
How to move forward

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    I’m a newbie. To cut a long story short I have been with my partner for 5 years, not without our issues. This year I moved out as we were not getting along and just werent on the same page about anything, we were still working on things during this time. A few months back I found out he had started seeing someone else and after him ignoring my questions I ended things and we didnt have any communication for 3 months. After this time I sent him an email as I felt I needed to say that things were ok and I was happy and that I wish the best for him. I didnt expect a reply although I got one and it wasnt what I was expecting. He went on to say that he missed us (myself & my daughter) and that he still loved me etc After a couple of emails he told me that he had been in a car accident and and was suffering memory loss, he has lost memory of the previous 12 months and most of his childhood also chunks throughout his life. He doesnt remember our last conversation before we split he doesnt remember the relationship with this other woman and hasnt seen her since just after the accident.
    We have spent most of the last 2 months together going over our relationship, going through photos trying to help his memory, he has asked me alot of questions about his past, I have asked alot of questions most of which he is unable to answer. We have talked about the issues we used to have but I cant seem to move forward past those 3 months. Ive asked about this other woman and what the relationship was, how it ended etc I have found photos and emails but he cant give me any answers as to what is was or why. To him seeing those photos and reading the emails is like reading them for the first time for him. He says from what I have told him he doesnt like who he was before the accident and doesnt want to be that person anymore and I understand that, he has apologised profusely for things hes done that I have told him about and I do feel he is genuine but I feel that I cant move forward until I have the information. I feel it hasnt been dealt with, its not resolved for me.
    I would appreciate any suggestions about how I deal with this, Ive read about brain injuries and memory loss etc and I understand what he is dealing with but I dont know what to do about what Im dealing with, some days I wish I was the one that cant remember!


    Hi Butterfly76,

    The first thing that comes to mind is whether you are relying only on his words or you actually saw some proofs of his accident and his memory loss, like a medical diagnosis for example.
    If you want the answers to your questions, I suppose that would be a good thing to find that woman and talk to her as well. Did you read the e-mails they shared?

    However, I suppose you are wondering whether you should forgive him for what he has done and whether you can trust him once again and allow him back in your life. I understand he looks genuinely sorry and displeased. However, that’s not the man you used to know. He changed and warped back to some previous past, was he reliable back then? Do you think there were situations that could be avoided or do you think that things were going to happen anyway? If you try to rewrite the history from that point he is back at, do you think you may have success?
    Anyway, amnesia may be only temporary, memories may come back and change his perception of the world. So he may change once again, for some reason you currently do not know. He is not reliable, unless you can count on some commitment from him: that whatever he remembers, he won’t let it influence your relationship with you, and will try hard to actually “forget” that it happened at all. If you want to give a chance, tell him that he should forgive you for everything, you ever said or did and he does not remember, that he should give up any other commitment he does not recall. If you can agree on that, maybe it can be fine to be back together. Tough you never know what may happen with a damaged brain, nevertheless, you would never know if something would happen even if he was healthy: he may have another car incident and start behaving strange anyway. Maybe you’d like to have the doctor’s advices on the matter, to see what’s the chance that old memories may interfere with the new life. If you don’t feel like you can take the risk, it is better to keep investigating or waiting that memories come back. Did he start any therapy?


    Hi Vhanon

    Thank you for your reply.
    I can say yes I saw proof of the accident and yes the injury is real, it was the first thing that I asked for. At this stage the doctors say its a wait and see with the memory loss they have said it may or may not come back nothing definite unfortunately. He is still having MRI’S and scans as there is still some brain swelling. He sees a psychologist when he sees his doctor, the phsyc has said to not rush too much and not expect big things with the memory the harder he pushes himself the longer it may take if it comes back at all. He has also gone an alternative therapy and will be doing a soul reconnection retreat (since an occurrence after the accident he is now open to this side of things) next month which I have encouraged.
    I did read some emails between the them the content was not extensive or anything just short emails regarding plans etc. And the photos were of a weekend away none of which he remembers.
    And you are right, he is not the man I used to know. I find him now to be unsure of things and himself where as before he was confident to the point of being arrogant. I have pointed that out to him also.
    So I guess I just dont know what to do with the information, or lack of, that I have and how I deal with it and move forward. Do I keep trying to find out things or do I leave it as is and try to resolve things as they stand. Im not sure how to resolve it.


    Hi Butterfly76,

    “So I guess I just dont know what to do with the information, or lack of, that I have and how I deal with it and move forward. Do I keep trying to find out things or do I leave it as is and try to resolve things as they stand. Im not sure how to resolve it.”

    Whether to pursue the truth or not is your choice to make. You should look at your life and see what you feel inside. Look at the time you have available, at the many things you’d like to do, at the responsibilities you feel. Is spending time for this man something you want to do, something you can do, something you ought to do? I understand he makes you remember about the old man he was, that his words make old lost hopes come back, that you so wish to believe he is back for you. But he is a new man and the hopes you gave up are not back. I know it is easier said than done, but try to treat him as a new man you just met and he especially likes you because you make him think about a woman he was in relationship with and you also like him because he makes you think about a man you were in a relationship with. Would you invest in such a relationship? Do you have time, do you think it is worthy? I understand you may have trust issues from the past, but I suppose you would not trust a new man that easily as well, especially one who has brain damage. I also believe you should not feel like staying close to him is something you have to do. He left you. Although he acts like you had a commitment, the truth is that you have none. It is up to you to see whether you can afford to be so kind to give him a new chance. Please, do not look for the future you once hoped for, but for a new one. If you decide to give a chance, please remember he is another man, it is a new relationship, make it clear to him as well: you start anew for a new future. Everything he remembers later, it should be treated as something new (he just found), not something old.

    Summing it up, my personal advice is to not hurt yourself by looking for the old man into the new man. Whether you can do it close to him or only far away from him, it is something you can only understand: maybe you may actually need a bit of time to get used to the idea.


    Hi Vhanon
    Thank you for your words. You have given me a different perspective that I hadnt even thought about before. I appreciate your time thank you.


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