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    Dear Mina:

    I think this is an excellent advice: “do not worry about me, worry about yourself”.

    What do you see in the line you quoted: “I am fine. Do not worry about me, worry about yourself”- what does it mean to you?




    It refers to my “sacrifice”

    Do you remember when I told you?

    I feel like that became the answer to my concern over the whole sacrifice thing.

    I also let him know about my feelings, so my sacrifice ended I guess.



    Dear Mina:

    The sacrifice, you not burdening him with your feelings, as I remember it. Another way to have put yourself in the position of being inferior to him, I am thinking. I do remember you mentioning that he was like a god to you, superior, one to not anger (hence the profuse apologies), one to give thanks to (hence the profuse thank you-d), one to sacrifice for (hence… the sacrifice).

    I hope you post again, here or elsewhere, anytime, with your thoughts and feelings.




    Yes. That was what I meant by sacrifice.

    We talked about this before in depth, right?

    That sacrifice mindset was very hard to shake off even after our convo, but when he told me those things – it shook it off immediately.

    He is fine. I do not have to worry about him at all.

    I can tell from his sentences (he wrote all in Korean, I translated for you every single one) – he was surprised and he definitely do not want me to ever worry about him.

    Just like how I do not want him to worry about me, ever.

    That, to me, meant so much. That is why after that – I got comfortable and started speaking everything that I want to tell him.

    I tortured myself everyday for not being able to be “there” for him, so it was really hard for me emotionally and physically

    He gave me the “relief” and told me that I have to put myself first not put him first.




    The truth is, the whole sacrifice thing has been going on throughout the relationship.

    It gets worse and manifested into something bigger and deeper after the break up.

    I always think that Gyunnie feelings is more important than mine.

    As a couple, sometimes – we fight over stupid things.

    I would be scared of him being mad than anything. I am also scared of hurting his feelings.

    That is why Gyunnie always tried to protect my feelings, that when he gets mad or after he got mad – he would ask me if I got scared or not.

    We usually apologised to each other about the stuff and for being mad.

    I, especially, had a habit to apologise to him over the silliest things.




    Dear Mina:

    We understandably get scared when a person is angry at us because an angry person sometimes, often enough, will try to hurt the person he or she is angry at. Animals scare other animals with expressions of anger such as growling. Anger is scary except when you trust a person to not express their anger in behavior that is hurtful to you.

    And then we often feel badly when we feel angry at another person, once again, figuring feeling angry and hurting another is the same thing. But anger is a helpful and necessary feeling. We don’t choose to feel it, how can we then be guilty of feeling it. We choose if and how we express it.

    I like it very much that he expressed to you that he is feeling and doing fine and that you need not worry about him. It is such a burden and in your case, a torture, to worry about someone else, having no way to help them (“I tortured myself everyday for not being able to be ‘there’ for him, so it was really hard for me emotionally and physically”).

    At this point, what it comes to, I believe, is that your life is about you, or should be. I hope it is. There was very, very little that was in your power to do for him when in the relationship, the four months with often days and even weeks of not seeing him.

    You have some power to be “there” for yourself, to consider the thought that your feelings matter as much as anyone else’s, and that it is your job, your lifetime career, so to speak, to operate for the benefit of your own well-being. Part of doing so is to have win-win interactions and relationships with others.

    I strongly advise you to not worship another person, like you have worshipped him. Remember you referred to him as an “ex partner” before you changed it to “ex boyfriend”? When you worship a person, you are not a partner and he is not your partner. You are a lesser,  a lowly, an inferior. Why would you want to be that in a relationship or otherwise in life. I hope you don’t have a reason, not anymore.




    That whole conversation with him changed almost everything.

    My mind finally sync in with reality, and it was … a weird feeling. A thousand wave of emotions that cannot be explained.

    I cried, I laughed, and I was confused because this Gyunnie was not the Gyunnie that I dated.

    Of course not. Because he is no longer my boyfriend. I noticed that he tried to keep things as casual and as platonic as possible.

    Very understandable.

    It has been MONTHS since the break up, his feelings have changed over the course of time while mine stayed the same.

    The way that he answered was very different comparing to the birthday message email back in July.

