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- This topic has 29 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by
May 1, 2017 at 8:57 pm #147657
ParticipantYeah i know its a bad thing to do but its in my nature unfortunately. What i should be thinking is if she doesnt want me in her life she doesnt deserve me.. but right now i cant fathom my life without her. I need my happiness and self confidence back..
May 1, 2017 at 9:04 pm #147661Anonymous
GuestDear thomas:
For your happiness and self confidence, put yourself first now and every day. During this time that you are suffering heartbreak and loneliness, be kind to yourself, treat yourself well, as you would treat a close friend who is suffering. Or better, as you would treat a child who is in pain. Be gentle to you, and do put yourself first- make your interactions and relationships Win-Win, win for you, first.
May 2, 2017 at 12:26 pm #147741diego
I read your post and I gave myself a few days to help you the best way I can. Let’s go.
First, we are not alone. Thousands of people around the world are having heart breaks at this very minute. Woo, that is a relief! Knowing people share from our suffering and can ressonate with us makes it a little bit better. I, myself, am going through a heart ache right now. So, ok, next thing;
You are expressing your emotions, and that is beautiful. The first step to heal is accepting your emotions and expressing them. Great job! But not it has reached the time to let it go. 3 months would have been enough, we are safe to let it go now. The way to do this?
1. Have your super grief day. Just go, sit down, chill… and think of her as much as you want. Just think of everything that hurts you and let the pain burn inside of you. Be mindful of this pain, be aware that it’s inside of you and invite it in. I like to think like my heart is a house and I love keeping nice people in there (joy, peace, happiness, etc), and when the bad guys come (heartache, depression, sadness, grief, etc) I try to get them away. But I want you to invite them in.
Actually use your imagination and see yourself inviting them in, picture them as hideous monsters and let them be inside of your heart. Offer them yummy cookies, ask them what they like, treat them like your best friends. Don’t try to separate yourself from the pain. Embrace it. Accept it. It is already there, so treat it with maximum love.
2. OK, after this we can procceed with love and mindfulness. When a thought of your ex pops on your mind, your mind goes like -holy shit, look at that yummy thought! Let’s feast on it!! and, out of habit, you just go like -ok, why not?
So, there actually is a comfort in pain. And that is brutally unhealthy. We need to make ourselves look the other way around. I will suggest you this great article with a little step by step on how to give yourself love. IT WAS SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN that 7 hours of this will physically change your brain. (google for “be-kind-to-yourself-right-now” on mindful.org)
3. Letting go is NOT an one time thing. Specially in heart break scenarios. You need to let go, 100 – 150 times, all these little times throughout the day. And then your mind starts to understand that thinking of this might not be the best idea. And you and your mind can start going to a better direction.
4. Brother, set a goal. It can be anything, from learning a new instrument to building your own house, idk, but go after the stuff you love in house. It obviously can be related to non-material things as well. Maybe you want to be more confident, have more friends, have more fun in life, I don’t know. Find it out and let this motivation join you in your life. It’s great.
5. Last but not least, keep it up. You will have great moments if you follow this and you will think -oh yeah, I am getting better! then you think of your ex and it breaks your heart and you go like -oh, no, I’m a failure 🙁 ~ but you are not. It takes time but IT WORKS!! You are the only thing permanent in this world. You are your own safe land. So, please, apply effort to make it feel good being in your skin, in your mind. It is worth it, man!
These are just some tips that I am using right now to cope with my own shit. I will be sending good thoughts your way, friend! good luck!
May 3, 2017 at 2:20 pm #147953Christine
ParticipantDear Thomas:
I am sorry but … why is it that so few people act on the love they feel?
Is it so unthinkable to give up a job to be with the person you love?
I ask because … it’s really a question of integrity, right?
You say, “I love her so much….” OK then… the question is… do you? Did you?
Where is this upset located? Is it over her? Or… over you? I am sorry for doing this.
The reason I ask is because people can waste many, many years following their minds… going with the mental hubris of what the MIND thinks is REALLY IMPORTANT… with all sorts of mental labels and notions of happiness… when the HEART is ACTUALLY the seat of happiness! And so… is the question about her … or … is it time to perhaps get down deep with THOMAS and for him to get really comfortable with a heart that loves… because a heart that loves is a very beautiful thing in this world. The most precious thing in this world, actually. And you know what is possibly even more precious than a man with a loving, kind heart? A man willing to ACT and LIVE in accordance with that heart!
A man separated from his own heart cannot be happy.
If the walk through life is to always pick the easy … the convenient … the prestige, money, career, status, whatever… what at the end of the life will there have been?
When will it be that Thomas lives his heart’s content? Only Thomas can know the answer.
I pray it’s soon!
