I was advised when emailing tinybuddha that this would be the section I would need to post on in order to get help fundraising money for my current situation. I ask for all the kind souls on this site to please read my story on my “gofundme” campaign so that you could understand what it is I’m currently going through. A qucik brief summary is that I decided to part ways from my abusive alcoholic father who gambled with my social insurance number and put a huge debt under my name. Currently I’m in the process of sorting this whole mess out but I will need any help possible so that I can make it through this alive.
The link to my campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/35nb1jc
I’m in desperate need of everyone who could help me get back on my feet. Please take a moment of your time to read my story to better understand what I’m currently going through.
I thank each and every one you for efforts and concern.