
I am getting many unwanted thoughts all of a sudden.

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    I also want to tell you, i could feel my lungs open. It was painful and they opened as i breathe. It did not feel like normal opening. It felt like mucus blocked the air to get into lungs. As i said it was painful and scary.


    Dear Stefan:

    I am back earlier than I thought I would be. Thank you for your recent post. I am glad you recovered, and so did your grandmother and aunt recovered as well.

    I do have a question, regarding your aunt and grandmother, who are obviously older than you: how long ago were each one of them sick with Covid-19, and are they currently 100% symptom free, or do they suffer from some symptom of the disease, from time to time?

    (I hope you sleep late into Friday. I will be back to the computer in about 11 hours from now).



    Hey anita,

    I can’t talk right now, my OCD is kicking in again. I really need help. I think that i shall visit therapist. Many thoughts are rusging through my mind and they are as dark and destructive as they could be. This is even worse than covid. I feel like i can’t fight anymore. It just comes up uandom and scares me to death. I really want this to stop. I ca’t bare with this anymore. I would be thankful if you would like to give me advice.


    Dear Stefan:

    It’s okay, no need for you to answer my question or talk about any topic you don’t want to talk about.

    You didn’t sleep much, did you? Having had OCD for many years, I know that when I didn’t sleep enough, my symptoms got worse. At times, when I was lacking sleep, I day dreamed, placing myself in a movie scenario, in a scene that made me feel good, it was an alternate reality that I created.

    Create a reality, in  your mind, where there is no coronavirus, no demonstrations;  you are at the beach or in the mountains, or by a lake, a place where nothing bad is happening, and you are safe.

    I will next go to bed myself, and be back in (my) morning, about 10 hours from now. Let me know how you feel before I return and I will reply to you further.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by .

    Dear Anita,

    i might as well just tell you about my new obsessions. I am scared that i am sexually attracted to animals. It caused me much distress and panic. I never felt like lanting to do it with an animal. Thought just came randomly to me. I really need help.


    Dear Stefan:

    Four days ago, July 6, you shared about what may now be an old obsession: that you were gay. You wrote then: “I am scared to see a psychiatrist out of fear that I will be diagnosed as gay”- there is no such diagnosis. It would be very unprofessional for anyone to diagnose you with a non-existing diagnosis.

    Four days later, a couple of hours ago, you wrote: “I am scared that I am sexually attracted to animals.. I really need help”- time to see a psychiatrist then, or a qualified health professional for a thorough evaluation and treatment.

    Maybe your aunt can help you arrange an appointment very soon.



    Dear Anita,

    i will ask my aunt to book an appointment with one. When this whole OCD thing is over for me, i can give you more info about covid. I will contact you later when i calm down. Again thank you for all your help and thank you for being my friend.


    Dear Stefan:

    You are welcome and thank you for being my friend! I am looking forward to you contacting me later when you calm down.



    I have calmed myself down. I treat ocd like an person. I fought a battle battle inside me and was winning. Ocd made it’s effort to win by returning my paranoias back to me. It succedeed. I must visit professionals. You can ask as any covid questions now.


    Dear Stefan:

    Thank you. Questions then:

    1. Did your aunt and grandmother completely recover from Covid-19? Or does either one still suffer from some symptoms, like difficulty breathing?

    2. What was your first symptom of Covid-19, how long did it last, and are you completely recovered?

    3. What did you mean by “I could feel my lungs open” when you were sick, try to explain it to me so that I can understand, best you can.



    1. Yes they did.
    2. I felt trouble breathing and headache.
    3. It can not be explained by words. It is like every time you breathe you can feel and hear how your lungs struggle to take in air.

    Dear Stefan:

    Thank you for the answers. I intend to read more about the symptoms of Covid-19 later and may have more questions for you later, if you will still be up to answering (always keep in mind that you don’t have to answer anything I ask, simply tell me that you don’t feel like it, and that will be fine with me).

    Until then feel free to tell me anything about your life, being 18, what your plans are, if any, your dreams when you were younger, your home life, anything that you feel like sharing (or share nothing at all).

    Oh, one more thing: how are the demonstrations where you live, what are the demonstrating saying/ what do they want?



    I do not want to talk about demonstrations as it is political. I am am not 18, i am am younger. I only plan to beat OCD right now. For the future i would like to become psychiatrist. I wanted to become immortal when i was younger. I also maybe plan po join air force. Ask me anything else if you feel like it.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Stefan.

    Dear Stefan:

    Thank you for letting me know that you don’t want to talk about the demonstrations. You wrote that you “only plan to beat OCD right now”. Interesting that you would  like to become a psychiatrist. What about psychiatry fascinates you???



    It is not because i am fascinated, it is because of my expirience with anxiety and ocd. I wish to help people overcome their condition. Also psychiatrists know a lot about human brain.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Stefan.
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