
How do I fix this?

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    For the past 8 years I’ve been hiding my authentic self. My sophomore year of high school I began dating my first girl. She was my best friend and reflecting over this process I realized that it was all my fault. I sparked the conversation some how, some way and I regret it. My life has been going downhill since that year of high school. Year after year I found myself attracted to more and more females but i am not sure if that love was genuine. I would use these people until they have given me everything and when I didn’t find any interest in them anymore I would move on to someone new.  I feel like complete shit for doing this to people I loved and cared about but there was something in me that didn’t let me settle. Now, I am in my fourth relationship in the past eight years and I’m getting that empty feeling again. I am beginning to feel like I shouldn’t be in this relationship anymore. She hasn’t done anything but there is just something that makes me want to leave. It is getting hard to stick around. I am use to leaving people after the good feelings have gone away, but this time is different. I feel like i have something to prove to myself but I also feel bad, I don’t want to use this girl up until she has nothing to give to feed my own ego. I love my partner and she has definitely helped me become a better person but how do I push pass this. How do I forgive myself from all of the hurt I’ve caused ? I don’t want to be empty anymore and I want to be able to feel love. For once I just want to feel pure love. How do I Fix this?


    * And if this helps, my family doesn’t know about my sexuality. They aren’t accepting of the LGBT community.

    (I apologize if none of this makes sense)


    Dear Yani:

    I didn’t realize you might be a woman until your last LGBT comment. It may be relevant to the empty feeling you get in relationships-

    maybe because your family doesn’t accept gay people, neither do you? That is, you don’t accept yourself or your partner and reject both by getting this empty feeling that leads to the ending of the relationship?



    Hi Yani,

    Some people just aren’t cut out for long term relationships. In a way this is freeing because then you can really delve into unconditional love and follow your heart, moving as the Spirit moves you. You think this is a bad thing, but so is attachment if you’re not truly getting any joy from it.



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