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October 30, 2021 at 8:52 pm #387967
ParticipantAt the beginning of the relationship, everything in my head felt very clear. I had been single for a long time before and felt very secure and happy with myself.
I fell for him on sight, introduced by a mutual friend who I had known about 2 months. The beginning of the relationship, it felt so perfect, like fate, it was so good it put me on guard a little. He felt like my “other half” immediately. And slowly things started to feel “off”, it was like he was expecting praise for very strange or small things. He wanted me to be in the same mood as him all the time, he couldn’t tolerate it if he was outgoing and I was tired, or he was stressed and I was not.
I knew I wanted to go slow physically in order to build intimacy and also due to my own sexual trauma from the past. (I can say “no” in the moment when I mean it, but if I am pushed further after I say “no” I lose the ability to fight back and I freeze. I let him know of this.) And I observed with him, a series of manipulation… at first he would not stop when I said no, and keeps trying. Then his words don’t match his actions in the moment, he reassures me the opposite of what he is doing. Then if I say no, he asks for innocent things first and works his way up to what he wants like a ladder.
Each time I did not know what happened until 24 hours later, I have flashbacks to the night before and I confront him. And he says it was a mistake, he was caught up in the moment and now he knows better. He told me he was inexperienced. I asked him then – are you sure, this is what you want, to be with someone who needs to go slow physically. And he said yes, it is my choice.
We broke up once – after he admitted to me that he didn’t care enough about me in the moment, to stop.
But I realized shortly after, there is a cultural and communication difference between us (his is middle eastern). And just lying in a bed with him must have given mixed signals of what I wanted. Also, I asked him out first and he agreed, which is backwards for the culture. He never mentioned but he did admit in retrospect, when I realized it and asked him.
Throughout the friend who introduced us was not helpful and seems to have her own motive. This has been very confusing to figure out with two inconsistent narratives. He always says he is very dumb and slow sometimes yet he is intellectually brilliant and intense. If I do or say something sometimes he will copy me after… I keep telling him we are different and this is okay, we don’t need to be the same person. He has been callous but at other times he is very sweet, especially now that we have gotten back together. It has been a long stretch of good but also I am acting different and more reserved than before due to the stress.
I am happy with the physical relationship now, it is very good, but I have this fear in my head that in the future I may be pushed into doing extreme things, if he is the kind of person who pushes and I am afraid to keep fighting to say no.
I am not sure now if I should continue the relationship or not. My head is very scrambled so I don’t see which is the right perspective anymore, and I no longer know if we are a good match or the worst, and why the friend introduced us without information. Then I also think maybe this is just how men are – and I was too independent at the beginning that hurt him, when he expected me to react differently to him.
I hope this makes sense. I am worried maybe I overthought about it. Maybe I am dumb to stay, at the beginning I was so sure I was right, now I do not know right from wrong. I don’t know why I question myself except I am worried about making a mistake, and I feel stuck until I know what is right. Thank you for any responses!
October 30, 2021 at 8:53 pm #387970Sarah Jeanne Browne
ParticipantGet out of that situation. He abused you. Abusers know what they are doing. He is mirroring you to manipulate you to like him. He did not respect your boundaries at all. Even if you’re in a good place now, this is abuse. He is an abuser. Please get away from him.
This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
Sarah Jeanne Browne.
October 30, 2021 at 8:54 pm #387968Emma
ParticipantI should add a comment, I have noticed his behavior is both controlling and dismissive at points… however because I was so independent, it didn’t bother me when he didn’t reply for hours, or chose to go on a trip without me, as I had other things to do as well. The only thing that bothers me is he seems to never consider my opinion, but I consider his, and I am more willing to compromise on most things. So I always am the one to compromise or change.
October 30, 2021 at 8:54 pm #387973Sarah Jeanne Browne
ParticipantI read your comment. He is truly an abuser. These are all abusive behaviors. I hope you get out.
October 31, 2021 at 1:48 am #387976Tee
ParticipantDear Emma,
I agree with Sarah – he is manipulating you to get what he wants. He seems to have found a way to trick you into having sex without your consent:
And I observed with him, a series of manipulation… at first he would not stop when I said no, and keeps trying. Then his words don’t match his actions in the moment, he reassures me the opposite of what he is doing. Then if I say no, he asks for innocent things first and works his way up to what he wants like a ladder.
Each time I did not know what happened until 24 hours later, I have flashbacks to the night before and I confront him. And he says it was a mistake, he was caught up in the moment and now he knows better.
He says he knows better, but he keeps doing it, as it happened multiple times. He can’t say he is dumb or inexperienced, if he keeps repeating the same pattern, consciously.
The only thing that bothers me is he seems to never consider my opinion,
This is a big red flag. He doesn’t consider either your opinion, or your wish to not have sex and to go slowly. He doesn’t care about you. He only cares about himself. The following just proves it further:
He wanted me to be in the same mood as him all the time, he couldn’t tolerate it if he was outgoing and I was tired, or he was stressed and I was not.
