
Death of an ex

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    So this week I discovered an ex boyfriend passed away 2 years ago by suicide . He was I guess my first love when I was 18.  We went out for less than a year and then he broke things of to go back with his ex whom he was with since and had 2 kids with.  I was heartbroken at the time.  This was many years ago now and since I have been happily married for ten years.  We lost touch over the years but I would still think of him time to time.  What has surprised me is the emotion and sadness I am feeling now, the heart ache of loosing him all those years ago has resurfaced.  I feel heartbroken for him and his family and the heart brake they most be going through.  I feel like I need to create some closure on this but not sure how to go about it.


    Dear Jane:

    Maybe you need to let the sadness be with you for a while, feel it and nothing else. Maybe there is nothing to figure out except to feel the loss of then, knowing now that the loss of then is permanent. If you want you can share about that relationship long ago, how he was, how it was to be with him, what you miss about him.


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