
Greatest mentor in my life is leaving to another country

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    William Shen

    My track coach of five years is leaving the country to coach for another university. He was the biggest influence in my teenage and young adult life shaping me into the man I am today. He was like a father to me and had a profound impact on my life. Whenever something would happen in my life, he would be the first person I would turn to for advice. He taught me so much more than just track and field, helping me grow into a man. This month he’s leaving to coach at a D1 school in the States. Although I am very happy for him, as this is a great leap for him and his family, it’s bittersweet. I don’t think I’d continue running track, as it isn’t the same without him, but I will pursue a different sport. I understand that I can always still talk to him over the phone and such, but I suppose it just wouldn’t be the same.

    How do I go about a bittersweet time like this.


    Dear William

    How lucky you have been to have a mentor who has had such a positive influence both on & off the track.

    Yes change can be challenging especially when it involves loss of someone close. I hope that you have written a letter to him acknowledging all that he has done for you, this is a present that he can take away with him and look at when times are hard for him.

    There is a buddhist term called Muditta which roughly translates as empathetic joy –  which is the opposite of jealousy & grasping. Wishing him well in his new endeavors and how lucky his new students will be to have such a wonderful mentor.

    And now you are looking to broaden your horizons by building on the gift you had and exploring new options.

    I hope that you will find plenty of positive influences in your life,

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