    He seems more distant, and does not want to discuss anything related to our past relationship any further.

    I sense that it is not because he does not care about me, it is just that our relationship is just … something from the past. Something so behind him.

    He is ready for a new future since he got his acceptance letter and he seems kind of uncomfortable when I mentioned Peter (our mutual friend) – I sense it is because he just wants to get over the past.

    The past is not something that he wants to remember at fondly. The past that has me, Peter, K University, Business school people, Student council … just everything about it.

    And I understand him. I do not want to push him any further or initiate contact anymore.

    I admit that I was very mad at everyone and everything. For separating me and him, and I feel like we are in this tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet.

    I know now that he is not Romeo and I am not Juliet.

    We are just not meant to be together.

    and for the first time ever, I am okay with that.

    Gyunnie came into my life, he taught me on how to love and accept myself and then he left.

    He was just a lesson for me in my life. A memory. A memory that I slowly forget as well.

    He was never meant to stay with me permanently and there was nothing that I could have done to made him stay.

    It is not easy for me to type here right now to you. I am admitting everything that I refused to admit weeks ago.

    And Anita,

    I have little gift for you.

    We have been talking here for around 4 months, we talk about my personal life and my deepest secrets, something that I never shared with anyone. Not even my closest friends, or Gyunnie.

    You deserve to at least know my name.

    Mina is not my real name, it is a name that Gyunnie gave to me. He lend me his last Korean name and I added that first Korean name : Mina.

    Kim Mina.

    That was my Korean name.

    Mina is a name filled with pain, memories and just … sadness. I hide behind that name for a very long time. I felt safe using a name that Gyunnie gave. I felt a sense of belonging with him. A sense of connection, but I need to understand that the first step to be myself again is to actually … use my real name.

    So, hello Anita. It is very nice to talk to you. I am Monica.





    Dear Monica:

    I am touched. I felt goosebumps as I read your last line, I still do. This is indeed a precious gift. Thank you so very much. I highly value your gift.

    Everything that you wrote is Reality. Excellent thinking.

    There is something I need to leave you with before I take my 17 hour break (give or take) from the computer. You may feel calm and clear right now, when you posted the above, but a change in thinking and feelings, such drastic change doesn’t happen without an… earthquake of sorts. It takes the brain time to adjust to such new understanding. You are likely to feel distressed but please, do not be alarmed.

    Distressed is an unavoidable, unpreventable part of new understandings and healing. It cannot be otherwise. Let the distress be when it happens. Remind yourself it is the brain’s shock when it understand things in a very different way than before. Be patient with the process.

    Again, thank you so very much for this wonderful, special gift, Monica.

    anita (my real name)



    Thank you for understanding and appreciating my little gift. It meant a lot to me.

    For others, it is only a mere name but for me the name Mina and Monica have a very different meaning.

    It is important for me, to let go of Mina.

    I have been holding on to a lot of things in my life during these past few months.

    The name Mina itself, my long black hair that I refused to cut because Gyunnie liked it very much, our old photos together that I still carry everywhere that I go. Our last date receipt from a restaurant that actually already fades right now, I still keep it all.

    Because that is how I keep the relationship alive by myself.

    Struggling, refusing to let anyone in, refusing to hear what anyone says about him, or about our relationship, I fought so hard alone to keep it alive. It was so hard, very hard.

    The earthquake is already starting … it feels like breaking up with him all over again.

    It is … truly over this time.

    I have said everything and he had heard everything.

    Loss is so painful, so heart wrenching, to the point where death is an option – because you realise that it was once good.

    It was perfect. It was everything that you had hoped for in your life.

    I am so lucky to have a lot of amazing friends, their support has been overwhelming over these past weeks.

    I cannot even describe it, I struggle with my belief and faith, my love life problem and my study here at K University.

    I struggle everyday and it is not easy to talk with me logically sometimes, I have my own moment when I get very distress that I cannot think straight.

    I feel like an outsider here, I have 3 more years as well. That became the main issue of my depression, and the break up was the cherry on top.

    I broke down last summer – I was originally a very bubbly and happy person.

    I used to love studying, shopping, and being alive. I used to.

