
Fear and anxiety is ruining my life.

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    I’m 25 and a new teacher. I am trapped in a cycle of crippling worry and fear. This prevents me from doing my work, stops me from having fun and makes me want to disappear.
    I’ve just had a 2 week break and tomorrow is my first day back. I do not feel prepared in any way and am currently in bed feeling sick and demoralised. I have managed to plan one lesson but the little demon in my head tells me that a) it’s not enough and b) I still have so much more to do (realistically, I won’t get it all done today).

    I don’t see every day as a gift but as a struggle to get through. I’ve had CBT and while it has helped me to visually lay out my problems I still find myself reverting back to these negative patterns. I am terrified of letting go of this worry and anxiety because I feel like it will leave me open and vulnerable to bad things happening. I am so frightened of being reprimanded at work even though I am leaving in a matter of months anyway.

    This is no way to live and I am scared and frightened every day.

    Please help. I want to be kinder to myself but I find it so so difficult.


    Hi Ayame,
    I too am a teacher and the first few years are tough. I would suggest attending a meditation class or retreat to learn how to tame your mind which, at this point, is causing needless angst. Yes, there are always things to worry about, but it’s our choice how much to let this dominate our lives. Anxiety is the mind working overtime. I would also check out Youtube videos by Eckart Tolle and Pema Chodron. Very helpful to me. Hang in there. Hugs!


    I teach too.
    It’s a stressful job but it does get easier and better over time.
    Have you tried Mindfulness?
    That’s well tried and tested and many stressed out teachers have benefited from cultivating Mindfully.
    There are online courses you can follow even ‘phone apps.
    Check out ‘Headspace and Mindfulness’ via Google for a really good app.
    It costs very little and the benefits can be enormous.
    Article here…
    All strength and my warmest best wishes to you for every success.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by GMPete.

    Thanks Jennifer and GMPete. You are in an awesome profession 🙂

    Hi Ayame

    I am sorry for your suffering. It is not pleasant to be stuck in the position that you are but hey, it is not all as bad so cheer up. It only gets better now 🙂

    Look, you are still very young and things can often feel overwhelming in twenties. Being a new teacher can be quite confronting as well and I am aware that it can take a few years for the nerves to settle in this profession for some teachers. However, thats not the energy I sense from your words. I do not sense that work is truly the cause of your fear and anxiety. The issue is much older and something, which you have been running away from for sometime. I do not know what it is but only you know the truth and only you have the power to deal with it.

    My experience tells me that we are 100 percent responsible for everything that happens in our life. This also means that we have complete power over our mind and body. Our reactions are in our hands.

    Fear and anxiety usually become an issue when things feel overwhelming, our of control or when we feel that we are not good enough. When things are overwhelming, you can make things easier by prioritising and breaking things into manageable chunks. When things are out of your control, you can tell your chatterbox to shut up and believe in the higher self to work it all for you. Most often, things work out in our favour when we are able to shut up the racing mind / chatter box. For the last cause, when your self-worth is low or zero, being not good enough can take a toll on our well being. This particular cause requires a lot of self reflection, patience, time and self-nurture.

    So how can you make things easier for your first day back tomo ? Here are my suggestions:

    – teaching is a beautiful profession and a very nobel one too. However, it is not a job where you need to bring highly charged emotions into picture as there are no life threatening issues to deal with (unless you have kids with severe allergies, ;)). This means that you can make mistakes and you will often get a chance to rectify your mistakes as no ones life is at stake. How good is this ? Can you imagine working in a profession where your one decision could mean a life or death experience for someone ? Thank your stars now 🙂 as you get to work in an awesome profession where you are helping to set someones future without making life altering decisions.

    – there are no mistakes in life as long as we learn something from them. Each potential mistake makes us into a better being. So again, wheres the need for fear ? Do we learn to walk as a toddler within our first attempt ? Do we complete year 1 in a day or does it take a full year to get through ? Do we learn to swim in the first lesson ? NO. Everything takes a certain time to master. Pls be kind to yourself. Some people are blessed to learn some things quickly, while others take more time to get better at things. But hey, we all have the capacity to learn anything if we work hard with determination and strong will power.

    – working with kids or teenagers can be tricky but if you ask me, they are the best group to work with. They are at an impressionable age and with tender loving care and good guidance, you can make a positive difference in their lives. They do not judge as harshly as adults and often forgive more easily than adults too. Now how awesome is this ?

    – tomo morning when you are getting ready to go to work, could you pls use the following affirmation in front of the mirror: I am safe and my higher self is looking after my every need at work today. All my students are happy to see me. All my classes are running on time and are full of learning and fun. I am an awesome teacher.

    – as for the underlying issue, can I pls recommend the following book by Susan Jeffers – feel the fear and do it anyway. If the last 2 chapters resonate with you, you will find lots of useful tools in the first 10 chapters to bring about a more positive and lasting change in your life. Remember, when we run away from our issues, those issues chase us even after we have left a certain job or a situation. The moral of the story is to learn the lesson that this fear is trying to teach you and move on to better and bigger lessons 🙂

    – Seeking medical attention is one option as well. Mindfulness is an excellent tool and needs daily practice.

    Good luck and sending you loads of courage and positive energy. You will be fine for sure 🙂



    Hi mam,
    i have been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety for the past 2 years. I have always found difficult to make long lasting friendships or any relation for whatsoever reason. I am a student in second year and have been living in a hostel. Two years back when i came here i thought it would change but it profounded even more. This is the reason that i have never been in a relationship or have good friendships with anyone. I don’t want to feel like this but somehow i have this wierd fear of approaching people. Also, sometimes i tend to take people’s opinion very seriously, and things keep on going on in my head I once went to this hand reader who told me that i would have a lot of problems in my life, one being incapability to make relations and always remaining lonely. Now though i don’t really believe in such things , that thing did stuck in my head wherein i started believing i can’t help it as its my fate or something. I feel so stressed all the time longing for a normal life, lie everyone of my age around me.
    Please help. I never share such things with everyone but somehow believed i could do so here.

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