
Have I really shown a different side

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    My ex girlfriend told me I’ve not been there for her and I’ve shown her a different side of me. I have spoken to friends and family and they all say i have done nothing wrong but I fear they just support me because they are my friends. It would be amazing to get an opinion from a neutral perspective.

    it wasn’t even a week ago so all the feelings are still so fresh. The dynamic of the relationship was always loving between the both of us but when the relationship ended I was left heartbroken yet she seemed fine.

    I have recently moved countries to study for a year leaving behind my girlfriend family and friends, an important detail is she had an abortion 4 days before ending things. We had been having disagreements where I didn’t like her going to clubs by herself and we fell out one night about that. I woke up the next day to find she hadn’t messaged at all and so I tried to call and no answer, I called one of my close friends to tell him what was going on and his girlfriend got involved and told me that last night all the photos of me on my girlfriends social media were gone. And that it looked like she was being unfaithful. I had finally got hold of her asked her what was going on and what was being said, and I explain how I was upset by this, yet she was angry that I had spoken with my friend and his girlfriend who she doesn’t like, which I read out to my friend.

    I apologised for my friend’s girlfriend getting involved even though it wasn’t my intention. But she broke up with me and said that she has seen a different side to me and also that I haven’t been been there for her recently which I couldn’t have done more, I was always the one initing contact and making sure she was ok.


    Hi Buddah

    I’m sorry to hear about the abortion and the break up. That’s a lot of change you both went through recently with you moving abroad for studying and an abortion. Did you ever talk about these changes as a couple?

    I would imagine that it could be a difficult time for your ex-gf atm. I can see what she’s saying about you not being there for her. You were in a different country. There was no way for you to be there for her unless you flew back to her. She had to deal with a lot essentially alone. It’s not surprising that she wasn’t receptive to you when you chastised her for blowing off steam and partying.

    How are you feeling about everything that has been happening with the abortion and the break up? How are you coping?

    Wishing you all the best! 🙏



    Hi helcat,

    we talked about me going away a lot and we knew it was going to be difficult but we never had any intention of ending things.

    I knew I couldn’t be physically there for her, but I did everything I could to be emotionally there for her. I would send her long messages about how much she means to me and how much I miss her, I would call her for hours each day, I even went down to the post office and sent her a letter telling her how proud I was of her going through all of this (it didn’t actually come by the time she ended things).

    in terms of how I’m feeling about the abortion, I always left the decision down to her, I would tell her how I felt about it saying that it would be very difficult to keep it, but I would always be there and support whatever she chose.

    and finally about the breakup, I have been awful I loved that girl so much, and it’s been so difficult to try and accept that I’ll probably never be with her again, I have cried consistently first two days, and haven’t stopped thinking about her since. The guilt that it could be completely my fault is eating me up.

    Thank you for responding
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    Hi Buddah

    If it was just the studying situation there’s a large chance you’d still be together.

    Life happened. She accidentally got pregnant and that messed things up. It sounds like she couldn’t cope with the stress. It’s not your fault. An abortion is a difficult thing to go through. You did the best you could from afar. I bet you were just thinking about her wellbeing talking to her about the partying too. It sounds like you did well communicating with each other until the break up, it’s just an immensely difficult situation.

    I can tell how much you love her. I bet you had some amazing times together. Life is really hard sometimes… I’m so sorry that you’re both going through this. I bet she’s in just as much pain as you. Please remember to take care of yourself during this difficult time. Do your best to eat and sleep.

    Please feel free to write about anything you’d like to share.

    Wishing you all the best! 🙏

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