Every blessing,
PS don’t know how *much* your heart loves her — I don’t know how in touch with your heart you are if the mind can override it like it has — but maybe these are more fruitful questions for you than to just pine away without any learning coming from this experience. And speaking now from a female perspective, all I can say is, I would have hoped to come in first place in that decision-making you had to do recently… but not having come in first-place, a woman is wise to say No Thanks to future involvement because frankly… it will always be second place from that moment on. This is the reason for my questioning: may this pattern break in your life … where the mind and its interests and values take priority over what the heart feels important – which can only really happen when the heart has healed fully… when you spend time with your emotional self … when you appreciate the vast expanse and beauty of the heart … its ability to love deeply and completely … and how a heart-based life is just so much more liberating … if you can get there, my friend, and connect deeply with your loving nature, you can find the same in a counterpart, also – and then… hahaha yeah… life can be singing and dancing under the stars regardless of whatever may come or happen.
May all doubt in the heart and its wisdom be lifted, that the heart may not be the site of any mental doubt or confusion playing out … but rather… just shine bright and free … that you may drink of the waters of self-love and compassion first and foremost, and living thusly, you will find a centeredness that does not waiver or wander with doubt. There is nothing greater or more important than for the heart to expand … to include the person in whose chest it beats, to encompass all of life’s experience, and to feed and nourish the soul. May your healing be lovely, profound, and liberating from all mental notions and ideas… that direct experience of love and happiness be the guides of preferred choice in life. For only then can you, or anyone, be happy, I truly believe, anyway… from my own hard-won experience.
Forgive the long message… and redundancy. I hope you can feel the love and compassion in this, truly.
But basically, living mind first heart second, is always and forever going to hurt. Living heart first mind second will not hurt the same way. Because living the heart first means you get to drink of your own wellspring of love, and that is never wrong. May more human beings come to trust the emotional wisdom of the open heart … and to really let go and surrender to the flow of life and all that is warm, loving and sensitive and nurturing in this world — because only then can there really be connectedness to one’s own organic self – a self which is born … will suffer… will die. What will have made all that memorable? The heart and how connected we were to it – whether we obeyed, or whether we lived in conflict to it. What will have been the point of conflict? Absolutely nothing. What will have been the point of living connected to the heart and its expansion? Everything. And that’s without reference to whether there’s a wife, spouse, family or lover involved.
Cheers and every blessing, Christine (PS hoping you can feel the compassion in this because it was written from the heart)
May you experience vast healing and speedy recovery.
May 3, 2017 at 4:09 pm #147967thomas
ParticipantI have had a small development so its been 5 days into my no contact and i was feeling goodish. Then randomly my ex likes an instagram photo of mine with my shirt off.. and we dont have each other added on it.. so i was getting the impression she was looking st my profile.. but why would she like that particular photo?. Why would she want me to know shes looking at it?. Then 30 mins later she messages me saying hey thomas had any coffees yet today? Because she knows i drink alot in the morning. I ignore it… 15 mins later she messages again asking how my weekend was and what i did… i ignored it for about 10 hours and finally replied saying my weekend was good i had drinks out then at a friends house.. my message had a few things in it but she relied highligting *friends house* with a tongue emote… after we finished the conversarion she ended with i was just checking in gonna read now talk later… im very confused as to what shes trying to achieve. She knows im heartbroken and in a bad place and i want her back so im thinking she either wants to mend her guilt for leaving me, genuinely cares how i am and if im doing well or she is still in love with me and wants to keep tabs and even potentially keeping me at arms length.. any thoughts?
May 3, 2017 at 4:19 pm #147969thomas
ParticipantHello christine!
Thankyou very very much for your reply i newrly cried reading it. I understand what your saying completely. In my situation my daughter lives close to where i am currently working which was the purpose of my breakup. My ex has kids to her ex in which she does not want to move with me to my.new job.. so ultimately i had to choose between my own daughter and our relationship and the women i love dearly… it hurt soo much having to leave i didnt want to and i regret it with my whole heart. But i had to put my daughter first as she put her children first.. i will be back in her city again in another 2 years so i guess i will let the waves of life twke me until then and maybe just maybe she will give it a second chance for our love we shared… because the love i had with my ex was so strong i couldnt breathe around her… it was perfect… but i was torn between the love of my life and my flesh and blood… im finding it hard. I guess if life brings us back together i will be thankful if not it was never ment to be…
May 3, 2017 at 4:24 pm #147971thomas
ParticipantAnd thank you diego for your tips! I apprecuate it. I shall try your tips.
