
did yOU KNOW

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #275711

    Thaaaat…there’s a lot of people feelin’ alone in this topic…in this fo- topic.

    So I’m here to add more to the pile 🙂

    Still feelin’ lonely. Saw my married couple friends kiss in bed today like a cute couple and I damn near started crying. To be fair I was already feeling like shit but that point still stands.

    I can’t really…BE helped via…a website, so think of this as more just me…gettin’ shit out.

    Still don’t got that job, probably won’t – probably just crash at places and leech off of people for as long as I can like a scumbag.

    I’m not suicidal but it’d be 100% easier for everyone around if I was dead…like…logically. OR WHO KNOWS, Maybe I’m over thinkin this or not – I dunno, my mom stole my childhood from me…so did my rapist (: Maybe I’m tryina’ get it back, maybe I’m supposed to suck it up

    ALL I KNOW is that I’ve gotten a taste of adulthood and I fucking hate it



    Dear Maria:

    “I can’t really … BE helped via…. a website, so I think of this as more just me… getting sh*& out”-

    -as you might have noticed, I tried to help you, just a bit, by answering thoughtfully and heartfully your various thread,  including the one three days ago. I see now, I read you, you can’t be helped via a website. You are posting to just get sh*& out.

    I will therefore stop replying to your posts following this very reply, and hope you do feel relief from venting.



    i meant that in more of a…”magic button” kind of way. It’s nice to get input on things but no one on here can…give me the money I need, or give me anything physical that would help. Know what I mean?


    Dear Maria:

    Has there been a person in your life who gave you overall quite a bit of money, or spent a good amount of money on you over the years, who gave you lots of physical things, like food and toys and yet did not give you something intangible that was oh, so much more needed than those physical things?


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