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March 16, 2016 at 8:47 am #99143
ParticipantHello everyone. I’m Ravi and I’m from India. Honoured to join this wonderful site. I’ve been reading articles here from a while and they’ve inspired me much. Also, while I’m not a Buddhist myself, I have much respect for the Buddha and His teachings. I’ve been really depressed lately due to one of my most prized and loved relationships being in critical danger, all due to my fault. I just wanted to express myself here. I don’t really have anybody in real life to share with. I’ve always been a pretty introverted person by nature and only had a selected few friends right from childhood, and even with them I wasn’t any more close than needed.
After being on the Internet, I joined some forums, participated in contests and discovered inner talents I had no idea even existed. I found several new friends, who genuinely appreciated and loved me and even grew to respect me as an elder brother. They became like a family to me. One of them is a girl who is as introverted and shy as myself, perhaps even more. She expressed later that she does not like talking to boys at all, most definitely not on the Internet and initially she was even hesitant to add me as a friend on Facebook. Our initial talks were all extremely formal, but after we became fans of a common actor, we opened a Facebook page for them together, defended them from haters and rumour mongers, and basically had a lot of “adventures” together that brought us very close. I was the only person she grew to truly love almost like a blood brother. When I was sad or disturbed, she even stayed awake entire nights to pacify and comfort me. We used to chat on phone messages almost the whole day everyday, we shared about our families and other things we never shared with anybody else, were always there to support each other.
I tend to get irritated and angry quickly over petty issues, and then regret it soon after. It is a quality I truly dislike about myself. I hurt her over minor issues too many times, she was always so sweet and forgiving but after repeated incidents, it naturally crossed the limits eventually. I made efforts to eliminate what was causing tension between us and decided to always make her happy henceforth. She was always so sweet and forgiving, not minding her own pain just to see me happy. All seemed fine, until I realized I had become extremely possessive of her. When she told me about her love for her cousin brother, instead of being grateful that she had given me a special place in her life, I felt very insecure. When I saw her Liking his Facebook posts and not mine, I started a ridiculous argument over the same and it went on for nearly two weeks. After I tried to mend things, I realized my feelings for her were no longer just brotherly. You know what I mean. I confided in 2 close friends who suggested I should keep it to myself since she will never reciprocate my feelings. I tried, but did a poor job in concealing my affection for her.
Although I had requested my friends to keep this between ourselves, one of them ended up telling her the truth when she asked them about my changed behaviour. Not just told, but sent her an entire copy of the chat where I had confessed my feelings. She became so hurt (I’m truly shocked because at least I did not flirt or do any such things) that she blocked me on FB and other places, before telling me that what I wish will not come true. I did not press on as I needed to respect her feelings, so I apologized and asked that we could still be friends. She was still so offended that she said something about my parents, mentioning that I had unnecessarily targeted her cousin too. What she said was not offensive, but in the heat of the argument, my brain interpreted it differently and I said some truly vicious stuff and blocked her. I was fuming for two days, to my friends I spoke really abusively about her as if it’s her fault (though they saw through it). Then she sent me an unconditional apology via one of them saying she’s sorry if I felt bad, as she never intended it. She said though I hurt her badly, she’ll always pray for me and wish me well. The realization crashed over me, and I sent her a heartfelt apology too. She said, “I don’t mind you if you become how you were years ago, but it seems hard and though I’m not ending our relation, I can’t accept your feelings either.” We did not talk after that day, it’s been nearly 10 days and prior to this, for 3 years not a day went by when we didn’t talk nearly the whole day. I sent her another apology, but she did not reply.
I’m sorry this post got so long, but I’m extremely depressed due to this. I don’t even care whose fault it was. I cannot live without her. My friends simply tell me, “time will decide if she’ll be with you again”, but I don’t wish to live if I indeed lost the most wonderful person I was ever blessed with in my life, all due to my hideous temper and foul mouth. I’m crying looking at her photos and the old wonderful chats we had, the gifts she sent me. I hate myself for everything I did and even my friends who know this, are disgusted with my behaviour, and one of them stopped talking to me. For a while I was feeling suicidal, but I am determined to change myself for her. I’ve not used a single profane word since that day and I’m doing my best to subdue my temper using articles I found here. I’m ready to push my feelings and affection back for now, if only to have her back as a friend at least. But my heart fears the worst, and my conscience rebukes me day and night for my deeds. I don’t know what to do.
