
Feel dead inside

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    Hello Tiny Buddha community!

    I hope you all are well today. I am at a difficult point in my life right now, where I don’t feel anymore. I feel so dead inside and pain and I really don’t want to feel this way anymore. I want it to go away so desperately. This low engery. What do I do to feel alive? How do I feel again so I can allow others in my life again? I appreciate any help! 🙂


    I don’t have a good answer to make you feel better. I think what makes people feel good varies a lot from person to person. I can tell you that about one year ago I felt much the same way that you did. I didn’t feel angry or sad, or happy or anything. Just, nothing. I spent a lot of time trying to work on my problems. I though I was afraid of dying and after a lot of therapy (this can be helpful), self examination, and trying to stay positive I can finally say that one year later I no longer feel dead. Try to remember what made you happy before and do those things. Pretend to enjoy it, and maybe one day you’ll surprise yourself and find that you actually do again. Good luck, time heals all wounds.


    EDIT: Exercising even when your tired and don’t feel like it can do wonders to improve your mood. IMO bodies are meant ot be used.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by brad.

    Hey Brad,

    Thank you for your insight, I really appreciate it! I’m sorry you had to go through it as well. You know it isn’t pleasant. I’m terrified this will cripple me to death. I will keep trying harder. Thank you so much again! 🙂

    With gratitude,


    We Must die to ourselves to be born again.
    Perhaps something in you is dying and you are identifying with it. It is not you.


    Jamie. I will be honest with you I thought that I might die. At one point I found myself driving on the expressway and I was feeling “dead” inside and I wanted to feel something so bad that I just screamed. I screamed at the top of my lungs so that I would feel something, anything. It is one of my most clear memories of that time and I think it still resonates with me because of its raw, unadulterated frustration I was feeling at that time.

    I partly agree with Louise. Looking back I now realize that a part of me was dying. My whole life I think that I went on clinging to things or ideas that I identified with as self. I was entering a part of my life that was challenging those notions of what I believed to be me. I was having to really grow up and cope with life. One thing that I learned was life is change. We can fight it all that we want. We can struggle to swim upstream against the current, but life’s current is powerful and no matter how strong you think you are it will carry you along the riverbank of time. For me learning how to go with the current by rejoicing in the present was a painful yet needed lesson.

    I honestly wish you the best and I have sincere hope that you too can find some peace with whatever it is you are struggling with.

    P.S. I think sometimes just speaking about these problems and acknowledging they exist can be a powerful first step in recovering your joy, I know that it has been for me.


    Hey Jamie,
    Sorry to hear about your struggles. Brad and Louise have some great suggestions. I can tell you that I too have and still do struggle with that from time to time but don’t lose hope, it goes away and when it does, even the thought of it is laughable…like you couldn’t imagine how you ever felt that way..but then it may come back in time, then go away etc etc..that’s life and the most important thing for you to do is to be unafraid of it. Allow it. Let it ride along side with you. It’s ok, life isn’t supposed to always make sense or be happy or sad or anything. Life just is and the most important thing is to remember that. It will get better, I promise you it will. Don’t get down on yourself, just do what you do but be mindful of everything. For example I love french fries but seldom eat them for health reasons but every now and again I’ll treat myself to some fries. I pay attention to how hot and salty and delicious they are…and when I sit there and say “man, I can’t get happy over anything but these fries are awesome” it’s like an “ah-ha!” moment. Hope that helps.


    cat dancing

    Hello J.

    When I was in a similar place after some major losses I knew I had to try something, anything to change it up. A good friend of mine lent me a meditation CD, which I listened to every morning for 15 minutes in the dark. For the first few weeks, I cried the whole way through it, I wasn’t feeling it at all. Shortly, though, I began to feel it helping center me. It was called ‘Getting into the Vortex’ or something like that (I hope this isn’t in violation of forum guidelines). Anyhow, I also started a gratitude journal. The rule I made for myself was that I had to write just one thing in it every day. Just one thing! That’s how lousy and dead I was feeling. Some days I wrote ‘my cat’ or ‘my sister’ or ‘a hot shower’ as what I was grateful for. Some days I repeated the same thing I wrote the day before. But then something amazing happened. Soon enough one thing became three things, which became 10 things, which seemed to snowball. The more I found to be grateful for (be it a great cup of coffee, a warm blanket, a smile from a stranger) the more blessings there seemed to appear to be grateful for. This totally lifted me up and “lightened me up” too. This new “lighter feeling” began to show to the world, people commented on the positive change and that brought even more positivity and light into my life. It was truly amazing how it built upon itself. The simple act of looking around at what was right in front of me to be grateful for snowballed into changing my entire life. I hope this will help you in some way.



    I’m so grateful for all of you and the advice and help you have given. It makes me feel better knowing that others have gone through this and are seeing light at the end of the tunnel. I still have a long journey, but I’m determined to feel alive again. Every day I wake up now and say one positive thing. Thank you all so much. One day we will be at peace.


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