    Seeing the current “Monica” was a shock to a lot of people, even to my closest friends. I look very tired, and depressed most of the times. I want to get out of this, I really do.

    To live my life as Monica, not Mina.

    I am currently still in a lot of distress due to the change and shock from Gyunnie`s message, which is normal, I guess. I hope.

    The feeling of loss is just so profound, so deep, so painful. It cannot be described with words.

    I wrote a few things above on my last reply, on why he was so distant – was my assumption regarding the reason behind his action right, according to you?

    That he at this point – just wants to move on and start anew at Y University.

    I would love to hear your feedback as usual.

    I hope that I do not sound too emotional or stressed out in this reply.










    I feel really distraught. I cannot really sleep or eat.

    I felt like Gyunnie wasn’t in the same page as I was when I talked to him. We were on the same page for the birthday message.

    But now, the way that he replied was just confused and cold. Confused at why I suddenly bring out stuff from the past, cold because he didn’t felt the same as I do.

    I feel like I am going crazy – all my delusions and one sided relationship was really … false. It was never real. I talked to Gyunnie all this time as if he felt the same as me but he did not.

    He moved on. After that birthday message, he moved on. I was just a part of his past, a distant memory that he does not want to remember at all.

    Anita, I wish that this isn’t reality. That reality isn’t so painful. That it isn’t so hard to bear and live with.

    I wish that I am not breathing at this very moment.



    I wish that I am pregnant now,

    It sounds very distraught and weird,

    But If I am pregnant with his baby, he’ll stay with me, right?

    We’ll get married and live happily with our kid.

    my life will be perfect


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Mina.

    Dear Monica:

    A few comments before I re-read the communication you had with him.

    First item is your comparison of the birthday-wishing communication and the Thanksgiving communication. From memory of the first, I don’t see a difference. I am thinking that you were less congruent with reality then, more inclined to wishful thinking and make-believe, so you perceived that communication in a very wishful thinking way.

    Second item is your perception that your life was perfect when in the four month relationship with him- it was not perfect. You were distressed every time you separated from him and during the times you didn’t see him for extended periods, when he was studying for exams.

    Third item is your perception that you used to be a happy person before you met him and during, and now you are depressed, a drastic shift. You had happy times before you met him but you were not always happy before.

    Fourth item is your perception that you have close friends while in reality you don’t share your intimate thoughts and feelings with anyone (so you wrote) but here. You also feel like an outsider in the university/ Korea. Close friends are those with whom you do share your intimate thoughts and feelings and who accept and support you. When you have close friends you don’t feel like an outsider.

    Fifth item, the communication with him yesterday, I just re-read it:

    There is no indication in it of affection or intimacy on his part, only politeness and social graciousness.

    There is no indication of him having an intent to resume any kind of relationship, be it friendship or otherwise.

    His words were that he doesn’t know “the right manner to date”- translated from Korean, I understand. He referred to those four months as “dating”, not a relationship, then? Did he tell you during those four months that he loved you, that he saw a future with you…?




    You wrote :

    “There is no indication in it of affection or intimacy on his part, only politeness and social graciousness.

    There is no indication of him having an intent to resume any kind of relationship, be it friendship or otherwise.”

    I feel the same way as you.

    I was …. presumptive about the whole friendship thing. During the relationship, I mentioned to him that I have a very good relationship (platonic) with all of my exes.

    Me and my exes do not stay in contact, but I still consider them friends because I feel like we shared a lot of memories and affection together.

    I still have a pretty good relationship with my first love, the one I dated in high school, we still follow each other on social media and have nothing against each other what so ever. We have a good platonic friendship. We can share a happy birthday message once a year, and that is it.

    Upon hearing this, Gyunnie was confused. He did not understand how exes can stay friends. He only had one real ex girlfriend, they broke up in such awful terms that they never spoke to each other again or even have each other phone number / social media. He is not familiar with the concept that exes can be your friend.

    He never agreed to be my friend, Anita. I just realise that. I forced this friendship thing to him. Even during the break up talk, he never said anything about staying in contact as friends. His personality is “all or nothing” so MAYBE to him, either I am his girlfriend or nothing. It is hard for him to find a middle ground, sometimes. That side of him was the main reason why he easily decided to move college and wasted one year of his life.

