in hard and fast with the driving long distances to be with you, the money he spent on you and wanting to marry you/living together

    4. This was a very short period of time.  You said you met him in September of 2017?  So all of this transpired in less than 6 months

    5. Something happened that involved Social Services so he cannot be with his kid alone

    He *may* have loved you but as you know love shows up in different ways, is not always forever, and is usually conditional.

    You have experienced a classic whirlwind romance and breakup.  I wish you grace and gentle healing through this grief stage.



    Thanks Mark, it’s such a shame as we have the same interests and were attracted to each other and had lots of plans of fun things to do. I think it wasn’t the right time for me and it certainly wasn’t the right time for him. He should never have got into a relationship with me with all of that going on, it happened in June. The social work thing is in relation to what his son from the marriage did to his daughter from the other woman so he can see all his kids but the kids are not allowed to see each other and die to this the ex wife is in denial and wants him dead and daughter marriage hasn’t spoke to him since June. The other daughter that was hurt is too young to understand why she can’t see her brother and sister and is now getting counselling too.

    I suppose I am asking if the depression and anxiety of all of that and his new job and then us niggling each other has got too much and that’s why he has left or is it that he just doesn’t love me. I felt so much from him that I don’t want to let it go. I want to be there for him and help him through. I got angry after a week of nothing and sent a horrible message because I was hurt and I’m thinking any chance of reconciliation is now lost. I miss him terribly, I saw what he saw but seems life got in the way 🙁 I haven’t mesagednro apologise after no response so I’m just trying to move on but it’s so hard when he spoke so lovingly about the future 🙁



    Depression, anxiety, new job, kids and their issues, a pregnancy and the termination and rushing into a relationship all are great factors for not being available for a relationship.


    I am always cautious about using the word “love” and focusing on that for that can placing expectations on the other person.    So I would not think of him not loving you.  Regardless it is not about you and he has made it clear he does not want to continue the relationship.

    Time to move on.  And yes it is hard considering all you have been through with him in such a compressed period of time.

    I have no easy formula to get through this.




    Dear Louise:

    You shared how he spent many hours and many miles traveling so to spend time with you. Did I understand correctly, that when he attended to the serious problems with his children, that you expressed to him your discontent about him spending the time on or with his children, social services and all?




    Hi Anita, it’s complicated, my dating experience so far has been that my men have not had any children and so I was a priority and to be fair when I started dating Michael it seemed like that as he was seeing me a lot but this was because he’d been made redundant so was coming to see me almost every lunchtime and then picking me up and going to his or out for dinner but I’m the days he’d have his 6 year old he’d leave early which wasn’t a problem. For me it was hard all of December as his ex was unwell which meant he had to have his daughter and her Birthday is then so there were parties which meant not seeing me and then there was Christmas Day, Boxing Day and we were meant to see each other Christmas Eve but again ex unwell. Then he stated his new job which meant no lunches, a few days away which unfortunately turned into nearly a week and in return had to keep daughter a few days in a row. Due to what’s going on with the kids I wasn’t being introduced and rightly so. He doesn’t see other daughter as she won’t speak to him and his son sees him but not a lot. I felt like I was never seeing him and had went from seeing him a lot to hardly anything.

    I honestly believe he loved me and I pushed him away with my anxiety over our arrangements that got changed or cancelled so often that I was finding it hard to trust him and it made me sad because all I wanted was to spend time with him. I think everything got on top of him with the anxiety and depression and new job and kids and I became another “problem” but one he could remove. I’m devastated, I miss him so much.


    It’s been 3 weeks and there has been contact once from me (negative), I was so angry he left me after making love to me and talking again about a wonderful future and the next night before the fight on phone offered to come bring me tablets as I was sore (60 miles to drop off tablets, who does that if they don’t care?! It doesn’t make sense) I then fought with him over something silly and he said I’m sorry I can’t hanfle this, I’m not coping I’m struggling and don’t have the strength for it all and this relationship. I am so upset I have pushed him away and will regret it for the rest of my life, we could’ve been so good together. We wanted the family unit, same interests, attracted to each other. It’s such a shame. I messaged him today sesaying I missed him and would like to see him and he saw it 2 hrs ago and hasn’t responded. I know I need to move on but it’s so hard to leave him.



