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  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Inky.
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    Sorry this is so long I needed to get it all out!!!!!
    This is a hard situation and I’m not sure what to do. In August 2016 I got a phone call that my in-laws were kicked out of their home by the fire Marshall making it unlivable. I was asked if they could come to our house, I first asked if anyone had talked to their daughter as she has a 3story 4 bedroom home, we own a 3bd mobile home w/ 2 children, anyway she would not allow them to stay with her, so then I said “of course they can stay the night here.” Well the night ended up being 2 months.
    I have a 11, & 13 year old and my mother in law is an alcoholic, (we took in both in laws, and brother in law) so 7 people in a 1000 square foot home.
    I did not realize how bad of an alcoholic she was. After a couple of days she got super drunk got in my sons face (while hubby was here) proceeded to tell him how hes not right and there is something wrong with him. I got upset and took my kids and moved out for a few days. I then decided why should my kids have to leave their home and went back. BIG MISTAKE.
    She was asked by my husband me and her husband not to drink at our home yet she continued to do so, even started drinking in her car then coming inside drunk. More than a few times she would call me a sl*t, cu*t, and bi*ch, (pretty much every time she drank) this would happen in front of my children.
    This would happen on school nights and she was disturbing my kids emotionally, we would stay gone until about 8pm every night doing homework in the car etc. I would even shower at my gym so I wouldn’t have to be at home. We would eat out every night and on weekends my kids would go stay with friends. My husband works night so he was never here when she acted like this and it did not have the same effect on him. We were so physically and emotionally exhausted.
    The last night they were here she was sitting in her car for over an hour after I came home. I was folding laundry in my room, I tried to walk through my living room to take laundry to kids rooms, wo even saying a word to her, she started yelling sl*t, cu*t, bi*ch. I then proceeded to tell her she needed to leave that we were not dealing with that again. She then followed me into MY bedroom I told her if she didn’t leave I would call the police. She would not stop so I called the cops, whom told me to go lock myself into the bedroom with my kids. As I was walking to their room she followed me started yelling at me and them and then started shoving me. My bro in law was gone and father in law stuck in a wheel chair (couldn’t leave the living room-which became his bathroom and bedroom). I had no protection. I told my kids to lock the door and tell the police she was hitting me. My son called his dad, who was at work, who told them to stop me. REALLY, she was hitting me. My husband then called me somehow I got to my phone and he told me not to call the cops on her. WHY!!! She was hitting me and scaring his kids. He then told me the kids jumped out the window and ran across the street.
    I then pushed her off me and ran out the front door. The cop was outside when I got out there and I explained the situation to him. He went inside to talk to her, telling her to leave, she got irate with the cop as well. Telling his she would sue him. I told the officer I would not press charges for abuse, but I should have looking back.
    They are out of our home now. but she continues to harass me, send me and my husband rude messages about me, lies about things, gets information from her daughter who is also against me due to me not allowing her to control me anymore.
    All of this being said, I dont want my kids around my mother in law, my husband gets so angry. He refused to tell his mom she is wrong, and yells and cusses at me when I bring things up. Both of my kids are in counseling due to the grandma and fighting in the home.
    I know my kids should come first, I feel this is such a toxic relationship and situation for my kids.
    What do I do? My husband refuses to go to counseling to work on anything, I told him hes letting his mom win by trying to make us hate each other.
    any advice will be helpful


    Dear eversam2:

    Clearly, to me, there needs to be absolutely no contact between you and the mother-in-law (mil), and no contact between your children and the mil. Clearly, the mil should have no access to your home/ property. She must not be in their lives or in your life- regardless what your husband says. Your safety and your children’s safety (physical and emotional) need to be non-negotiable.

    It is a shame your husband takes her side and yells and cusses at you (like his mother)- he needs to stop it.

    Is your husband pressuring you to have his mother in your life and in the children’s lives? What does he want to happen next?



    I agree with the no contact. My husband gets mad and yells at me when I say I don’t want my kids around her, they are also old enough to make that decision and they don’t want to. When I say I don’t want to be around her, he says then I’m not going to your families house (who didn’t do anything) My kids are both now in counseling to help with all the trauma this has all caused.
    I am the one taking them and are there for them when they need to talk, he has never talked to them or explained to them that this is not normal behavior that they shouldn’t have to be around.
    I have suggested counseling for us to begin to get past this, but he seems to think its not an issue. He says its my fault that its being made into an issue. I just don’t know what to do.
    I have put myself on the back burner so that he could work whatever hours he had to with whatever job he has had. I have always worked around my kids school schedules. I don’t currently have a regular full time job. Leaving is harder than staying due to us also owning a DJ business that he is the DJ of. I run the office and Photo booth part. He threatens not to go to jobs and leave brides DJ-less if I say anything he doesn’t like. I feel like I’m walking on egg shells to keep my kids from hearing the fighting.
    This past Friday night she text me accusing me of driving drunk w my kids a week prior, when we went to dinner with family for my sons b day. I had one small margarita, drank all water, and ate a full plate of food, we were there over 2 hours. She wasn’t invited by my husbands brother and sister were both invited and there. His sister is the one who told her that I was driving drunk with my children. She also t3ext me to go hurt myself.
    I just feel like I don’t matter to my husband at all anymore. He will stick up for them even when they are in the wrong.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by ME.

    Dear eversam2:

    Can you block your mil from your phone, so that she cannot text you???

    When is the No-Contact with the mil going to begin?

    He is not interested in counseling- no point suggesting it again. No point in talking to him about his mother, he is not interested in a conversation about her.

    Pay attention to any of your behaviors that may distress your children: are you arguing with your husband (about anything) in front of them? Don’t. Do you complain about the mil to anyone, in your children’s presence? Don’t. Keep yourself as calm as possible in their presence.

    Place your children first in every way possible and do whatever it takes to protect them-

    Whatever it takes…



    Hi eversam2,

    In my mind you have one job: Protecting the children. You are doing that. Good for you!! Good for you for non-negotiating on that. In abusive situations the one not going along with the abuse is labelled bad. Congrats for saying “NO”!!

    Tell your DH when and if he is ever in a good mood that not only are you not dealing with your MIL anymore, you don’t want to hear about her or hear what she has said about you. That you will see her when she has been stone-cold sober for over a year. And that when the children are eighteen they can have their own relationship with her. (These will probably never happen).

    And by the way, add that SIL on your list. They sound like the types of people who would call Social Services because they need drama and will fabricate and believe the little stories they tell themselves about you.

    When your youngest is grown seriously revisit the state of your marriage and don’t be afraid to leave.



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