
He is jealous but I think that we are very much in love

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    Hi. I am 53 years old. I met a man in December. I was not looking for no body. Was ok by myself. But I fell in love. And he did as well. When together we are like teenagers. And we keep telling each other how much we love each other. BUT HE IS so jealous and suspicious. I pray the lord to help me deal with this. I believe that in life we don’t meet people in vain. I want to make it work. But it is hard. Just when we text each other if it takes me more minutes to answer him he thinks that I am taking to someone else. So hard. I am a good person. I don’t want this. But I love him. I pray for myself. I can not pray for him. But I find it hard.


    Dear France:

    Did you tell him that his jealousy bothers you, that it is hurting the relationship? If he realizes it, and if he has some control over his behavior, he may stop the expressions of his jealousy.



    Hi France,

    I’m sorry to hear you are going through this. Jealousy and suspicioun are not healthy signs in someone, especially, in the beginning of a relationship. Also, it shows a sign of neediness and clingyness on his part to expect you to respond to his text right away, you have your own life to live, and I understand you love him, but you can’t be at his beck and call as soon as he texts.

    You may be at work, in the shower, out with a friend, and doing other things, in other words, you have a life, and it sounds, like he may not have much of one and he is making you his life and world. This is unrealistic expectations that No one can live up to. It might be wise for him, to perhaps her some outside pusuits outside of your relationships, such as more frienships, interests, hobbies, etc before you go any further with him.

    If he is like this now, imagine how he will be 3 months from now? He may be controlling, demanding to know why you don’t answer his texts, and this tendency will make you miserable And start affecting other areas of your relationship as well. While I am not saying to break things off with him, this is a red flag and he probably needs to back off a bit and give you some breathing room. Maybe have a discussion with him, and see what his reaction is. If he gets defensive or blames you, you may need to reavulate things with him. No one likes to be controlled. Keep us posted.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Eliana.

    Thank you sooo much for taking this time for me. He just left my house. I will write tomorrow. Life not easy

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