March 16, 2016 at 9:14 am #99146Anonymous
GuestDear Ravi:
You’ve been in contact with this young woman for three years online only? Did you talk with her on the phone throughout these years? Did you meet her in person?
The friend that sent her a copy of your private correspondence with him- does he know her only from online communication (the Fan club, maybe?)
Are you still in contact with that friend who betrayed your confidence?
And in regards to your temper, foul mouth, which you indicated: will you share when do you remember the beginning of being excessively angry and easy to get angry: at what age, under what circumstances…were or are you angry at your parents, siblings?
March 16, 2016 at 9:32 am #99148ravi_zimmerfan
ParticipantHello Anita. Thanks a lot for the reply.
Yes, we were on contact online and on WhatsApp (chatting App on cell phone). She says she is shy of speaking on phone and in person, even to her family and close friends, and is comfortable chatting via text messaging. Recently however we did talk on phone; she called after I was depressed due to a fight. I called her back later. Though I could tell she was quite happy with our talk, when I mentioned that I was glad that she felt comfortable on phone unlike usual, she replied, “It’s nothing like that, I had to talk since the call was costing you money.” This was after she suspected my feelings.
Yes, that friend who betrayed me knows her from the fan club too. In fact she let down my trust twice. I expressed my disappointment to that friend and am not in contact with her ever since.
I did not really have a temper as such during childhood, but around 2008 or so when an apparently drunk neighbour came to our house and spoke really rudely to me, my parents told me to keep quiet since he’s a dangerous person. In my temper I could not see the rationale of their words and later accused them really rudely about forcing me to be quiet. I’ve been facing disputes with them regarding my career from a few years and regarding that I did get quite angry and rude with them, which I regretted later.
March 16, 2016 at 9:37 am #99150Anonymous
GuestDear Ravi:
For three years… and you are both in your early 20s? Does she live close by to you, close enough to get together in person?
March 16, 2016 at 9:47 am #99153ravi_zimmerfan
ParticipantI’m 26 and she’s 20. No, she’s in a state much further from my place. But honestly, distance is not the problem. I had asked her if we could meet when I was visiting the place earlier, but she flat out refused and even asked me not to mail her any gifts, because her family is extremely conservative (you know about the Indian culture and all) and if they ever find out she’s gotten so close to someone from the Internet, the consequences will be dreadful. And apart from that, she herself isn’t willing to accept my feelings.
March 16, 2016 at 10:20 am #99158Anonymous
GuestDear Ravi:
I reread your posts on this thread. And I feel sad. For you and even for her. I will clarify as I type:
You were very lonely when you started the correspondence with her, three years ago and so has she. But I will focus on you: you were lonely, alone and lonely in the context of your biological family. When your parents told you to be quiet (because the neighbor was dangerous), you got angry because (?) you need and want to be heard. You need your voice to be heard…not to be quiet, as if you don’t exist.
In that loneliness, you got your Online Family, a closer family than your biological family. And it felt wonderful to feel loved online/ text messaging. And this girl has been the closest to Family, the closest to Love. It was love for you and understandably so.
She is in a similar position, alone and lonely and afraid of her extremely conservative family. She is very limited in her …daring to form a friendship, and extremely limited in …daring to form more than a friendship. The consequences, she told you, would be dreadful for her.
In the context of online communication/ texting, she had the opportunity to love and be loved, spending nights trying to comfort you, being kind to you. And you felt so good to be loved by her… and yes, you felt possessive and angry at times.
The context of your relationship with this woman is limited and always has been limited to online/ text messaging only. With her fear of her family, there is an extremely small chance for a relationship other than what you had.
In that limited context, you are very attached to her, because this is the closest you have to being loved.
I would like to further communicate with you, for however long you would like. I will stop here though, to ask you what do you think about my understanding so far?
