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  • #117075

    I’m 30 years old and feel so lost. I’m still mourning a relationship that ended 2 years ago which I was in for 10 years. I feel like in this time I’ve become an empty shell, with a lump that constantly sits in my throat ready to well up at any time, a pain so deep inside me that my body aches all over. I was treated in a very cruel way & throughout the past 2 years have endured constant pain from this person by giving me false hope. Something I take responsibility for, for allowing it to happen. I am unhappy with certain thing’s that I suppose are superficial about myself but feel like I can’t be in a relationship until I am happy & I have ‘fixed’ them. I feel so weighed down by this pain & stagnant feeling, I laugh & smile but this pain will not leave. I’ve lost motivation for life. I have constant reminders of how my life used to be whilst seeing my ex move on to new relationships, whilst still contacting me with the odd reminiscent message that still keeps that little glow of hope warm and ready to spark at any given moment only to be smothered instantly with the harsh rejection of a person that no longer cares but still loves knowing they have this power. For 9 month’s I have changed the way I communicate with this person, there’s no longer the back & forth banter or the reminiscing of happier time’s, I’ve pulled away but the pain is still just as raw as it’s aways been deep down. I’ve just put on more layers…

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Alora.

    Dear alora:

    I am sorry that you are in pain. Trying to understand your post better, I need clarification on:

    1) ” I am unhappy with certain thing’s that I suppose are superficial about myself…& I have ‘fixed’ them”- what superficial things are you referring to and what do you mean by “fixing” them (why the quotes)?

    2) “I’ve just put on more layers… “- what layers are those?

    3) In what cruel ways were you treated during the relationship?



    Hi Alora,

    From what you described of your relationship, it sounds very toxic. You mentioned that you have endured constant pain, have been given false hope, and that the ex still has some kind of control/power over you/your emotions. These are some red flags that might indicate that your ex is a narcissist. When I say narcissist, it doesn’t simply mean someone who is merely self absorbed and thinks highly of himself, but a person who has deeper psychological disorder of Narcissism. I was deeply in love with someone for years too thinking he was “the one”, but was mistreated towards the end when the love faded, received no closure, and carried around the hopes that we would eventually be back together. I was lost and confused and was very depressed. After 1 year of the separation, I found out that my ex had been deceitful and had slept with numerous girls during the last half of our relationship. I was in shock and disbelief, and I could not comprehend my reality. I came across an article about being in a relationship with a narcissists and everything just started to make sense. It gave me closure, because I realized the true nature of my ex, and realized I was just a victim who fell for an illusion; therefore shouldn’t have any more hopes for being back together. I suggest you read up about relationships with a Narcissist and identify whether you have been victimized. Narcissists get a thrill out of having control over someone even if it is indirectly. Normal people with feelings and a conscience would not have any reason to lead you on and torment you when they already moved on to another relationship.

    The Three Phases of A Narcissistic Relationship Cycle: Over-Evaluation, Devaluation, Discard

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