
How can I cope with these feelings for my best friend?

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    This is all probably going to sound quite silly but I am feeling very upset at the moment and I just don’t know how to handle my situation.

    I currently have one of the best friends I have ever had. He is always there for me when I am feeling down and when I am happy and has been for the last 5 years. During this time I have dated guys (he hasn’t mentioned dating anyone) which is where his advice seems to be at his worst. I never feel like he is jealous or anything as he doesn’t say much at all just smiles (in RL) or sends lol or a smiling emoji by text if another guy is mentioned (even just a celeb crush).

    He has been flirty with me in the past and even suggested once that we could be a couple and complained I had friend zoned him but as quick as that happened is as quick as he changed back to his friends only type behaviour, I asked him why he was saying things like that and he just said he didn’t know, he was just strange.

    He texts/talks to me every day, without fail, usually morning texts and good night ones with lots in between including calls to invite me to coffee and he has previously introduced me to his Mother saying I was the next most important person in his life and wanted me to know her. We are closer than I have ever been with anyone before (including boyfriends) and I think this is where my feelings have developed. I know he is not interested in a relationship, he has said he does not do relationships and isn’t interested in dating and has complained to me about girls always thinking he wants to date them when he just likes to be friendly but recently I have found it really hard to cope with.

    My feelings are not getting any easier and I have spoken to him about it, he’s so easy to confide in and rarely makes me feel awkward, I said I feel like I need to mentally detach from him for a little while to give myself some time to get over him but he didn’t seem too keen on that idea although he did ask how he could help without stopping our communication. I don’t think he really understands as he knows he has been honest with me and I should understand his wishes, which I do, but my feelings have not received the same memo as my brain. Sometimes I feel like he acts like he is my boyfriend (nothing naughty) just very caring, flirty and funny but without any of the commitment.

    He has told me he loves me, in a best friend way, but the other day I seen something on his WhatsApp status that upset me and he did not make it any easier when I asked him about it. He has basically written “I want you, show me you want me too” which I know, due to his reaction, wasn’t meant for me. I mentioned it that night, said I didn’t know he liked anyone but I was happy for him and he said the only thing he wants is for me to always be in his life which was just a weird answer so I left it until the next morning when he got very defensive and basically told me it was a private joke between him and his mate then told me to stop jumping to conclusions and ask next time. I replied saying I did ask last night but you didn’t answer it very well, he was grumpy with me then for a couple of hours. This is the first time he has ever been like that with me but the defensive behaviour is suggesting something else is going on and he isn’t being honest so I feel even more hurt that he is, possibly, lying to me.

    We have been through so much together, he supported me when my Dad got sick a couple of years ago, and I do not want this to put an end to a wonderful friendship but how do I stop the pain of it hurting so much?


    Dear Kialani:

    It will help if you understood your friend better, what is he thinking, what is going on with him. If you tell me a bit about his relationship with his mother, anything he told you about her, what you observed when you met her, how the two of them interacted, it may be a starting point in understanding him. As is now, he is quite a mystery to you, isn’t he?



    Hi Anita

    Thank you for your reply.

    I feel like I understand him quite well in some ways but not in other ways. He has a wonderful relationship with his Mother, they are very close but he is not a Mother’s boy, as such, he just respects her and she is his main priority as she raised him single handedly and he is her only child. When I met her she was very kind and welcoming she knew all about me and we got on really well, she often says hello to me if she is around when he calls me.

    I know he doesn’t like drama and I think he relates relationships with drama (I know his Mother and Father had a bad relationship when he was younger).

    Thank you 🙂



    Dear Kialani:

    You are welcome. Maybe he is too close to his mother, being her only son, she had a bad relationship with his father (are they still married?)- maybe she bonded with her son in an exclusive kind of way, meaning he feels it will be a betrayal of her if he gets into a loving committed relationship with another woman, and that is why “he is not interested in a relationship.. he does not do relationships” other than the one with his mother.




    Hi Anita

    That is an interesting point that I had not really thought about before. She is not married, I know she has dated other guys since his Father and they have also ended quite badly so it is mainly just him and her.

    Sometimes I get the impression he just finds it easier to be single, he has never spoken much about his former relationships and had never mentioned any romantic thoughts about other girls to me even if I have asked. He has never really asked me about any of my relationships (if I bring a guy up he doesn’t say much) other than once he advised me not to go back to an ex as he thought the ex would hurt me and he doesn’t want anyone to hurt me.

    I have spoken to him about how I feel but he just says “You know I don’t do relationships though” and that is about it so I don’t push the matter and we slip straight back into the friend zone.

    Thank you for your help, I appreciate it!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Kialani.

    Dear Kialani:

    You are welcome. Did you ask him why he doesn’t do relationships?




    Yes I have but he just said he wants to concentrate on himself and his career. I was fine with all of that until he started to complain how I had friend zoned him. What was I supposed to do? Its like he wants it his way but is happy to keep me clinging on to hope, just in case he changes his mind… I know that isn’t what he would do but it feels like it sometimes when he sends such confusing messages.



    Dear Kia:

    Don’t underestimate the power a mother has over her young son, that power doesn’t disappear when he gets older. “he just said he wants to concentrate on himself and his career”- maybe this is what his mother tells him, which is not a bad thing in itself, except that it may extend to her not wanting him to have a relationship with another woman so to possess him.

    Part of him wants to be in a relationship with you, part of him is loyal to his mother.

    If you want to look into this possibility, pay attention to what he tells you. Ask him questions, gently so to not alarm him, if asked gently, he may reveal important information to you.


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