
He's back…

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    Hi everyone,

    Thank you all in advance for your input.

    It’s been a difficult couple of weeks and coming here has made it more manageable. I recently asked for space from my ex, yes he is an ex now . Things got really, really bad just over a week ago , he called me every name under the sun and was incredibly rude and disrespectful, it ended and whilst it hurt I was glad to be out of it. I wished him well and said goodbye.

    I have made no attempt to contact him in anyway, i deleted his number out of my phone , I blacklisted him on texts and calls but didn’t block him completely on other instant messaging systems as I really did think that that was the end of that but lo and behold he text me one morning to say hi and good morning. I did not answer .

    I decided that he will never hear from me again in any way , his behaviour was atrocious , the things that came out of his mouth was incredulous, thankfully , I didn’t believe any of the terrible things he said about me . I only want to take care of myself now and recover . He has been sending me emails  and has messaged me incessantly today, in one email he’s talked about going to counselling together and how I am the love of his life etc. I believe none of it , I think it is just to draw me back in and I don’t want to be drawn anywhere near him. On one hand, I want to tell him to go away and never speak to me again , move on with his life as I don’t want to be any  part of it. On the other hand, I do not want to engage with him on any level, how could he think I would have anything to do with him after his behaviour?  I’ve started deleting the emails but there are other messages I have not even read. Should I just block him everywhere without acknowledging any of his messages and keep ignoring him  or should I send him a reply of some kind to reiterate that the relationship is over ? I really don’t know but it’s like he is in denial and hoping that I have forgotten and this is all just a phase or something . It leaves me feeling…disturbed .

    Thank you for your support.




    Hi Peyton,

    I would send him a quick e-mail or text that says “please don’t contact me anymore” and leave it at that. The way he has treated you, he deserves no further explanation. The more you say, the more chances he will get to start bashing you again or start an argument, or make you feel bad about yourself. Then after you say that he will know and should not contact you anymore. If you want you can change your number and block him on Social media. Stay strong.


    I think you should send him the last email telling him that it’s over and let him know there’s NO chance of getting back together.

    Be really specific. It will help him move on and also stop him from contacting you again.

    Its good for him and you.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Connie.
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