
I dont know what to do any more I need some serious help!!

HomeForumsTough TimesI dont know what to do any more I need some serious help!!

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Amy.
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    I’m 15 and I’m going to turn 16 in a couple months. I feel Like I’m at the edge of a cliff and not much is holding me back.

    I could write two pages of how I feel but I will try to make this short and explain it as well as I can. I have some serious issues and my parents don’t have the money for it. So in the mean time I have to wait, and I’m very unhappy and in pain. Emotional and Physical. I believe that I have these strange feeling that no human has ever felt. As for physical I don’t know how much more I can take. I tried to explain this to people but they just don’t get it.

    What I really don’t like is that when some of my adult friends complain that there back hurts or whatever it is and I can understand that but it makes me say in my head ( try being me for a month and then see how you feel )

    I so jealous of peoples healthy aligned and well bodies that I almost don’t want to live. I don’t know what to do anymore.



    Dear Alissa:

    Are you the same person who started threads here months ago, about a severe, very visible and unspecified physical misalignment and lack of money to fix it? Those other threads did not show up when I clicked your username. Perhaps the previous threads were placed under a different email account?



    Hi Alissa,

    Could you specify which part of the issue it is that you’re looking to get help with from the TinyBuddha community?  It sounds like you are in a lot of pain both physically and emotionally and that you are feeling very alone and isolated.  Sometimes when we have serious things going on that aren’t always visible to others, it can be really hard and frustrating to hear other people complain about things that to us seem like “easier” or “better” problems to have, so I can understand how you would feel jealous and even angry about it.

    I would like to help in any way I can– are you looking for suggestions on easing physical pain?  are you looking for someone to just listen and understand what you are going through?  If you could be more specific, it would help others to chime in as well.  There are so many people on here that could help and likely can relate as best they can to what is happening for you.  You’re not alone in this, even though it may often feel like it!


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