May 3, 2017 at 7:54 pm #147993Anonymous
GuestDear thomas:
I don’t think you shared before that you have a daughter and that the breakup with your ex had to do with you choosing the well being of your daughter over the relationship with the ex. I am glad you chose your daughter. My hat is off to you for having done that. I hope you do heal soon from your Heartbreak and loneliness, so that you can be more available and attentive to your daughter.
You wrote that you don’t know your ex’s motivation in the recent development. Can you ask her? You wrote earlier that she is very honest, always has been honest with you. So ask her…?
May 3, 2017 at 8:36 pm #147997thomas
ParticipantI guess i could ask her. To be honest i wanted it to be something but i know deep down its not. I was hoping she missed me from NC and had second thoughts but i also know thats not the case. I want nothing more to build my relationship with my daughter and hopefully with time i can get it perfect. Just very lonely rigt now and missing my life with my ex. When i had them both in my life at the same time i was the happiest man on earth… anyway. I was hoping someone would give me an opinion as to why she did that?
May 8, 2017 at 11:36 am #148537Katie
ParticipantHi thomas,
It’s been a few days – how are you doing? I think you’ve got some really great responses here but just thought I’d weigh in also. I understand your pain and conflict, and I agree given the situation it sounds like no contact is a good way to go. As for why she liked your photo and then made the comment about you being at a “friend’s” house…I do think she’s probably trying to keep you around “just in case”. Just like you’re afraid of losing her completely, she probably has the same fears. But it’s not really fair to keep up with the back and forth – because just like you said, you had been starting to feel ok after some days of not talking and then BOOM…one comment and it starts with the second guessing and analyzing and trying to figure shit out. Which detracts from you healing YOURSELF. It really is so HARD. I am going through something similar right now, although minus the long distance and deep feelings of love. It’s still hard to let go of someone you’ve built a relationship and shared so much of yourself with and hoped for a future with. That’s why people keep dipping their toes back in, to check the climate and see if the other person has moved on or if they’re still “available”…that’s just my opinion anyway. And honestly, judging from how I know I can be sometimes…it might be that the more cool you are the more it seems you’re hanging with “friends”, the stronger she might come on. So just be prepared for that. But if you’ve both decided that the situation is what it is and isn’t changing and there will definitely not be a LDR then I’m not sure there is an option for moving on and being happy other than no contact as hard as it is.
Take care of yourself Thomas 🙂
May 8, 2017 at 4:33 pm #148549thomas
ParticipantHello katie.
Thankyou for your reply i really appreciate it!. I am doing better now ive even been on one date even though i wasnt really into it. For the first time last weekend i was happy abd content with my own company plus i went and did a 21km obstacle course to clear my mind which worked… i have been thinking about her still but now there isnt as much heartache its more upsetting if that makes sense. I still miss her every single day and wonder who shes with and what shes doing and if she is thinking about me.. but my recovery is slow but steady. We havnt spoken in almost a week. Im just waiting for that random message. My mates trying to set me up with a girl who i think is amazing and i hope she sais yes to my date offer. I just hope ik healed enough to search for the connection. Im pretty sure my ex has moved on so im doing the same… i have no other choice. I hope i can be her friend after my love and want for her fades..
May 8, 2017 at 9:03 pm #148595thomas
Participant- Also a development today… she messaged me again… after a week of NC and the message was about aldi towells and how i need them in my life… im so confused why would she message me about towells!!!. She clearly is just maintaining our conversation and is so moved on from me that she can talk without hurt…
May 9, 2017 at 5:11 am #148629Katie
ParticipantHey Thomas,
Glad to hear you’re moving forward, even if it’s slow! I truly feel you…you’ve just gotta go at the pace that’s natural and if you feel like you’re ready and want to start dating, that’s awesome! Especially awesome that you’ve found someone you’re really interested in…I hope she said yes to your date offer! Yea, I’ve both thought about and followed through with the random text stuff after break ups. I agree she’s just trying to maintain some kind of friendship…she probably is also concerned about you and just checking in to make sure you’re ok. She might think it’s easier for you if you know she’s thinking of you also. Did you respond to her towel text?
May 9, 2017 at 2:31 pm #148779thomas
I havnt responded to her text yet. She doesnt want to be my friend after it all but the problem is im still in love with her so its gonna take me alot of time to be able to talk to her without emotion attached and hurt. I also have alot of hurt and anger relating sround the fact she was dating a month or two after we split… makes me wonder how much she actually cared. And all the rest of emotion around her being with another man. So its hard for me to not be angry.
May 11, 2017 at 6:54 am #149021Katie
ParticipantHi Thomas,
I hear you about being angry and hurt that she’s moving on. I wouldn’t read too much about what this means about the relationship you had and her feelings for you though – I think it’s more just a reflection on her. Maybe she bounces back more quickly or maybe she’s one of those people that really just needs to be in a relationship and is scared to be alone.