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May 31, 2018 at 7:49 am #210159
ParticipantYou are a happy soul living in a body. As a soul you are unconditional Love and Light as you are a part of the Mind of the Universe. This Mind is unconditional Love and Light and you are a part of That too.
How can you not be happiness personified if you are unconditional Love and Light as your essence?
But you don’t feel that happiness all the time, and maybe not some of the time, or maybe not at all.
The only reason that can be is because you feel separated from the Mind of the Universe. And the only way that can happen is because your ego has taken you down the garden path and led you astray.
Ego does that by offering you hope or fear and keeping your thoughts in the past or in the future. The only place ego cannot control you is in the present moment of Now. The Now is where the Mind of the Universe resides and ego cannot survive in that unconditional Love and Light.
So the solution to you finding the happiness that you are inherently, as your birthright, is to be who you truly are- unconditional Love and Light.
And how do you do that?
It’s quite simple. If you think, say and act with the maxim “what would happiness do now?” and simply do that.
A lot of spiritual teachings will say “accept what is” but I would say to you “accept that you are how you would like to be.” Project the thoughts, words and action that denote happiness. Sometimes you have to “fake it till you make it!”
If you want to be sad, there is nothing in the world that can stop you falling into a pit of self pity and remorse. You may know that feeling and you may even be there right now.
Conversely, there is nothing in the world that can stop you being happy if that is what you have made up your mind to be.
It’s not done with smoke and mirrors. It’s done with the most powerful weapon you have – the ability to choose your thoughts.
Now if your thoughts, words and actions are aligned, and in harmony, then whatever you choose to think- happiness or sadness – must evolve as your reality. Because your thoughts create your reality.
And how do they do that?
Well, there are two Universal Spiritual Laws applicable here. The Law of Cause and Effect, also known as Karma, and the The Law of Attraction, where like attracts like.
You thoughts create a cause and an effect.When you sow a thought, you reap a like result.Those consequences become your reality in which you live. Now when you think of something you send a vibrational message to bring that into your reality- like attracts like.
Think, say and act all aligned with happiness and happiness becomes your middle name. Unfortunately, the same occurs with sadness too.
So its your choice – over to you. Are your thoughts, words and actions aligned now with happiness or sadness?
I hope its happiness!
May 31, 2018 at 8:36 am #210205Peter
ParticipantSome questions for you
Can happiness exist without the possibility of sadness? (Enter the problem of opposites, duality and consciousness.)
What role does the ego, sense of self, play in becoming consciousness and the awakening to experience?
What is unconditional Love? How are the attributes of accountability, responsibility, discipline, purpose, meaning related to the experience of being Loved and Loving – Unconditionally?
If the condition of being unconditional a condition of unconditional Love, is it still Love?
What is Love?
If Life is Love, and the reality of Life is that Life eats Life,… are pain, sacrifice and death are also attribues of Love?
June 2, 2018 at 12:37 am #210433Neville
ParticipantHi Peter,
Your questions are very profound, and I hope I can help you with some answers but the role of a person like me is not necessary to give you solutions, merely to give you answers to assist you in finding the solutions through your own searching.
Let me give you an example I use in some of my free books of what I mean by that. A man is walking in the forest, and he sees a cocoon on the ground, and it is moving from side to side. Thinking he will help Nature along he picks up the cocoon and with his penknife, he carefully creates a slit in the cocoon and the butterfly escapes and falls to the ground. The butterfly flips and flops on the ground and is unable to fly. What the man thought was being kind and compassionate was a death sentence to the butterfly. Unknown to the man the butterfly has to develop its wing muscles enabling it to fly by breaking open the cocoon. The man had an answer, but Nature had created a solution for the butterfly to fly and not lie on the ground as food for another insect or bird. I am going to attempt to answer your questions in the order you gave them, but they will be answers and not solutions. I do not want to rob you of the gift that comes from exploring each topic experientially and growing yourself and your soul in the process.
Let me begin by saying what if your questions were the meaning and purpose of your life? By that I mean if you, in Spirit, made a Soul Contract to come to earth to investigate, learn, understand and experience each of these questions for the growth of your eternal Soul? If I handed you an envelope with all the answers and solutions, then your life would be over, and I would have robbed you of your growth and your Soul’s eternal journey.
Q- Can happiness exist without the possibility of sadness?
