
God why silent sometimes?

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Dev.
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  • #38985

    Today was a sad day…..one of my colleague passed away due to some surgery complications…he was in hospital for almost 25 days…..still he was 29 year old….left his wife n 1 yr old cute litle son….wife is again three months pregnant…everyday every1used to pray for him….for his arrival….but at last yesterday at 2.30.am he left all of us…
    why god didnt hear any prayers? he was a very gud person..hardworker…y god sometimes doesnt listen to anything? y didnt see tat litle boy n didnt think abt the pregnant lady?
    feeling so sad…can anyone answer this?



    I’m really sorry for your loss, and for the difficulties ahead for his wife and children. It is very natural to have lots of questions come up, as the pain of loss makes us question our faith in the goodness of divine love. Its OK to set the questions aside for now and let yourself grieve.

    However, perhaps Sushma is part of answering those prayers. You prayed for help for the wife and kids, and perhaps you will receive some inspiration to help them in whatever way seems right for you. If it comes, follow it, help them, be the light. Remember that God works through us, not for us.

    With warmth and condolences,



    Thank u so much for the response. Thatz so true watever u said. I believe that someday i vl definately receive answers for those questions.




    My heart full condolences for the departed soul. I agree with Matt “perhaps you are the part of answering those prayer”. It easier to say than going through. If you believe that GOD is there to look after all of us…why not looking after in such adversaries, than I have to say that being human being we all live in “normal life syndrome”( Every thing expected normal including your time in physical body) and any such incident taken otherwise . This the way HE created this life and have HIS PLAN. We some time when go through such situation think that HE has not answered our prayers. HE love all of us and equally look after. Only one thing we have to do , just understand his plan and reconcile with it.

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