Dear afeels:
“In the future I would like to bring up issues with sexuality myself if I am talking to you. I hope this is okay with you”- yes, it is okay with me, of course. Your request is reasonable and your assertion is something that I appreciate and respect. Will do.
“I see therapy and my therapist as being a highly intellectualized middle class bubble… a highly intellectualized exercise”.
You wrote that you pay her on a sliding scale, so you do pay her some per session. It reads to me that seeing her twice a week is double the waste of money of seeing her once a week. It doesn’t read to me a good solution to see someone with whom you don’t feel a connection twice a week. Or three times, etc. Makes sense, following such a long time of seeing her and not feeling a connection, to.. no longer see her.
Find someone with whom you do feel a connection, someone who is not in that “middle class bubble”.