March 16, 2016 at 10:45 am #99163ravi_zimmerfan
ParticipantDear Anita, thank you so much for your kind words. I’m grateful and yes, your understanding is very much spot on for as much as I posted here. 🙂
Regarding my temper, the neighbour incident doesn’t fully cover my issue. I’ll give another example… if anyone messes around in my room or moves my things around without telling me, I tend to get extremely irked. My grandmother is extremely overprotective, that again is a number one issue for getting my temper up. Recently another close friend got somewhat jealous of my bond with the girl I love. And when she expressed it to me, I don’t know how but my temper flared up and I told her, “So what do you want? Do you consider her an obstacle, do you want that *censored* to die so I will be with you only?” I truly have started hating myself for such behaviour. It may happen once, twice… but now it’s truly turned me into a horrible person, and I’ve lost all self-respect and am on verge of losing someone dearer to me than my own life.
You’re right about what we meant/mean to each other. Honestly, I’ve felt that in certain cases, online/text messaging helps some people (especially introverts) communicate in ways that talks on phone and in person don’t. I’ve even experienced it with my cousin. When he’s here, we hardly talk but on FB we could chat for hours non-stop. Similar situation with her. I know how much she loves/loved me because not only she put up with all this atrocity from me without a single word until now, but she told my other friends that she loves me and never wants to lose me (as a brother). She went out of the way to create lavish gifts on my birthday and a festival celebrating the brother-sister bond of love.
I don’t know what chance I have for a relationship. My only wish at the present is to genuinely repent for my deeds, to be with her again at least as a friend. I truly don’t feel I deserve the latter until I can change myself for the better.
March 16, 2016 at 10:54 am #99167Anonymous
GuestDear Ravi:
I will be taking a short break and will be back soon. I read the first part of your latest post and was wondering if you can tell me about what ways practiced by your overprotective grandmother make you angry??? And what thoughts go through your head (whether you express those to her, or not) when she does these things?
March 16, 2016 at 11:03 am #99168ravi_zimmerfan
ParticipantIt may be hard to believe, but to this day my grandmother never let me drive a vehicle out of fear of accidents. She never let me go to friends’ homes saying I could be kidnapped on the way. I’m not allowed to go even to the shops right in front of my house, or even to go to the terrace to talk on phone as I apparently might fall down the stairs. If I’m late in coming home from classes, she always makes a huge fuss about not being on time for lunch/dinner, says that it’s better if I quit college as nutrition is more important (I’m truly not exaggerating). It just makes me feel dumb and like a toddler, when she does this. I can understand overprotectiveness but even then this is extreme.
March 16, 2016 at 11:31 am #99170Anonymous
GuestDear Ravi:
Is your grandmother your main caretaker? Not your mother (or father)? For how long?
Let me see… First, your anger: there is a valid, a real, understandable, reasonable, making-sense message in your anger. The message needs to be heard and understood by you. When the message is delivered and as a result you change some things about your circumstances, the anger will weaken (its message has successfully been delivered).
You lost respect for yourself because of the expressions of your anger, and you not knowing sometimes where it came from and why it came out this way or that way?
Once you hear and understand the message, you will understand, and with self empathy, you will behave differently and respect yourself again.
This is why I asked the questions about your anger, trying to get to its message. So back to your grandmother (main caretaker? For how long?)- To calm her own fears of harm coming to you she is controlling your life: no driving! No going to friends’ houses! No going to the terrace! Never be late! Always watch the time! … And No college!
And no matter how much and how often you accommodated her fears, she keeps being afraid and keeps demanding control.
I think you want to be free. Is this the message behind your anger: leave me alone! Let me be! Go away!?
March 16, 2016 at 11:43 am #99172ravi_zimmerfan
ParticipantThat’s partly true. Regarding my grandmother, my parents are my caretakers but since she gets very offended if she does not get her way, they relent and do what she asks. In fact my parents do it themselves as well. Like even now, when I’m depressed and after being asked finally confessed that its trouble with a friend that is the reason, they said – “Don’t worry, we’ll talk to your friend and get them back to you.” If I got bullied in school, they used to go and tell the bully to leave me alone. Many times my teachers asked them to let me learn to stand up for myself, but they didn’t.
