
Hopeless. Utterly.

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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    It’s been 5 years since my husband revealed his many betrayals. I wanted to leave back then, but I was having an emotional breakdown (terrifying experience), as I was realizing I’d been married to a total scary stranger, for 7 years. I sought my family’s help, but none provided functional support. I could not live with them they said, they judged my tears, they mocked my breakdown. I ran to NC, and my husband talked me into staying with him. I’d just learned I could not rely on my very big family, as they’d all turned out just as untrustworthy as my husband. I was alone, with this monster of a man. I was just broken. Frozen. Traumatized by all of my family losses. No one turned out to be my support network, as I’d always believed they would be. When I had my trauma, they all shut me out because it made them uncomfortable. Even two of my three best friends distances themselves, making themselves scarce. I guess my sadness is too awkward for people.


    I eventually got a dog, whom literally kept me alive. She gave me the first glimpse of hope I’d had since my traumas. She’s been my anchor. My only connection to the light in this world.


    Things started to seem like they would start looking up. I was accepted into grad school, after years of effort, and I left my husband. But, my hair felt out in huge handfuls, I had terrible vertigo spells and migraines, and I had to withdraw. The stress of the separation was eating my body. I needed health insurance, and so returned to my husband.

    He is still cruel to me. He never changed as he’d convinced me. I lost my very good job to follow him for his job (he pressured me to follow him). Now, I’m struggling to find employment, I’m back near my toxic family, I’m drained by him and his toxic family, and just when I was trying to leave again, my beautiful dog is experiencing liver issues. She was registered as my emotional support animal, as I was diagnosed with ptsd. She truly has been deeply important in my ability to relate to this life, to feel connected to it. And now, she might have a life threatening illness. She’s my only true family. I’m so alone. I can’t lose her. I don’t believe I’ll have anything left to anchor me to this life of hell. I just am trying so hard to build light in my life, but trauma, health issues, job issues, and now my sweet dog being sick, are all making me feel submerged in dark hopelessness. I can’t see any light at the end of this tunnel. Almost no one in my family will help me with any of my life struggles. I am utterly alone. I once was a part of a big family, and happily believed it was a safe family. Now, I feel like Job from the Bible. I’m convinced after all these betrayals and losses, that I’ll never be allowed a happy life or family again. It feels like the universe won’t allow it. My ptsd and anxiety are so debilitating now, making friends feels impossible.

    Is there ever going to be a sense of hope again? Will this great sadness stay my experience forever? I have lost all strength to keep trying to fix my life. Every effort fails. How does one obtain happiness again, when they’re too tired to keep hoping? Has anyone found methods to find hope?

    ps, writing on my phone. Sorry for typos.  Any words of comfort needed.




    Dear Gillian:

    I re-read your posts of your thread a year ago, slowly, and I read your recent post. It is amazing to read your intelligent, logical, sensible thinking on your part and to see how you have been unable to extricate yourself from a sickening marriage for no other reason but the lack of emotional/ social support outside this marriage. Indeed logic does not undo fear, emotional and social support are necessary so that we can do  the healthy think in spite of fear.

    I understand that you don’t have children with this man. Maybe the stress prevented that, maybe you have been on birth control, I don’t know.  But please notice this: your husband having been the victim  of some sort of sexual abuse by his own father, having not healed and in close contact with his unrepentant father, is likely to sexually or otherwise abuse his own child.

    Protect the ones not born yet, this is your primary responsibility, to not bring a child into this marriage, to be fathered by this man and to be in the presence of his father’s father and uncle as well as the others.

    There are women’s shelters available for women in abusive marriages/ relationships. These are homes where women live, with counselors at times, being helped and guided toward life away from the abusive household. The husband/ partner must not know about that shelter.

    I believe you should make some inquiries, maybe at a police station, look for a secretly located women’s shelter someplace, then secretly pack some clothes and essentials and leave your husband and his family never to return.

    There is nothing but sickness awaiting you staying with him. Hope  is elsewhere and in a shelter, so is the social support you desperately need.

    Post again anytime.




    You are finding your way right now, by starting the path of reaching out!

    You wonder whether the great sadness will ever leave you. The world is full of great sadness, and the world is filled with great happiness. What you are experiencing right now is what you are focusing on, what you are used to looking at.

    You are in a dark tunnel right now, and it appears that there is no hope in sight. Gillian, you can do this, reach out to all the facilities you can, do not feel guilty, you are important and amazing.

    Let go of any blame or toxic thoughts towards your husband or your family, concentrate only on where you want to go and what you want to give to this world.

    Thank yourself and thank your dog for what you have achieved thus far.

    Make small steps towards the life you want and congratulate yourself as you make them.

    Make a list of three small things you want to do for the day, if you complete one, you have succeeded.

    You may not be able to achieve everything at once but you will get there. If you have a backward day, breathe, and forgive yourself, you have been through a lot.

    much love, E.


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