    Regarding the words “dating” and “relationship” – I cannot really give you assurance because of the translation. Maybe he was referring to “dating” as it is the proper words to use, you cannot say “I do not know the right manner in a relationship” because it sounds really weird in Korean, but I will not defend his choice of words, you can assume that for him it was only dating.

    He did tell me that he loved me. After some pressure from me, I guess.

    I asked him whether in the past, to friends or family or ex girlfriend – did he ever say “I love you”?

    He told me, only to his close friends as a joke when they did something good for him. He asked if this was my way of asking him to say “I love you” and I said no. It was a lighthearted conversation, I was not serious. Yes, I was fishing but I never really excepted him to say it.

    He said I love you after the night of that conversation. I did not say I love you back.

    Later on, after a few weeks, we kissed and he asked me why I never told him that I love him.

    I told him at that point.

    Nothing about future, only tiny bits when he told me how he was willing to postpone his military service for me and come down to K University from Y University every week, it is something involving his future that he was willing to change for me. That was it.

    You wrote : “Fourth item is your perception that you have close friends while in reality you don’t share your intimate thoughts and feelings with anyone (so you wrote)”

    During my depression period or episode, I refused to reach out. The truth is, most of my good friends (at least 10 people) knows what is going on with me in general. They are aware that I am depressed and always tried to reach out but I was always … very closed on them, I guess. I have 2 best friends named Jessica and Henderson – I talk to them in a daily basis. They also knew that I almost killed myself during these past few months. They tried to make things better, tried to made me feel involved but we are so far away. Distance is the real problem here. They asked me to seek professional help, forced to go out with people so I won’t feel so lonely but I was just very negative and refused to listen.

    Yesterday was the first time that I can truly see my friends effort in helping me, their support has been super amazing.

    Henderson in particular, as a guy, helped me a lot with seeing things from Gyunnie perspective. He mentioned that I was too serious with him from the very first day. We are only 19, and I am very rushy to get married – in a way maybe Gyunnie feels it as well. That I was taking the relationship into a very serious manner.

    The truth is, we almost broke up when Gyunnie told me that he was moving college. I CLEARLY told him that it would be better to break up now if he is not all in. Gyunnie told me that he was all in, he was willing to commit to me LONG TERM regardless military service and the distance between Y and K University (which is a 2 hour bus ride)

    He promised me that. He broke it off himself. That was why maybe he apologised during the birthday message, because he is aware that he was not consistent with his own words. He did it out of his guilt.

    To give you more context, I think the break up trigger was when I told him that I am not the type of girlfriend that can go without seeing my boyfriend for a long time of period. Something in Gyunnie snapped after I say that. From that point, he realised that the relationship is doomed. He was and still is a bad liar, so the shift was very visible.





    To be fair,

    He had mentioned before that he won’t date anyone for the next 3 years.

    Maybe in a way, he let me down gently in order to not confuse or get my hopes up.

    If he had responded in a different manner, there is a good chance that I will think that getting back together is a option.

    and as I have mentioned, I am just someone that is a part of his past. Something that he does not want to really remember for a lot of good reasons.

    He felt uncomfortable to dwell or talk about the past, and I was forcing him to be friends with me. Maybe he does not want to and he does not feel ok with staying in contact with an ex.

    I feel like, it is nothing personal – just … it his choice.

    He does not want to play the “bad boyfriend” part again, he wants to start anew at Y University. No girlfriend drama, no student council drama – he just wants to live a drama free life.

    That is how I feel, I could be wrong.





    Dear Monica:

    Back to clear thinking following some distress/decline about fifteen hours ago in the recent posts, following the very clear thinking post, the one ending with your gift to me. And so it goes, clarity and some confusion, distortions, back to clarity. This is part of the process of understanding reality.

    There are a few things for you to learn from this relationship and post relationship, so that you can have a healthier mind and a better life. One of many things to learn is what you mentioned in your last post, your rush to get married (and at nineteen!). One of many is to work on not apologizing and not presenting yourself as less worthy than the man in the relationship. Over time maybe you can process all the things you can learn and put them into practice. It is an informal education that is most valuable.


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