It’s all about him and none about you. He is using your vulnerability and your trauma to hurt you even more.
I asked him then – are you sure, this is what you want, to be with someone who needs to go slow physically. And he said yes, it is my choice.
Is it his choice then to repeatedly hurt you, to cross your boundaries and then pretend he got caught up in the moment? Maybe it’s like a game for him, where he is proving to himself that he can manipulate a woman into doing his bid? I don’t know his reasons, but what’s for sure, you are getting hurt in it. So as Sarah said, please get out…
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October 31, 2021 at 9:17 am #387980Anonymous
GuestDear Emma:
You mentioned that he is a middle eastern man. I happen to be from a middle eastern country. I was there when I was 18, the age a girl is legally a woman, all the way to 24. That was a long time ago, but my experience then may help you in regard to your experience now, as cultural trends do not change that fast.
Although I heard of good men, from 18-24, in the context of dating- I didn’t come across one. I now know of men back there who are good and decent, I really do. But back then, I didn’t know much about anything in regard to how things work. The first man to sexually pursue me was a much older married man, a president of a company for whom I worked, starting at the age of 17 and a half. When I turned 18, he told me that he waited for me to turn 18, so that it is legal for him to (sexually) pursue me. He wore a wedding ring, but it did not equate to Monogamy, not for him. And he had no concern for my mental and emotional well-being. All he cared about was that youth turned him on sexually, and he wanted his sexual desire satisfied. What would the cost be for me? That was not his concern.
You wrote: “I knew I wanted to go slow physically in order to build intimacy and also due to my own sexual trauma from the past. (I can say “no” in the moment when I mean it, but if I am pushed further after I say “no” I lose the ability to fight back and I freeze. I let him know of this.)“- in my experience, men were not interested in (1) building intimacy, 2) a woman’s emotional well-being, her past, present or future, in her needs, hopes or dreams.
Truly, very often, a woman was a body to be used sexually, and nothing more. A man was expected at some point to get married to a virgin, a respectable woman who escaped the fate of “loose and immoral” women whom he used earlier. But the man was not expected to.. not pursue other women while married.
A woman’s NO meant Not Yet, so the man gives her a few moments and tries again. For many, when a woman said NO, it meant: I am pretending to be hard-to-get, do you want to play my game?.. come and get me! And the man, if he had the time and patience to play a game, and moreover, if he enjoys playing this particular game.. he will play it.
In my time, a man did not require a woman to say YES. If she didn’t resist him he continued until sex was accomplished. If she said NO, he still continued. Only if she said NO Loud and Clear with a hint of Aggression- then he would Stop.. for the time being. In his mind, she is playing the game for as long as she avails herself to him in any way. (According to the American law definition of Rape- in the middle eastern country I was in, rape was commonplace).
You wrote: “at first he would not stop when I said no, and keeps trying. Then his words don’t match his actions in the moment, he reassures me the opposite of what he is doing. Then if I say no, he asks for innocent things first and works his way up to what he wants like a ladder“- seems like things haven’t changed in the middle eastern culture: a NO does not mean STOP, it means PROCEED (“keeps trying”). In the middle eastern culture, negotiating is the ongoing practice not only when it comes to sex and dating, but also in commerce: a customer is never to accept a stated price of an item, and is always expected to negotiate the price down. Similarly.. a man is never to accept a woman’s NO and negotiate it down to ..a silent, compromised YES.
“I realized shortly after, there is a cultural and communication difference between us (his is middle eastern). And just lying in a bed with him must have given mixed signals of what I wanted“- when a woman is lying down with a man in a bed, that’s a clear invitation to play the game, in the mind of the man. Step by step, like in a ladder that you mentioned, the Prize at the top of the ladder is the completion of a sexual act to his satisfaction.
“He always says he is very dumb and slow sometimes yet he is intellectually brilliant and intense.. he is very sweet“- he is brilliant enough, unscrupulous enough and exploitative enough.. to say whatever it takes to get to the Prize, and to be as sweet as can be.. so to get the Prize.
“I am happy with the physical relationship now, it is very good.. The only thing that bothers me is he seems to never consider my opinion, but I consider his”– you need a man who will not only consider your opinion but respect it, honor it.. ask for it, listen to it. You clearly need more than a physical relationship. You need more + he does not need or want more = he is in power.
“I have this fear in my head that in the future I may be pushed into doing extreme things, if he is the kind of person who pushes and I am afraid to keep fighting to say no.. because I was so independent, it didn’t bother me when he didn’t reply for hours, or chose to go on a trip without me”- maybe he will push for more extreme sexual acts with you, but more likely, when he is away from you, not replying to you for hours and going on a trip without you: he is pushing other women for regular sex.
