
Fed up with family

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    Let’s start with some background on my family…my family is only but so close. None of us deal with confrontation well and we suck at opening up and communicating with each other. We aren’t the type to really call each other just to talk and check up. Well about two months ago my father had open heart surgery. I was at the hospital every single day. After he was released I knew he wasn’t doing too well but had been told multiple times that the doctors were saying nothing is wrong he’s just needing more time to heal. After a little time and my fathers health continuing to decline, he was brought to the ER. I was told that they found a lot of fluid in his lungs. They drained the fluid and he was doing much better. So around that time I had become increasingly frustrated with my family. My sister in law use to be very close and use to talk almost every day. Recently I kept realizing that the only time I would communicate with anyone in my family was if I initiated the conversation. On top of that, when I would text my sister in law I would get short answers and she would never ask how I was doing or anything. So I thought I’d take a step back and figured if anyone wanted to talk to me they’d contact me. After some time I realized that it’s not fair to say no one is putting forth any effort when I wasn’t either. So I started trying to send more texts to my brothers and sister in law. My brothers would never respond to any of my texts. And it was work trying to keep any conversation going with my sister in law. During this time I realized that my step mom deleted me off Instagram. I thought maybe this was an accident and tried following her again. She declined. so I texted my sister in law about it because obviously my step mom is upset with me and I was wondering how to go about it. My sister in law never responded. after asking my step mom if she’s upset about something, she let me know that my dad was apparently in the hospital in bad condition weeks ago and I never contacted him to check on him. First off, no one told me he was in the hospital. I never knew about how sick he was. Besides the time I kept being told that doctors said everything is fine and it’s just a tough recovery. At this point I am fed up with my family. It feels like everyone is fed up with each other and are just being fake to each other for the sake of not creating drama in the family. I’m finding myself not even wanting to spend the holidays with them. I’m not really sure what to do or how to go about anything.


    Dear Megan:

    I didn’t see your thread until a few moments ago. It reads like communication and love do not exist in your family of origin, including your step mother and sister in law. I hope that good communication and love can exist for you in another setting, your chosen context.

    Sometimes, it is better to withdraw from where we always looked for love and look for it where it is possible.


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