
I have an odd situation

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    I met my boyfriend through a dating site back in June. He pursued me relentlessly and we clicked. We were very much into each other even though at the time, it was a long distance relationship. I flew out to be with him for a couple of weeks last August and it was fabulous! and then went back home. We missed each other, and decided that I should go ahead and make my move to the state he lives in and live with him. So, thats what I did in September, although I wasn’t financially prepared yet and didnt have a job lined up here.

    So I moved in with him and a month later, he tells me that he is moving 4 hours away and that he isnt relationship material, hes not over his ex, he doesn’t love me..sorry I did this but…oh well, I need to be alone.

    Now I am in a state where I have no friends, or close family and Im faced with moving out when I do not have a job that will even support me (but it is a job). In addition to this, we have a “breakup date” when his lease is up. Until then, we live together, sleep together and then when time is up, then time is up and hes off doing his thing. He doesn’t want to tell me what he does, where he goes or anything that a normal relationship would entail.

    Im really confused here because 1. Not sure what to do and 2. We are currently playing house which means he gets meals and sex whenever he wants and Im not sure how to go about this pretending thing.


    At this point, your goal needs to be getting away from this toxic situation. You took the time and energy to get to him and you need to conjure up that willpower again to get away from him. It doesn’t seem like there is much respect going on in this relationship. You will feel so much better if you can land on your own two feet.

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