
Do you believe that if you're truly in love…

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    If you’ve found your soul mate, and you’re so in love, but he’s going through the throes of a divorce, and needs to shut that door before he continues w/our relationship. I completely understand, and we’ve agreed to be friends. He has no family out here and will have to move, and needs help. I just want to be here for him even just as friends so I can help him.

    If we are meant to be, we’ll have our happily ever after, and if it isn’t meant to be, we won’t? Is that really true?



    This might hurt to hear but most separated men are still very attached to their wives . This is very natural and my husband was the same telling me he was not happy with his new girlfriend (ya but you made your bed).
    My advice is to date only divorced men or men that have been separated for Years. I’m sure there are instances when I am wrong but even my father never got over my mother decades later.


    I think you cling to illusion you’ve created, that’s all.

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