
I am getting many unwanted thoughts all of a sudden.

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    Dear Stefan:

    Is your mother against you seeing a psychiatrist? If so, what is her reason or reasons?



    I did not tell my mother. I do not plan to. If ocd gets really out of hand, i will tell her.


    Dear Stefan:

    If you are okay with answering my questions, please do:

    1. “If ocd gets really out of hand, I will tell her”- what do you mean by “out of hand”/ how  does “out of hand” looks like?

    2. “I did not tell my mother. I do not plan to”- you didn’t tell her that you suffer from anxiety and OCD, or that you want to see a psychiatrist?

    3. If you didn’t tell your mother that you suffer from anxiety/ OCD, can’t she see that you are anxious and that you haven’t been sleeping much at night lately?

    4. Why do you feel comfortable telling your aunt, but not your mother?




    1. I mean causing me suicidal thoughts and many more symptoms.

    2. I am not in my village anymore. I went to.visit my father’s side of dmqily in my home town.

    3. As i said, i am not in my village.

    4. My aunt is is  only person i could trust in my home town. I would tell my mother if i was in village.


    Dear Stefan:

    I see. I am glad you can trust your aunt and I hope you relax during your vacation.



    Hello anita,

    i consulted with my mother, i am probably visiting psychiatrist next week. In meantime, i developed pOCD. About my HOCD, there is memory that i ma ashamed of. I feel massive guilt when the memory xomes up. I am scared that i will act up on those memories. Imma just say, i was very curious. My mind was corrupted by a certain person. That made me do things i regret. If i could go back through time, i would not do that. I do not feel like telling what happend here online. Maybe another day. OCD does anything in it’s power to make me feel depressed and useless.


    Dear Stefan:

    You shared that you “developed pOCD”, which stands for podophilic  OCD: obsessing about sexually abusing children. I highly recommend that you indeed see a psychiatrist as soon as possible, and seek any and all professional help that is available to you.

    I also highly recommend that you do not share your pedophilic thoughts on any public forum, including this one. A public forum is the wrong place to share thoughts on the matter because you don’t know who may be reading what you share, and how what you share will affect others. The place to share such thoughts is in the private, professional setting of a health care provider, be it a medical doctor or a mental health counselor.

    I have no  other recommendation for you and I will no longer reply to you because there is nothing I can do to help you beyond the recommendations I made to you. Please seek the professional help that you need, and keep yourself and other people safe and unharmed.




    Dear anita,

    I have been getting better and better lately. I have contacted professional in Belgrade. He gave me advice that i started to use. I am dtill open for any conversations tho. You can ask me just about anything you want to know about me, my country or anything. Thank you for your support.

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