
Divorce advice – What to do first?

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    Can anyone tell me what to do first? I have finally come to terms my marriage is over and not sure hat to do.
    I went to see a solicitor last year and can’t remember what she advised where to start.
    I have no children, fortunately and we own a house and car together.
    I am currently not working so am lacking funds, but know I can may him liable for all the charges.
    Some my question is..
    Do I serve him with a divorce petition first and then put the house on the market once the financial agreement is in place?
    Or Do I sell the house first with the financial agreement in place and then file for divorce?

    I know that it takes 2 weeks for him to be served the divorce and then I have to wait 6 weeks till the divorce is half way through?
    Does anyone know how long it takes of a divorce to be complete and does anyone recommend a online quickie divorce in my situation?
    He says he won;t get nasty, but I know he will as he has done when it comes to money as has been with holding money form me in the past as I am not working.
    Advice would be great – Thanks in advance


    Dear H1978:

    It is tough and it is going to be tough for you for a long time. I don’t know anything about law in the UK and not a lot about the legality of divorce in the US. What I am thinking is: he is greatly motivated by money, very much so. So expect that and try to use it to your advantage in appealing to this strong motivation of his. He is likely to do anything to save money. He will not use a lawyer if it will cost him more money than otherwise. So maybe he is more likely to reach an agreement with you, more motivated so to save legal costs.

    You need to know some basic legal information in the U.K so to proceed. Probably see a solicitor (is that a lawyer..) for consultation and tell him or her how greatly he is motivated to save money and how to use it for your advantage so to get to an equitable and FAST divorce.


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