
dealing with hate and anger

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    I need open and honest opinions about hating someone to the point that its hurting your life and marriage . I wont make this post too long but i cant stand my in laws. sadly we live with them but on a different floor , and ever since i came into this home (2 yrs ago)i have not felt welcomed or liked at all. They have nagged me about not sittig with them enough even though they are very mean when i sit with them make a lot of rude jokes and im the type that csnt take them well. My husbands dad died 4 years ago so its just his mom and four sisters and i knoe its horrible thst the sisters and mom are without him but it doesnt give them the right to be so mean. They love to talk about my husbands ex infront of me all the time and they love to make fun of my husband and me and say we are too sensitive. His mom is also very manipulative and treats him like he is still a kid. But what really upset me is last oct i started trying to have a baby, but it took time so we got a dog , i have wanted a dog since i was a baby and i was so happy when my husband afopted her for me . I was also VERY lonely since i did not work or study at the time. Longn story short my MIL kicked the dog out and forced me to get rid of her and she never talked to me about it just forced my husband to take her away from me. She heard me yell and scream and still had the nerve to ask my husband if somethig was wrong even though he told her that the dog was a dream of mine. Fast forward to jan/feb i had a miscarrige broke my heart but they still bullied me and could not care less that i lost my twins. And a week ago i had my second misscarrige and i am more lonely than ever and when my husband told them she just said oh well not the time and could not give less of a s””@ she even asked him if she HAD to come to the hospital . I hate who i have become , i have never hatrd anyone so much they are so selfish and mean and its ruining my marriage bc i always am mad at my husbsnd bc of them
    how can i deal with this anger and hatered for this people !! I hate myself like this


    Dear animalloer1994:

    It’s a shame you’ve been living with these abusive people, and for so long! You need to be out of there as soon as possible, today, the next day- ASAP.

    Once you don’t live with them, and once you decide if you ever want to see the mother and her daughters again- at all, and if so, under circumstances where they will not mistreat you- then your anger will weaken.

    And once you live away, you can get a dog and.. keep him/ her.


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