
How to stop having feelings for someone else?

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    I am in long-term relationship that is the best thing that has ever happened to me… truly.  My partner exceeds my expectations regularly and I love him. He totally gets me.  This struggle has nothing to do with him or our relationship.  However, I find that I have a crush on someone else that I just can’t stop thinking about.  I feel a connection with this other person that is hard to ignore.  I do not want to hurt my partner but I don’t know how to stop feeling this way.  I’ve given it a few months and it hasn’t gone away the way I was hoping it would.  I do not want to cheat and I do not want to break up with my partner.  But the conflicting feelings are eating me up.  I need to find a way to deal with them.  I’ve been journaling every day which absolutely helps but is not changing how I feel.  Any suggestions?


    Dear kt2020:

    I think that I am familiar with that kind of crush that you are experiencing: I think that it is something about the guy that reminds you of something, it can be the way he smiles, the way he looks at you, his eyes, something that reminds you of someone comforting when you were a child. If you consider this and figure out who this man reminds you of, you will be able to .. dismantle this crush, remove its potency.

    Do you want to look into who this man reminds you of? If you do, tell me about him, what about his looks or mannerism appeals to you so much.



    Thanks Anita  That is an angle I had not thought of yet!  I will need to give that some thought.  Appreciate the response!


    You are welcome, kt202. Post again after you gave it some thought, if you would like to do that.


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