
Help with right words this time

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    I met a man this summer who drew me in like a magnet. His energy was so nice and sincere. We struck up a friendship talking and texting as friends for about a month. One day, I blew it. I texted him a photo of myself ( just my face smiling) and he asked me what my intentions were with the photo. Albeit he said it was a nice shot.

    The next day I saw him in person and told him I was attracted to him and that my intentions were not purely as friends. He politely said, we should just communicate as friends and that is what he wanted from me, friendship.

    I tried to talk to him in the next few weeks with no response.

    I let it go for four months, with no communication. Realizing that in fact during this absence of communication, I did not want romantic relations with him at all and I missed his friendship.

    Yesterday, I reached out to him to help me with a project. He quickly agreed to help me and spent two hours with me on the project. We had nice easy conversation, nothing more. I felt relaxed and at ease with him and a good kinship.

    My question is, is there a chance to be good friends again after whar I said earlier in the year. Knowing I can not take it back, I would love to move forward with a friendship. I am assuming his willingness to help me yesterday with my projet was his way of opening the door a crack, but I do not want to blow it. I do want to know if he wants to be friends but do not know how or when to approach him. He is very shy and reserved so I have to be cautious. Any suggestions on how to move forward would be helpful.
    On another note His last words to me yesterday were ” have a good winter”, as I go away from town for five months, and I leave in two weeks. Is that my clue to not speak to him until spring?


    Dear stasia0331:

    I don’t know what he was thinking when he wished you to have a good winter. There may have been no intention in it to not communicate throughout the winter. If I was you, I wouldn’t assume there was such intent.

    What I would do, if I was you, would be to send him a message today or in the next day or so, something like:

    “Thank you so much for helping me with the project yesterday. (Insert a sentence here regarding how specifically he was helpful). Earlier in the year I expressed to you an interest in being more than friends but I am now, and have been for a while, comfortable and content with being only friends and nothing but friends. I value your friendship and would like this friendship to continue. Again, thank you for your help yesterday. (Insert a sentence about what you are going to do with the project next).”



    Sorry to be a naysayer
    My opinion for what it’s worth – move on.

    By all means be upfront with him about what you want, but be honest, you don’t just want to be friends.
    Any “lets be friends” conversation will likely be interpreted as you wanting something more anyway.

    Ask for what you really want and be ok with the answer. Yes or no

    If you settle for maybe, “lets be friends” in all likelihood he is going to open and close this crack in the door over and over again and your worth more then that.

    The end is in the beginning.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Peter.
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