
Help with coworker and my moral compass

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    Need some advice, my coworker CW likes to gossip about everyone. This is a seasonal job, CW has another job that takes priority. I would like to anonymously let the boss know she talks poorly about him and a few other workers.

    CW has even told some I am not coming back next year but I am. CW has another worker very upset because she is telling others the business is being sold.

    CW really likes Drama and must be the center of attention and gets mad, tantrum mad when someone tells her no.

    I know if the boss finds out CW will be asked to leave, financially CW can work the primary business CW owns and still make a living.

    My moral compass is confused, do I say something?


    Dear Share

    I guess you “could kill 2 birds with 1 stone” by asking your boss “Is what the CW is saying about the business being sold is true?”

    This way you will know whether you will have a job to come back to next year and your boss will know who is seeding worry and gossip in the company.

    best wishes


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