
I am in love with my best friend but he already loves someone else

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    It’s been four years with him .We both are very close friends. At start i used to think of him as a friend but then i fell for him . He used to talk with me the way a guy talks with her gf in a romantic way .I thought he feels for me too .But after falling for him so deeply, his Ex came back . For several months I thought he fooled me bcz the way he talked with me showed that he loves me too and wants to be with me . But then i realized that it was never like that . He talked with me that way but knew we were jst friends . I came to know that her ex was always their in his heart although he told me at the start that he hate her . He loves her so much .Even after her ex came back he still used to talk to me in that romantic way. He never thought at my side that i could fall for him if he talks with me like that . Then for getting out of this situation I used to tell him to stop talking with me like that ,it’s not right talking with a frnd like this when u have a gf! He was like okay i won’t again..But he used to do it again and again ..and now i m tired of making him understand …It’s been a while he haven’t talked like that with me but i jst can’t get over him completely … I have tried so many times ,now idc much as before ,i m used to the pain and i bcz i wanted to move on sso had to gather strength each time…
    but i m scared of the future ..he keeps telling me abt his relation and future and it hurts me that even in future he would be happy and i would be the only one suffering!!!

    I want to be free from all this …i jst can’t stop thinking abt him ,if his ex wasn’t there i would have been with him but now when she is back, i know he won’t feel for me the way i feel for him cuz he truly loves her..

    The thing is i don’t know if i should leave this friendship or live with this untold story forever… I have been absorbing all this pain bcz i didn’t want this friendship to end… But I want him to realize what he did wasn’t right ,u shouldn’t talk with a girl like that so that she falls for u…!!!
    I m scared he will forget me and leave me in the past once i confess him abt my feelings ,it’s always me hurting!!!

    No one knows my story ,i haven’t told anyone that i feel for someone … And it hurts that even he doesn’t know that i feel for him and bcz of him i have been in so much pain ! He know nothing abt my struggles to keep this friendship after all this!!!


    Any kind suggestions?


    Dear Lula:

    You refer to this man as your “best friend”. But there is something very wrong with this friendship.

    “He know nothing about my struggles to keep this friendship”- a true friend knows about his/ her friend’s struggles.

    “He used to talk with me the way a guy talks with his gf in a romantic way… Even after his ex came back he still used to talk  to me in that romantic way.. I used to tell him to stop talking with me like that, it’s not right talking with a friend like this when you have a gf! He was like okay, I won’t again.. But he used to do it again and again.. and now I am tired of making him understand”-

    – a true friend understands and respects what his friend says. He listens to her, he cares. He doesn’t want to hurt his friend.

    This man heard you, but he didn’t care to take what you told him seriously. He didn’t respect your request that he doesn’t speak to you romantically.

    “For several months I thought he fooled me because the way he talked with me showed that he loves me and wants to be with me… He never thought at my side that I could fall  for him if he talks with me like that”-

    How do you know that he never thought that you could fall for him if he talked with you romantically?

    It is likely that he wanted you to fall for him, it  is likely that he could see in your eyes and hear in your voice, or sensed it in your words that you were falling for him, and it made him feel good. It is possible that as he talks to you about his girlfriend, he can see some jealousy and hurt in your eyes, hear it in your voice and he enjoys it.

    “he fooled me”- I agree. He used you to make himself feel good (feel wanted/desired/adored).

    What do you when you realize that you were fooled do in a relationship?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by .

    Dear anita,


    Thankyou for reading my story. That’s really kind of u❤


    “He Know nothing abt my struggles to keep this friendship” i meant to say that i didn’t tell this story of mine to him that eeven after falling for him ,i didn’t leave him till now … So he doesn’t know this struggle of mine..



    “This man heard you, but he didn’t care to take what you told him seriously. He didn’t respect your request that he doesn’t speak to you romantically.”

    Yes u r right this is what bothers me but he used to tell me that we r jst frnds and like he thought best frnds do talk like this. I also continued talking to him like that when i couldn’t take the decision to tell him not to talk like this so therefore may b he thought that it isn’t something that could bother me ..

    Even once on call i told him i can’t talk like this ,i told him i m abt to cry… But he still continued to make me feel better!

    He is a good guy. He don’t want to hurt anyone .He cares abt me alottt .But he couldn’t realize that he unintentionally hurted me so much!! It’s not like he did this all intensionally to hurt me! But he didn’t find this all wrong ..

    I used to tell him how can u talk with me like this when u have ur gf and u love her so much .He used to say that love is in heart and these are jst talks,i ain’t doing this in real with u …He used to realize it temporarily jst when i used to mention her gf … He never thought of my side that i could b the one getting hurt too!

    I used to tell him how can u talk with me like this when u have ur gf and u love her so much .He used to say that love is in heart and these are jst talks,i ain’t doing this in real with u …He used to realize it temporarily jst when i used to mention her gf .

    He says that u and her gf ,u both are the most near to my heart …And u have ur own place and she haves her own…

    I forgave him for what he have done to me ,but thinking abt him all the time and not getting out of his thoughts is disturbing …and when he talks abt future my heart feds up of this world!!

    Idk if i should tell him all this story and ruin this friendship or hurt myself in silence jst like always!!

    I even tried hating him so that i could move on but i couldn’t hate him…

    When he sends me his gf chats after they have a fight ,it hurts me when i see him in pain for her ,and him so in love with her ..

    He once told me that IF we got to get together in future we would b so happy bcz we have so much understanding and i know u for so long ..This he told me when he was in relationship with her gf …

    He knows that i would love to live with him in future so once he told me (when he was still in relation) that if i had the permission to keep 2 wives ,one would have been u,i would give same love,everything,etc

    These are all open hopes!!

