
Feel myself shutting down….

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    One of the worst things that could happen to someone recently happened to me.  My 26-year-old son committed suicide by hanging himself.  It was 2 months ago.  Today, I was told that the police department is turning the case over to the homicide division.  Knowing that it’s possible that he didn’t do it himself, changes the pain somehow however,  not in intensity by any means.   That has been unbearable.  It has definitely changed me.

    In the days following his death, the people in my life, lost their damn minds.  When they say “death brings out the worst in people” just believe that.  My older sister and her 2 grown daughters stole 1/3 of his ashes and scattered them in SF somewhere and if I wouldn’t have done the math, they would’ve never mentioned it to me.  I had my niece handle the cremation because I was not capable of handling anything at that time.  She was to divide the ashes into 4 urns and 4 pendants.  Thats how they did it .  They took it upon themselves to take some and then tried to keep to from me.   When I brought it to their attention and let them know that it upset me, they turned it into a warzone with screaming and name calling and now we will never speak again.  1 week after that happened, I opened the pendant that I was given with his ashes in it, to discover that it was empty!!!  I disowned them all.  It is unforgivable.

    As if that wasn’t enough to deal with, my best friend of 5 years, changed into someone I didn’t recognize when he passed away.  She didn’t check in on me, wasn’t there for me, and wanted to party and dance.  She came at me telling me ” you’re not grieving right, and that I was wrong to try and get the police to look at it any other way but suicide.”  She went MIA and I was hunting so bad and she was no where to be found.  On the day of the viewing of my sons body… the last time I would ever get to touch him, or see him…. She had the nerve to tell me to STFU and then take a swing at me.  I was in a fist fight in  front of the funeral home 3 minutes after I walked my son to the oven to be cremated.  I also disowned her. ( and sent her to the ER)

    I not only lost my son, I lost 4 other people that I thought loved me and that I cared for deeply.

    Im alone now.

    Everything has changed.

    I feel numb.  I cant feel happiness, or sadness.  I don’t see the colors in the world, or hear the music, or feel anything at all.

    I don’t know exactly what to do to feel again and honestly I don’t know that I want too.  Im stuck.

    I don’t know what to do.  Therapy isn’t going to be an option because I have to work


    Dear Melinda: I am so sorry for this Tragedy in your life, so sorry for this pain in your mind and heart. I will reply further Mon morning (it’s Sun night here).



    Hi Melinda

    My deepest condolences for the loss of your son and betrayal from your family members and best friend.

    It is such a horrible thing to do to someone to steal the ashes of your son. These people are monsters.

    And how awful do you have to be to start a fight with someone viewing their son’s body?! There is a saying that there is no wrong way to grieve. She was entirely wrong to say these things to you and treat you in this way.

    I sincerely hope that the police can find out what happened for you.

    It is a parent’s worst nightmare to lose their child. And on top of that you lost so many other people at the same time too.

    I’m so sorry that you are alone when you need people to be there for you the most.

    I thought you might want to know that often therapy is available after work hours. It is an essential service to provide for people who are working. You deserve special support in these extremely difficult times, if and when you are ready for that. There are remote therapy services called Better Help. If that would make things any easier for you too.

    Please feel free to share as much as you want to. And please tell me if anything I’ve said makes you feel uncomfortable.

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏

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