    I can see why it is confusing for you for he is sending mixed signals.  Sex then talk of future then offer to bring tablets then…

    This just highlights how inconsistent and confused he is.  I would find it hard to deal with anyone like that much less a romantic partner.

    This is classic push-pull.  Where he pushes you away then reels you back in with words and deeds and then he gets scared again and pushes you away…   I think this is what those with Anxious Attachment style people do (you can Google that).  His behavior shows that he does not want to let go and he cannot be close or attached.

    You cannot leave him because you are not yet committed to your own *full* and healthy happiness and therefore not ready to leave him.

    Make sense?


    Dear Louise:

    Reads to me that what you miss is not a man who truly loved you but a man whose style of dating was this: “he didn’t  want  to wait… he wanted a life long partner… told me with each  day we  spent together he was  falling for  me  more  and  more. He would run his fingers through my hair…He would  travel 40 miles  to come to see me for 45 min lunched… He bought a toothbrush which he said meant our relationship was  moving  to the next stage and that I was the one, his soul mate…”

    You thought, understandably, that his grand statements and actions meant that he loved you intensely. I think reality, his grand statements and actions were his style of dating a woman. Not a grand love story for you individually, but … a style.


    “The night before the split we stayed up… ate ice cream, spoke about us and our future again, he even said about us living together…and the  next day.. he  sent  a text saying: ‘I don’t normally do this but this is goodbye..’ and later: ‘Thank you please take care of yourself'”

    And that  was  his style of ending a relationship.

    If he was authentic while dating you, if he really  felt deeply for you (and so quickly), then he  couldn’t  have ended it with you so abruptly and completely, the day after insisting that living together was  what he  wanted.



    I honestly believe I have pushed him away, all he did and actually said this, was to give his all because he believed we were worth it. He proved this time and again through not only his words but his actions too. He was there for me in the beginning because he was out of work and was able to do a lot and then when he got the job and things started to get worse with the ex wife and kids I saw his mood drop and coming off the tablets for depression over Christmas because he had run out didn’t help. When he was no longer there for me it was hard to adjust to and I became anxious of our arrangements and bless him I think he did too as he would never know if an hour before leaving work there would be a problem he had not option other than to deal with or that he’d need to go get the kids and he became nervous about telling me as he knew it’d upset me. I was not understanding enough and my stupidity has made him withdraw from me. I wish I had done things differently, he needed someone to just understand and be supportive and all I did was get upset and he felt he couldn’t make me happy and as he gave his all he couldn’t give anymore so left. I truly believe this. I pushed him to the emotional edge and with everything else he has going on it isn’t hard to see why he is the way he is. I just wish I could have been better for him and get a chance to show I could be. The timing wasn’t right for either of us, I think a break would have been better than a split.

    A friend said it is good I am not blocked and that maybe he just needs time to sort himself and his situation out before he responds to me. I don’t know. I am not going to be messaging him again, I have done all that I can. I am trying to move on but it is very hard when I thought we could have been the family unit he/I wanted.

    I have learned that I need to trust more, be more understanding and supportive, it’s just such a shame I didn’t learn that before him.

    Mark, yes it makes sense 🙁


    I agree with what you said too Mark, certainly a whirlwind romance, such a lot of things in such a condensed space of time. I fell I have known him years not months. I just wish he would speak to me, hard when I heard from him every morning (text) and every night (phone call for an hour or two). I miss him and I regret giving him a hard time over things that he had no choice other than to attend to. I was selfish. He gave me his all and I just gave him some and then grief and he didn’t need that with all else that was going on and with the counselling re the anxiety and depression.



    I believe that there are good reasons why relationships end, that if was really meant to be then it would last otherwise it ends for a good reason.

    I also believe that for each relationship there is a great opportunity to learn and grow.  It looks like you have.


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