
Girlfriend is uninteresting

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  • #438071
    William Shen

    A few months ago I found a cute and nice girl to date. We’ve been together for 5 months now, but I just find her boring. Nothing in her life is of particular interest, our conversations are always led by me, when plans are made they’re always mine and our sex life is bland. She’s a very nice girl, loyal, smart and caring. However, I can’t shake the feeling that I just have no real interest in her. We’re both young, 21 and 22 years old, so I’ve just told myself till now to “have fun, not everything needs to lead somewhere or be so serious.” Yet, I find it disingenuous and unfair to her that I’m feeling this way. I’ve felt this way for some time now, but its gotten to the point where I’m overcome with guilt. I feel like I’m dragging her on and that it would be better to let things go rather than keep her in a relationship I know is going nowhere.


    Dear Willian Shen:

    Welcome back to the forums! I will reply further Fri morning (it is Thurs night here).



    Dear William Shen:

    Back sooner than I thought I’d be. “She’s a very nice girl, loyal, smart and caring“- and you don’t yet know that.. caring is everything.

    “it’s gotten to the point where I’m overcome with guilt. I feel like I’m dragging her on and that it would be better to let things go rather than keep her in a relationship I know is going nowhere.“- yes, better let her go, so that she gets to have someone else to appreciate her, and so that you can be with someone you appreciate,



    Dear William Shen:

    A few months ago I found a cute and nice girl to date. We’ve been together for 5 months now, but I just find her boring“- it may be helpful to explore the boring aspect.

    On Jan 26, 2023, you shared: “I recently went out on a date with a girl and I thought it went wonderfully. We laughed and had great banter the entire time and our personalities were very similar“- that date was not at all boring for you. Did you have such wonderfully dates with your current girlfriend, at the beginning of the relationship, perhaps?

    You wrote in your old thread regarding the one-date: “it’s not common for me to find someone in compatible with“- would you like to elaborate on this sentence?


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