
Feeling unable to change

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    I feel like I’ve been stuck in several areas of my live for some time now.

    First of all there’s my work. I’m 28 and I graduated eight months ago and moved to a different city in my country for a really interesting job, which is finding vulnerabilities in websites and networks. This is the area in which I always wanted to work, so I’m really happy with my first job.

    The problem is not so much my work, but how I am experiencing it. I feel like I’m always under scrutiny and observance of my bosses and colleagues. There is no indication whatsoever to think this, but it is a fundamental believe I am unable to shred off. Everytime I walk past someone, say something or present my work in whichever way, I feel like someone is judging me. It feels like I need to act and work flawlessly and always give a hundred percent to keep people from judging me badly. This results in me feeling totally stressed out and feeling tired all the time. When I look in the mirror I hardly recognize myself anymore, that’s how wary I look.

    Also I don’t have any friends around here, and this makes me feel really isolated and lonely. I don’t know how I can fix this because I feel too tired to do much more than an occasional trip to the gym after work.

    Deep in myself I know that making friends, having fun and relaxing are the more important things in life. Work doesn’t have to be more than a means for a solid paycheck. But somehow knowing this doesn’t change anything about how I act at work, and it’s completely draining all my energy. I do recognize these feelings of social anxiety from other areas in my life, but I don’t know how to go about to change this.

    I’d like to change and join a sport group or go to a meditation centre and meet people, but I feel just so tired and tensed and unable to do anything. Do you recognize such a reaction to work? Do you have any tips whatsover? Thanks for any words of advice.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by kristof.


    The Buddha teaches that we exists in others and others in us. Even if you are secular, it cannot be denied that inside we are all the same; that we share similar worries, convey similar joys, feel similar stresses, express similar satisfactions, suffer similar anxieties, among other things. When you come to recognize that we are all the same, your anxieties of feeling judged will disappear. However, this does require practice. Whenever an interaction or event with a coworker passes, take time to repeat a mantra such as this:

    This/these coworker(s) of mine
    share(s) all my joys and sufferings
    may my brother(s)/sister(s)
    find peace, bliss and harmony

    While this may be a poor example, you can definitely come up with one of your own. A mantra, or saying/quote, that expresses common relation will help promote your sense of togetherness with your coworkers and all other human beings. This should help you remove and diminish your feelings of being judged.

    I hope this helps.


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