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    What’s the very first step to self realisation? I’m desiring a deeper understanding of myself, I’ve recently discovered that I haven’t paid any attention to my own needs in so long I’ve kinda forgotten ware to start. I give the best advice to others, I have a strong passion for helping people – how do I apply that to my own life & feel good about it? I respect myself, I feel very fortunate to have the ability to love selflessly – but it hurts! others reject it or can’t see it so they neglect it, How do I understand this big old soul of mine & how do I defend it from the actions of others, the stuff I have no control of? PEACE & LOVE!


    The grandmothers used to say, “Don’t wear your heart on your sleeve.”

    And, “Don’t cast pearls before swine”. And “Guard Your Heart” <– both from Bible.

    Yes, you are a great soul, but on a personal level, check people out first, be cool, be discerning.

    In the meantime, throw all your energy into people and causes that do want you, that haven’t let you down.

    Everyone else can take a number until the background check. And if they do let you down? Gently cast them loose so they can reflect on the error of their ways until you meet again when they’re better people for you.


    @inky this is so true & beautiful! Wow! THANKYOU SO MUCH for these words – to be brutally honest I kinda say all of the stuff you mentioned to me, to myself – never apply it – don’t want my heart to stop working & every time I’m let down by others I worry about my heart getting tired & just giving up! I understand Inky. I understand that I have to feed myself FIRST. I can’t save the world! I can’t save every single soul! I really really want to, to the point of destruction but I understand it’s just not realistic. I’m going to breath deep with tolerance, patience & understanding even when I don’t understand. I think it’s time to start healing myself if I really wish to heal others! Thankyou again for your wise words! You’ve made my day & lifted me! Sending you love & light xxx


    To add to that, someone said some of the wisest words I’ve ever heard. He was hosting one of those end-of-the-year parties, and people were debating what date he should have it, when he should have it, etc., etc. The host simply had it at the time that best suited him.

    People showed up, worried: “Can so-and-so make it? Is that person coming? This person will be late, etc., etc., etc.”

    Very calm, very peaceful, he told us, “I’m not having this party for the people who can’t make it. I’m having it for the people that can make it.”

    P.S. He loves everyone.

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