“I do not know right from wrong… and I feel stuck until I know what is right.. and I am more willing to compromise on most things. So I always am the one to compromise or change“- likely he figures that if and when you find out that he is not monogamous, that you being already confused about right and wrong- you will compromise on your value and expectation that two people in a romantic and sexual relationship should be monogamous.
October 31, 2021 at 4:51 pm #388036Emma
ParticipantThank you everyone.
Anita, this is what I suspected, I appreciate your perspective. What is different is that he seemed to be somewhat aware and trying to change it, from the beginning. Either that or he is just acting. He has lived in the west his entire life so I guess it’s the lessons his parents taught him. He told me to push back, because he was learning. He asked a lot of things for my pleasure, but could not get through his head some of them. From the beginning he has strange hints “I wish I met you when I was younger” even though we are the same age. And he told me very early on I remind him of his mother…which made me nervous immediately. But his mother is very critical about his appearance and controlling to him, so I’m not sure what it was I said that made me seem that way.
He really does not seem to be seeing other people in his spare time. He is a workaholic and I know he is always at home working or studying- he sends me pictures too. Would this happen further on in a relationship, I am not sure. Same with getting violent… he does have anger issues for certain things but I have never seen him be violent in person. Sometimes he seems so angry at me over tiny mistakes it scares me, but he still talks nicely though his eyes say something else.
The hardest thing about this was that I was set up by the mutual friend, who knew my own history, then vouched for his character. And now she has been dropping hints, that they must have been involved in the past, and she is not ignorant of the things he does. I do not understand why someone who claims to care about me would put me in this situation, encourage me to fall hard for him, and now I don’t know how to stand up for myself or remove myself. My work has suffered and my career has stalled because my self confidence has taken such a hit due to the way they have treated me — even as these people claim and act to be supporting me and building me up.
October 31, 2021 at 5:01 pm #388037Emma
ParticipantI think I have been very lucky with friends in the past, who would never intentionally put me in a situation to break my heart. I’m not used to it so I don’t even know how to react or believe it. It’s hard for me to stand up for myself when standing up for myself kindly doesn’t work, or people won’t admit to the things they’ve done. And now that I am getting older (27) and many friends have moved it’s more difficult to find people.
When I broke up with him the first time, the intense waves of emotion was so bad, back and forth. I had days I couldn’t think or use the computer right, and my memory was gone for simple tasks. I am worried I will end up losing my job if I leave again and have this effect. I do not have enough in savings to recover or take time off.
This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
October 31, 2021 at 7:48 pm #388041Anonymous
GuestDear Emma:
I am looking forward to read your recent two posts and reply when I am back to the computer, in about 11 hours from now.
November 1, 2021 at 10:21 am #388049Anonymous
GuestDear Emma:
You’ve known a woman for only two months (“a mutual friend who I had known about 2 months“) before she introduced you to a man. She “vouched for his character“, you wrote. And yet, most recently, “she has been dropping hints, that they must have been involved in the past“-
– if this woman-friend had an admirable character, wouldn’t she have told you from the beginning that she was thinking of introducing to you a man with whom she herself was involved with earlier? Of what value is her vouching for his character, when her own character is not admirable?
You wrote about the woman-friend: “I do not understand why someone who claims to care about me would put me in this situation, encourage me to fall hard for him“- she did not encourage you to get to know this man over time, slowly. She encouraged you to fall for him, and to fall hard. Why would a friend encourage a friend to fall? And worse: to fall hard?
“Throughout the friend who introduced us was not helpful and seems to have her own motive“- what is her motive? Clearly, you are suggesting that her motive is not friendly to you.
As a result of having fallen hard, this is what happened: “I don’t know how to stand up for myself or remove myself. My work has suffered and my career has stalled“- reads like these two people, a man and his ex-girlfriend, tripped you, you fell hard, suffering real life consequences.
“my self confidence has taken such a hit due to the way they have treated me — even as these people claim and act to be supporting me and building me up“- who are these two people who only pretended to support and build you up- tricked you and tripped you and made you fall hard.. friends or enemies?
“I am happy with the physical relationship now, it is very good, but I have this fear in my head that in the future I may be pushed into doing extreme things, if he is the kind of person who pushes and I am afraid to keep fighting to say no“- I wonder what images of “extreme things” you have in mind, and do they involve the woman-friend…
“I no longer know if we are a good match or the worst“- Other than you being happy with the sexual part of the relationship, clearly he is a bad match for you: your work suffered, your career stalled and you are confused, not knowing right from wrong (“I do not know right from wrong“).. so a bad match it is.
“and why the friend introduced us without information”- I don’t know why, but you are doubting her intentions.. doubting that she is a true friend. Seems to me that he is a bad match and she is a bad match, and that it is time to end the relationships with both, recover from your hard fall.. and slowly get up and stand up for yourself!
This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by