A- Yes, in Spirit, as Oneness but not on the earth as duality is the necessary experience that your free will has to make for the causal- cause and effect- of your life and Soul’s growth. The ego, and here I refer to the so-called “bad” ego, which I define by the acronym as Edging God Out is based on providing hope and fear in the past and the future, whereas your Soul, which is Love, as I will explain later on, exists in the Now. For a better understanding of this, please read my free book How to Live in the Now found on my website personalempowerment.co. The ego’s role is the catalyst for experiencing your Soul, but it usually comes with many painful lessons you have to endure which have been called the Dark Night of the Soul. It’s a journey I have been on and believe me you have no concept of how much emotional distress and pain you will have to endure to rid yourself of your ego and evolve as a soul/love based person. Eckhardt Tolle, the author of The Power of Now, was depressed to the point of being suicidal when his ego fell away, and he was gifted with his current life as a soul/love based person. I am using this example because it is a public record in his books and CDs.
Q-What is unconditional love?
A- Unconditional Love is what many religions call “God is Love”. This Love, and I always use a capital L to distinguish it from an ordinary love that we experience on earth as familial love, relationship love and friendship love, is so unusual to experience on earth that we occasionally make a god or Saint out of someone who shows such Love. My understanding, belief and behaviour are that we, as a soul, are a part of The Creator/Source/Oneness/God or whatever label you want to attach to this Universal Power. As God is Love so are we at soul level, and it is when we connect to that Love in ourselves and with another’s Love based soul that we talk about “falling in love” with another. I prefer to call it “Rising in Love”. Regrettably, when our ego comes into play, that soul based connection is severed, and disharmony arrives in its wake.
Q- How are the attributes of accountability, responsibility, discipline, purpose, meaning related to the experience of being Loved and loving- Unconditionally?
A- The short answer is unconditionality has no conditions so the attributes you describe cannot be used or measured in being Loved and loving Unconditionally. I think I know what you are asking and if I may use an example of a parent imposing accountability and responsibility on a child, is this the meaning and purpose of a parent’s role? If my assumption is correct, then I think you are asking is that Unconditional Love and being Unconditionally Loving? I have written a free book Unfolding Your Child- A Spiritual Approach to Parenting found on personalempowerment.co, and the answers will be found there for your question. It’s the role I used when I was able to discard my ego-based life and replace it with a soul/loved based life in bringing up my sons. Once again I don’t want to rob you of this magnificent experience of bringing love, and not hope and fear, into play as you allow your child to unfold and not be moulded by your ego’s desire’s and wants.
Q- If the condition of being unconditional a condition of unconditional love, is it still Love (SIC)?
A- The SIC refers to using your exact words in the question. While I appreciate the semantics of your question, genuine Unconditional Love is virtually never experienced on an ongoing basis from a human being, no matter how virtuous they are, because we have our base reptilian brain as a survival instinct and to override that is Super Hero territory! In my free book Being Loved Unconditionally- Finding Unconditional Love within your Being also found on personalempowerment.co I state that we can never actually be Unconditionally Loving in the real sense of the word but we can strive to be so. In so attempting we elevate ourselves away from our ego-based life to a more soul/loved based life, and that brings the emotional feelings into play of happiness, joy and maybe even bliss.
Q- What is Love?
A- I have answered that earlier by using “God is Love” as believed in many major religions of the world. God is Love, and when such Love is experienced in the emotional heart of a person, then God is also experienced there.
Q- If Life is Love, and the reality of Life is that Life eats Life…. are pain, sacrifice and death also attributes of Love?
A- This is a profound question and not one I have thought of before so thanks for bringing it to my attention. At this point in my journey, I don’t have an answer to that question. Apparently, those religions that forbid the killing and eating of any living animal, vegetable or mineral have decided that the killing of anything that is alive involves such pain, sacrifice and death.
Perhaps we can both explore that and compare notes at a later date.You can contact me on personalempowerment.co where there is a contact form. Thanks for your questions and I hope that I have stimulated you with my answers for you to carry on seeking and experiencing what could very well be the meaning and purpose of your life.
In Light and Love
Neville Berkowitz
June 9, 2019 at 6:06 pm #298159Forreste
ParticipantHi Neville,
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your response. I love your language and your hearts vibration. I will have to check out your books. 🙂 -