    Why do people not realize that the person could develop feelings too!

    He thought that if i keep calling her jst frnd so she is not gonna think of something else..























    Dear Lula:

    “He cares about me a lot”- he cares about you a lot, yet you suffer so much, and he doesn’t know that you suffer, or doesn’t want to know.. ?

    “It’s not like he did this all  intentionally to hurt me!”- but he did hurt you and he still does. The hurt needs to stop, intentionally or not.

    When you asked him how can he talk to you like this when he has a girlfriend, he answered “that love is in the heart, and these ar3e just talks, I ain’t doing this in real with you”- this sounds like he is saying that he is aware that he is talking inappropriately with you, as a man who has a girlfriend, but it doesn’t count as cheating on his girlfriend, because he doesn’t have sex with you. In other words, he is okay with cheating on his girlfriend as long as it doesn’t involve sex (sex= “doing this in real with you”).

    “He never thought of my side that I could be the one getting hurt too?”- I don’t know if it never occurred to him that you get hurt, or that he doesn’t care that you are hurt.

    “Idk if I should tell him all this story and ruin this friendship or hurt myself in silence just like always!!”-

    – Please don’t hurt yourself in silence- that is definitely the wrong choice.

    Talk  with him, tell him how you feel, break your silence. Ruining a friendship that is hurting you so much is not a bad thing. Better ruin it.

    If you do talk to him, let me know what he says, will you?




    Dear anita:

    Fine i will tell him one day ,once i am done with my exam. If he talks again like that with me then i may get the chance to burst up!

    Yes i will let you know by then.

    Thankyou for ur precious time . You are a beautiful person❤



    First things first. I am going to give you a male pov, it will be blunt but hard facts.

    The reality is he is an emotionally immature boy who has taken advantage of your feelings for him and used you because he doesn’t know what he wants. He knows you want him, even a fool would pick up on the clues after 4 years so do not try to excuse his behavior. You are a good person so want to see the good in him but the reality is he had his foot in both camps. He is using you as a backup option. If there was an ex still in the picture he most likely is not over her and you filled or plugged the gap/void nicely and if she never returned you would have been the backup. She has returned so now you are the emotional support when things go shit with them two.

    If he is talking to you with romantic overtures with no intent to pursue that alone proves he is a jerk. In addition if he is treating you like that whilst with his ex it demonstrates a lack of respect to both you and her.

    Do you really want an emotionally stunted man child?

    You have been complicit in this, 4 years is a ridiculous amount of time to spend investing in someone who has no regard for your feelings.

    You need to walk away for your own sanity, this has already eroded your self worth. You are happy to stay in waiting for someone’s breadcrumbs. Do you not deserve a man who will love you and show you? Yes, you should tell him exactly how you feel so he knows it is not acceptable and he learns. I’m afraid by you putting up with it for 4 years means he will never change his behavior with you if you remain together, he knows how far he can go. Maybe he will improve for his future relationships if he is good as you say.

    If you have really fallen in love, set him free. You will be happy for him. That is selfless love. Then move on, love yourself so you never allow a man to treat you like this again. He is not giving you anything other than pain and damaging your self-worth further each day you spend with him.



    Dear Lula:

    You are welcome and thank you for your kind words for me. I am glad to read that you will talk with him and let me know about it when it happens. I wish you well on your exam and looking forward to read from you again.




    Thankyou so much ,you beautiful soul❤


    Dear Tim,

    Thankyou for reading my story🌸

    “if he is treating you like that whilst with his ex it demonstrates a lack of respect to both you and her.” Yes u r right ,and i used to feel like that after all this that i m jst his option… I forgot i was an option for him bcz i had decided to not open up this story to anybody thinking that somethings are better left unsaid jst so i could save this frndship ,i didn’t want the past to overwhelm me… I  respected this friendship and him so much that i forgot my worth.

    Thankyou for opening my eyes!This perspective of urs seems so accurate…Never knew it was harming my selfworth.

    Yes i want him to know that it wasn’t acceptable all these 4 yrs and i want him to learn and become a better person!

    Thank you so much🌸





    Love/emotions can blind us in many ways, that is why it is important to have a sounding board when emotions override logic. A confidant, best friend, or neutral advice from a stranger on forums such as this can sometimes give us the tough hard truths which are needed to save ourselves and rectify our own behavior.  If you had reached out sooner some of the pain could have been avoided. 4 years is an insane amount of time doll to suffer in silence, never lose your sense of self for anyone. Your self-esteem must be very low, surround yourself with positive people and start afresh, be by yourself, and love yourself. This will mean when you attempt a new relationship in the future you will be healed, emotionally available and not looking for someone to validate you after the impact of this situation.

    It is your right to express how you were made to feel, however, also realise you allowed it to happen for so long. He may have used you but you allowed it. Learn and strengthen your self-belief that you will never let someone treat you that way again.

    This is not a friendship worth saving because he would have respected your boundaries if he cared but his actions proved otherwise, hold your head up that you never caused any harm to anyone else, you are a good person. Work on your self-worth, never let another man child drain you like this. I know men, and selfish men will always take if you allow them to.

    If he ever cared about you he will accept, reflect, and grow into a better person too. Until then do not accept anything less, if he is manipulative he will try and gaslight you and blame it all on you. Tread carefully and always protect yourself.




    Thankyou so much for ur words🌸 I needed them.I wish u find happiness everywhere around u🌸🌸🌸









    @Lula, thank you doll. I wish you the same. You deserve so much more, do not forget that. Do not waste your youth.



    @Tim 💙🌸

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