
I can't make a decision between two dreams

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    30 year crisis + Covid19. I have dreamed about going to Australia to do working holiday period for four years, I did my exchange studies there and felt more home than in my home country. I have always dreamed of living abroad someday and now, finally, my financial situation would have made working holiday possible, and I’m done with my two university degrees that took nine years of my life. After graduating from my second degree last summer, I met my partner who doesn’t share my dream of living abroad, but we have discussed about it a lot and have decided that I need to go, even it it’s for a couple of months.  I decided that I’ll make my dream come true and go to Oz in late 2020. I have the money and I already arranged things at work so that I could go.


    The Covid19 happened and I turned 30. I thought that ok, Australia is not going to happen, I will make my other dream come true and finally get my own dog – also something that I have dreamed of my whole life and been postponing it because of my Australia dream. I found a great breeder and could get a puppy in late May.  But now I feel totally stuck, I feel like abandoning my dream of returning to Australia would be a mistake, but at the same time it seems that going there isn’t going to be possible any time soon. Life is now and raising a dog would be so fulfilling (I have had a dog before with ex partner, so I have some experience already) but would tie me down. Yesterday I decided that tomorrow I will call the breeder and say that I will try to pursue my other dream of still travelling before I get a dog, but immediately after making that decision I felt absolutely horrible. I feel like I have been postponing both of these dreams for so long and my friends and family are saying that I should really stop over-thinking my decisions and just DO, not just think about things. I play with the idea of a dog making me feel more at ease with my over-thinking and by narrowing my options, the dog would actually make me more at peace than I am now – with the constant urge to go to Australia that would also potentially ruin my relationship.

    I don’t know what to do. If there wouldn’t be Covid19, I would go to Australia and then get a dog. But if I’ll wait for it to happen, I could spend even years postponing my dreams and living my life on hold. What do I do?


    Dear Liisa:

    It seems like what will happen next into 2022, when hopefully a Covid-19 vaccine will be available in massive amounts to the world population, is that in different countries, and in different locations within a country, travel restrictions and lockdown will be eased, then lifted, then re-established, then eased and lifted and so on and on, according to the statistics of new cases in each location.

    Therefore, if I was you, I will plan Australia for 2022. If you can count on your family and/or your partner to take care of your dog while you are in Australia in about two years, then get the dog in May. In two years, your dog will not be a puppy anymore, and therefore easier for family/ partner to take care of while you are in Australia.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by .

    Hi Anita, I can’t thank you enough of your carefully thought reply! Hearing your thoughts have made me really think about choosing to live now and making decisions based of that instead of waiting for the future. Thank you.


    You are welcome, Liisa. Anytime you need to post, on any topic, please do, and I will be glad to reply to you again.


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