But I don’t feel that’s the root cause for my temper. I’ve fought a lot of times due to people messing around with my things, or touching them with dirty hands… that irks me a lot. During arguments I have a dreadful habit of making straw-man accusations and though my rational side tells me that it’s ridiculous, the angry part of my brain forces me to go ahead anyway. Like the argument with my other friend I mentioned – I could’ve just said something like, “I know you love me too, so do I. You both have unique places in my life.” But I found myself saying, “You want her to die so you’ll have my sole attention?” I’m feeling my situation is just karma for failing to understand my other friend’s emotions. 🙁
March 16, 2016 at 11:51 am #99173Anonymous
GuestDear Ravi:
I was wondering about the sentence you said: “You want her to die…” ever since I read it. I know there is something meaningful there and I don’t know what it is yet. But we can figure it out over time. What you said, that sentence, means a lot- there is a valuable message there. Don’t know it yet.
Your grandmother is very (and yes, extremely!) controlling of you and overprotective and in so doing, she is giving you the message that life is very scary and you can’t handle it yourself, therefore you need her. Same with your parents’ message to you, being overprotective of you, doing your assertions for you or offering to do so.
And when the dangerous neighbor came by, they told you to be quiet. So they don’t think Fighting is the right way, angrily confronting a situation. They only believe in avoiding danger, running away.
And so they all have encouraged you to not fight, only to run away? To avoid? They all gave you the message that being angry is a bad thing and being fearful is the… way to go (family tradition, to be fearful and avoid/ run away)?
March 16, 2016 at 12:16 pm #99177ravi_zimmerfan
ParticipantYup, that’s kind of true regarding my family’s general approach to things. I don’t like going out much anyway but yes, being isolated turned me into even more of a recluse and I sometimes feel I’m not even half as mature as a 26 year old would be expected. I don’t even talk to girls or like to be around them in real life. I doubt anyone close to me here would believe I’m in love with one. 😛
There indeed is a strong message in the dying part, yes. I am very protective of those I love. Like, protective to insane levels. I see insults against them everywhere, even when not intended. Another incident: in that TV show forum, we had once tried holding a birthday celebration of my favourite actor together with a veteran actor in the show (they share birthdays). When the latter’s fans began getting rude saying stuff like, “How dare you do this, is your XYZ as important as our respected veteran?” I posted there, “According to you people, is she a dirty *censored* and not even fit to be called a human being?” Same with the incident regarding my other friend. My brain interpreted her jealousy towards the girl I love (let’s just call her Jerry) as something insanely exaggerated and it got that response from me.
In the past, many of my arguments with Jerry used to go like this:
Jerry – Look, they were just defensive about their favourite actor since he’s a veteran and understandably deserves most attention. They spoke well of her in the past too. Your reaction was out of line.
Me – If they respected her, they wouldn’t have said things like (insert quotes of those people). But yeah, after all she’s just a useless piece of *censored*, what does it matter right?
Jerry – Don’t you use such words for her! Even they didn’t do it! And you’re not the only one who cares for her, even I do! I don’t like you behaving like this.
Me – Of course, you don’t like anything about me. I’m just a *censored* and I hope I don’t wake up alive tomorrow, I merely trouble you all. Goodbye!Then I would storm off and in the morning there would be a hundred apology messages from her saying, “Bro I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that! I love you.” I would feel really bad and apologize to her too. But incidents like this happened not just once, or twice… literally hundreds of times. Anyone else in her place would’ve left me long ago. I took her love for granted, clearly. Though I always felt genuinely bad for my behaviour and truly love and care for her, I don’t feel anyone who ever looks at my behaviour can feel it’s true.
March 16, 2016 at 12:33 pm #99179Anonymous
GuestDear Ravi:
I read your last message and will be taking another break. I need some calm and clarity so to see more into your anger as you described it, and you described it well, detailed enough. I would like to figure out the message, check it with you… any more insight that you might get, let me know. The thing is, to think best, one needs to be calm and presently I am not calm enough. Will definitely write to you later.
March 16, 2016 at 12:40 pm #99181ravi_zimmerfan
ParticipantThank you so much, Anita. I cannot express how much it means to me. Of everyone I spoke to regarding this issue until now, it’s you who has been most understanding and genuinely willing to help to the fullest. I hope everything gets well for you soon. Best wishes and stay blessed. 🙂